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Example sentences for "sexless"

Lexicographically close words:
sexagesimal; sexaginta; sexe; sexed; sexes; sext; sexta; sextant; sextary; sexte
  1. In the midst of an obscuring dust of discussion, floated fragments of condemnation: 'Sexless creatures!

  2. Not as man or woman, but as a sexless being, does advanced age enter and pass the portals of what is called death.

  3. Such persons are analogous to the sexless class of termites.

  4. Yet, since God means That love should sunder our fixt separateness And make our married spirits leap together, As lightning out of the clouds of sexual flesh, Into one sexless undivided joy; Why hath he made us a divided flesh?

  5. But 'tis no one, A mere sexless thing of mine.

  6. To describe a wife as sexless may be called under-description; that is bad enough, but over-description is surely worse.

  7. I am not a cold-natured, sexless creature, am I, for keeping you at such a distance?

  8. They are only a woman's clothes--sexless cloth and linen.

  9. The pessimist answers what easier than the demolition of a sexless world gone entirely mad?

  10. It was the sexless idea, existing by itself, that was rare and exquisite.

  11. Usually a single sexless term was held sufficient for a given species, and did duty collectively for both sexes.

  12. The sun has become not only quite sexless to him, but as devoid of personality as it is to any Western materialist.

  13. Her air of well-bred and conventual calm never had been known to desert her; and her high, light, colorless soprano had something in it of the sexless timbre of the boy chorister.

  14. Her pen name was George Bishop: following the example of the three Georges so dear to the believer in sexless literature--George Sand, George Eliot and George Egerton.

  15. She had practised it during the past week with a professional, and she gave it with all the graceful sexless abandon of those California girls, who, a hundred years before that night, were dancing out at the Presidio and Mission.

  16. That she was wholly feminine, at least, he was convinced; she was too often absurdly so to keep up, with any one that saw her constantly, the fiction of the sexless philosopher.

  17. In this sexless get-up and with her features set she looked hardly a woman.

  18. In face of such portents I would not have entrusted Camillus’ self with the fasces, let alone a sexless slave (oh!

  19. Eunuchs don your robes of office, sexless beings assume the insignia of Rome.

  20. That pitiful, sexless thing--he who had known Celia, and held her in his arms.

  21. Hers was the old struggle between the flesh and the spirit, the struggle that gave the sexless desert its hermit population.

  22. This sounded like a girl, though it was hard to decide, for all wore a single sexless garment.

  23. A postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of sexless child.

  24. Burge mentions the case of what he calls "sexless child," in which there was an imperforate anus and no pubic arch; the ureters discharged upon a tumor the size of a teacup extending from the umbilicus to the pubes.

  25. As she thought of this a dull vague wonder possessed her as to what purpose Fate could have had in making their two lives so dissimilar--the one sexless by virtue of her widowhood, the other sexual beyond even womanhood.

  26. Dimly, in her sexless soul, she recognised that quality in them.

  27. For all her life was in her voice, she would never be able to sing this hymn with the same sexless grace as they did.

  28. Evelyn hummed the plain chant under her breath, afraid lest she should extinguish the pale voices, and surprised how expressive the antique chant was when sung by these etiolated, sexless voices.

  29. Even if she could get to the choir loft without being noticed, she could not sing this music, her voice was full of sex, and this music required the strange sexless timbre of the voices she had heard in Rome.

  30. All the deliciousness and fineness of a finely bred woman was hers; but, for all he could discern, her mental processes were sexless and boyish.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sexless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    castrated; cold; emasculated; frigid; frustrated; impotent; neuter; neutral; unsexed