She sat erect for a minute or two, then gradually sank back amongst her cushions, as if not equal to the task of maintaining herself upright.
I told you of my letter to Fleet Street several weeks ago, refusing the Copper share, and requesting, if necessary, another year.
The energy and enterprise of our citizens, with our unbounded resources, will within the period of another year restore a state of wholesome industry and trade.
The provisions for the reciprocal crossing of the frontier by the troops in pursuit of hostile Indians have been prolonged for another year.
Norfolk Island is the place, and the Pitcairners themselves are most co-operative and hearty; I trust that in another year I may be there.
I must run no risk of that; so I think that very likely I may keep the whole party here another year, and make myself a short visitation.
Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness In the shining of Thy face.
Another year of progress, Another year of praise; Another year of proving Thy presence 'all the days.
Another year of leaning Upon Thy loving breast, Of ever-deepening trustfulness, Of quiet, happy rest.
But most of all were we affected, knowing as we did the nature and the extent of the sufferings belonging to Slave-trade, that these should be continued to another year.
It was a matter of deep affliction to us to think, that the crimes and sufferings inseparable from the Slave-trade were to be continued to another year.
As you must have been informed by Lord Sheffield of my approaching arrival, I trust that you will feel some disappointment when you are told by myself that my journey to England is delayed to another year.
When I inform you that the design of my English expedition is at last postponed to another year, you will not be much surprized.
Another year of monotony and silence now stared the weather-bound navigators in the face.
The vessels returned to England; and the enterprise was abandoned for another year.
It is horrible," says Kane, "to look forward to another year of disease and darkness, without fresh food or fuel.
We stand upon the shores of another year, as it lifts itself, veiled in mist, from the great ocean of the future.
Come thou and thy family into the ark,"--what time could be more opportune than this first day of another year of God's grace?
I was, however, by God's grace, able to look out for supplies for this last day of another year also, being fully assured that the Lord would not confound me.
Everything is quiet here, and will certainly remain so another year.
We have reason to expect that Europe will enjoy peace another year.
Another year I may make trial of the Virginian Stock as well.
In another year or two, however, I shall hope to be supplied through all the winter months up to the middle of the spring.
One other bed, which is now over, has been too pretty for me not to mention; it was a bed of Antirrhinums of all colours, and I shall certainly repeat it another year.
In another year, if all the Dutch cities prove as staunch as Haarlem and Alkmaar have done, the Spaniards will surely begin to see that their task of subduing such a people is a hopeless one.
Her figure was lissome and graceful, her face was thoughtful and intelligent, and gave promise of rare beauty inanother year or two.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "another year" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.