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Example sentences for "sacrosanct"

Lexicographically close words:
sacristan; sacristans; sacristies; sacristy; sacrorum; sacrum; sacs; sad; sadd; sadde
  1. Would a privilege, the noblest in the world, the sacrosanct prerogative to touch others to finer issues, emanate from the unprivileged?

  2. Queen Mary towered higher than he as the sacrosanct Mother.

  3. He also, as has been noticed, permitted himself a slight amount of bloodshed in Mecca itself, and that city perhaps never quite recovered its sacrosanct character.

  4. They were known (we are told) as the people of Allah, and, by wearing a badge, were sacrosanct throughout Arabia.

  5. This is a simple conception of the Graal, but in other poems its magical and sacrosanct character is heightened.

  6. Some islands near Britain were called after gods and heroes, and the inhabitants of one of these were regarded as sacrosanct by the Britons, like the priestesses of Sena.

  7. The mangled Molly Maguire corpse came, accordingly, to rank in a class by itself among all other corpses, enshrouded as it usually was with a general and sacrosanct mystery regarding the manner in which life had come to leave it.

  8. Accordingly, he was an elderly man in the eighties and early nineties when golden keys began to open the doors of the most sacrosanct circles.

  9. They hold their sacrosanct character through the gods; they lose it, therefore, when they sin against the gods.

  10. So Gracchus maintained that the tribune was holy and sacrosanct because he had been sanctified to the people's service and was the people's head.

  11. This trip, the best he understood it, was meant to have a spiritual element--at least to the extent an atheist whose wont of thinking had denuded god from a vast being cloaked in the sacrosanct was capable of.

  12. The celestial traitress play, And all mankind to bliss betray; With sacrosanct cajoleries And starry treachery of your eyes, Tempt us back to Paradise!

  13. Strictly speaking, their asceticism, being never rationalized, never rose to the level of ethic as distinguished from mere taboo or sacrosanct custom.

  14. But such teaching could not reach even the majority of the more educated; and the Jewish dogma of creation ex nihilo became sacrosanct truth for the darkening world.

  15. Nay more, The sacrosanct aureole of modesty beautifies all it surrounds: though it diviner haze imperfection there is none.

  16. Nothing common, nothing of this human daily world, inheres in it; but sacrosanct destinies were involved, and the martialed might of the Invisible.

  17. What would Mr Freeman have said had he known that the compilers of that sacrosanct record, Domesday Book itself, revelled in altering the wording of the sworn original returns?

  18. The sacrosanct status of the Great Survey is thus gravely modified.

  19. If my view be adopted, we here detect noteworthy error in our great and sacrosanct record.

  20. Naturally, the less sacrosanct dogmatism was the more freely assailed; and in the sixteenth century the attacks became numerous and vehement.

  21. The offspring of a guilty liaison could not be the winner of the sacrosanct talisman; yet Lancelot must be faithful to his queen--how solve this problem?

  22. From this it appears that Gawain's failure at the Grail castle was in no way due to any defect of character, but to his omission of the reverence due to the Grail, of the sacrosanct nature of which he was ignorant.

  23. In the first place neither science nor sense will, I think, agree with Mr. Lilly’s estimate of “the surpassing excellence and sacrosanct character of virginal chastity.

  24. But the people who do attend them are a long sight more distinguished in the only way that counts these days, and the women are often as well dressed as any in the sacrosanct preserves.

  25. Never before had such words invaded the sacrosanct pages of American letters.

  26. The family in a barbarous age remains sacrosanct and traditional; nothing in its law, manners, or ritual is open to amendment.

  27. It is clear that some profound suggestion, some sacrosanct mystery, must underlie this bold locution; but what I have been hitherto unable to find out.

  28. It may be appropriately added that the books of Euclid are really symbolic and prophetic expositions of most sublime and sacrosanct mysteries, though in these days few persons seem aware of the fact.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sacrosanct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    awesome; awful; divine; heavenly; holy; ineffable; inexpressible; inviolable; inviolate; religious; sacred; sacrosanct; spiritual; unspeakable; untouchable; unutterable; venerable