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Example sentences for "supernal"

Lexicographically close words:
superlatives; superman; supermarket; supermen; supermundane; supernatant; supernational; supernatural; supernaturalism; supernaturalist
  1. It can be cramped and enfeebled in expression, rendered tormenting in its passage and futile to the recipient, but to whom it comes its supernal quality rises forever beyond all attainder.

  2. The founder of the Franciscans was a man who seemed to be "inebriated with love," so unquenchable was his charity, rapt his devotions, and supernal his sympathy.

  3. Man is nothing, his aspirations are nothing, the universe itself is nothing, without the living, permeating force which comes from this supernal Deity we adore, to interfere and save.

  4. Now celibacy had been regarded as the supernal virtue from the time of Saint Jerome.

  5. And the rest after, softly and devout, Follow'd through all the hymn, with upward gaze Directed to the bright supernal wheels.

  6. A certain quaintness or grotesqueness of tone is a means for satisfying the thirst for supernal beauty.

  7. She is the Moon nourished by the milk of the Supernal Mother.

  8. In the superior world it is called Binah, the Supernal Understanding which reflects to the emanations that are beneath.

  9. But she is in reality the Great Mother in the Kabalistic Sephira Binah, which is supernal Understanding, who communicates to the Sephiroth that are below in the measure that they can receive her influx.

  10. In a manner, she is also the Supernal Mother herself--that is to say, she is the bright reflection.

  11. The sphere of the supernal powers Impinges on this world of ours.

  12. The fashioning of the supernal world in man's mind varies with people and with time.

  13. About it grew up, in ever increasing fullness and definiteness of outline, a whole supernal world of celestial personalities.

  14. The supernal features in the story are not here discussed.

  15. And are there not a Saint Elizabeth and a Lady Godiva, capable of supernal deeds of self-denial and heroism for the sake of blessing the poor?

  16. But we see Dante kneeling before Beatrice, in profound humility and intellectual entrancement, touching the hem of her robe, while she points upward to the supernal Glory, whose light is falling on her face.

  17. THE THREE Thine aspect to the powers supernal Gives strength, though fathom thee none may; And all thy works, sublime, eternal, Are fair as on the primal day.

  18. I saw her fade, The life within her grew more spiritual, Triumphing in the weakness of the flesh, And in her eyes supernal brightness shone, As from the glory of approaching heaven.

  19. This willing acceptance of the here-and-now as a means of representing supernal realities is a trait common to the greatest mystics.

  20. She seemed to him an artless supernal vision, to which one might pray.

  21. Here Eternity fans with her breath and a supernal chill prevails.

  22. This was Diana Paget's vision of Paradise, and it seemed only the brighter now that she felt it was never to be anything more than a supernal picture painted on her brain.

  23. The emanation of divine purity encircled the leper with its supernal warmth, and the scales fell away beneath that mysterious influence.

  24. I descend from the supernal realms of fancy to the dry record of commonplace fact.

  25. For by Jábulqá is meant none other than the treasure-houses of eternity in the all-highest heaven and the cities of the unseen in the supernal realm.

  26. It was a soft and clear tone, somewhat prolonged, and ending in a modulation which imparted to it an indescribable effect, as if of supernal melancholy.

  27. Who can imagine that region of supernal splendor, 'whose glories eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive'?

  28. I propose to study this sensitive state first in connection with that of wakefulness, and then with that of sleep; and from simple thought-reading to the reception of thought from supernal sources.

  29. There is an interior perception, which has been called the sixth sense, which, sensitive to impressions from supernal sources, at times rises above all the others.

  30. The Supernal Pagoda at Benares is in the form of a Cross; and the Druidical subterranean grotto at New Grange in Ireland.

  31. The Supernal Wisdom is Yōd; and all things are included in Yōd, who is therefore called Father of Fathers, or the Generator of the Universal.

  32. That this tremendous music could not drown The still supernal music of the soul, Or quench the light that shone when Christ was born.

  33. We are like men that hear Disjointed notes of some supernal choir.

  34. It would be possible to arrange even such fragments as remain, according to the preponderance of supernal elements.

  35. Immortal Mind feeds the body with supernal 248:9 freshness and fairness, supplying it with beautiful images of thought and destroying the woes of sense which each day brings to a nearer tomb.

  36. Espousals supernal Agassiz, through his microscope, saw the sun in an 561:6 egg at a point of so-called embryonic life.

  37. In order to apprehend Napoleon's supernal greatness it is essential at this period of his life to shut out of view the politician, and fix the eye again on the general; to see him, moreover, solely as a strategist.

  38. But the interests of all in the charge of one supernal man was a conception so plain as to be almost tangible, and to a nation distracted by revolution, most attractive.

  39. But for all that, not the least element of his supernal greatness was an ever-present idealism.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supernal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aerial; airy; ascending; aspiring; beatified; blessed; celestial; colossal; elevated; eminent; ethereal; exalted; extramundane; extraterrestrial; glorified; haughty; heavenly; high; holy; lofty; monumental; mounting; paradisal; prominent; soaring; steep; sublime; superlative; supernal; topless; topping; towering; transcendental; unearthly; unworldly; uplifted; weird