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Example sentences for "heavenlier"

Lexicographically close words:
heauy; heave; heaved; heaven; heavenlie; heavenliness; heavenly; heavens; heavenward; heavenwards
  1. New spirit-yearnings for a heavenlier mood Call for a love more pitiful and tender, And 'neath the painter's touch blooms forth in splendour The image of transfigured motherhood.

  2. As indeed they well might; for what usefuler, I say not nobler and heavenlier thing could the gods, doing their very kindest, send to any Tribe or Nation, in any time or circumstances?

  3. Egoism, stretched out into the Infinite; not always the heavenlier for its infinitude!

  4. Of a heavenlier heaven than above, Was he moved to devise thy division From the land as a rest for his love?

  5. To Jesus earth was but a fragment of a vaster whole, a fragment whose substances were but the shadows of higher, heavenlier realities.

  6. Her voice in heaven's own quire Can sound no heavenlier lyre Than here: no purer fire Her soul can soar: No sweeter stars her eyes In unimagined skies Beyond our sight can rise than here before.

  7. Not like these dying lights Of worlds whose glory smites The passage of the nights Through heaven's blind prison: Not like their souls who see, If thought fly far and free, No heavenlier heaven to be for souls rerisen.

  8. He saith to the ages, Give; and his soul foregoes not her share; Who are ye that forbid him to live, and would feed him with heavenlier air?

  9. Blessed through love are the Gods above-- Through love like the Gods may man be; Heavenlier through love is the heaven above, Through love like a heaven earth can be!

  10. Blessed through love are the Gods above-- Through love like a God may man be; Heavenlier through love is the heaven above, Through love like a heaven earth can be!

  11. Blessed through love are the Gods above-- Through love like the Gods may man be; Heavenlier through love is the heaven above, Through love like a heaven earth can be.

  12. Blessed through love are the Gods above-- Through love like a God may man be: Heavenlier through love is the heaven above, Through love like a heaven earth can be!

  13. Blessed through love are the Gods above-- Through love like a God may man be; Heavenlier through love is the heaven above-- Through love like a heaven earth can be!

  14. XI Hath not the sea-wind swept the sea-line bare To pave with stainless fire through stainless air A passage for thine heavenlier feet to tread Ungrieved of earthly floor-work?

  15. Egoism, stretched out into the Infinite; not always the heavenlier for its infinitude!

  16. As indeed they well might; for what usefuller, I say not nobler and heavenlier thing could the gods, doing their very kindest, send to any Tribe or Nation, in any time or circumstances?

  17. And also from the last great poet of the Victorian age: "If a distinction must be made between the Dioscuri of English poetry, we must admit that Beaumont was the twin of heavenlier birth.

  18. If a distinction must be made," wrote Swinburne as early as 1875, "if a distinction must be made between the Dioscuri of English poetry, we must admit that Beaumont was the twin of heavenlier birth.

  19. If tenderness touched her, the dark of her eye At once took a darker, a heavenlier dye, From the depth of whose shadow like holy revealings From innermost shrines came the light of her feelings.

  20. The pride too of her step, as light Along the unconscious earth she went, Seemed that of one born with a right To walk some heavenlier element, And tread in places where her feet A star at every step should meet.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heavenlier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.