Two militia sergeants had been appointed to act as bailiffs and criers of the court, and a tariff of fees was asked for to provide for their pay.
The variations in the amount of duties collected are due (1) to the growth of imports and (2) to changes in tariff rates.
During the session of this year the question of “protection to home industries,” a live subject at Montreal, came up for legislation and was followed by the protective tariff of the following year.
A tariff of professional charges was adopted by the society in February, 1846.
In 1908, the Porto Rico coffee planters, presented a memorial to the Congress asking for a protective tariff of six cents a pound on all foreign coffees.
With the loss of the protective tariff that had existed, prices fell to an unremunerativte figure; and the more profitable sugar cane was taken up again.
Before the war, the ruling price for a cup of tea, and a roll and butter, was fourpence, and the general tariff in proportion.
The local supply does not meet the domestic demand; and instead of exporting, a great deal is imported from adjoining countries, although, there is a protectivetariff of six dollars per hundred pounds.
Porto Rico coffee planters present a memorial to the Congress of the United States asking for a protective tariff of six cents a pound on all foreign coffee.
She also grants the United States certain tariff preferentials as a recognition of the continued policy of this country of admitting coffee free of duty.
It will have a preamble, setting forth that the tariff laws are palpable, deliberate, and dangerous violations of the Constitution!
She will, we must suppose, pass a law of her legislature, declaring the several acts of Congress usually called the tariff laws null and void, so far as they respect South Carolina, or the citizens thereof.
The collector will seize the goods if the tariff duties are not paid.
Mr. Hayne was subsequently Governor of South Carolina, at the time of the almost armed collision between that State and President Jackson, in 1832, over the nullification of tariff laws.
Now, it so happens, nevertheless, that Mr. Madison deems this same tariff law quite constitutional.
The honorable member supposes the tariff law to be such an exercise of power; and that consequently a case has arisen in which the State may, if it see fit, interfere by its own law.
The tariffis a usurpation; it is a dangerous usurpation; it is a palpable usurpation; it is a deliberate usurpation.
It so happens that, at the very moment when South Carolina resolves that the tariff laws are unconstitutional, Pennsylvania and Kentucky resolve exactly the reverse.
That a great majority of her people are opposed to the tariff laws, is doubtless true.
In thetariff act a wrong was done to the Kingdom of Hawaii which I am bound to presume was wholly unintentional.
I recommend a revision of ourtariff law both in its administrative features and in the schedules.
Articles to be admitted at 25 per cent reduction of the duty designated in the respective customs tariff now in force in each of said colonies: 1.
Agitation for radical changes in tariff and financial legislation can not help but may seriously impede business, to the prosperity of which some degree of stability in legislation is essential.
The South Atlantic and Gulf ports occupy a very favored position toward the new and important commerce which the reciprocity clause of the tariff act and the postal shipping bill are designed to promote.
In the Senate he advocated the tariff views of his party, opposed President Cleveland's vetoes of pension bills, urged the reconstruction and upbuilding of the Navy, and labored and voted for civil-service reform.
It is not doubted that a special arrangement in regard to commerce, based upon the reciprocity provision of the recent tariff act, would operate most beneficially for both Governments.
I listened lately to two men talking of "Tariff Reform"--one of them a commercial traveller, lofty in his patriotism.
The gospel of "Tariff Reform" promised so much as to make it worth the people's while to pay a little attention to politics.
It is, therefore, obvious, that it is not less the interest of Canada herself than of Great Britain, that this tariff of import duties should undergo a careful revision.
The tariff of 1842 was passed, and at once there arose competition for the purchase of labour.
Alexander was the representative in Congress of the district I lived in, and his vote on the tariff law of 1824 gave a mighty heap of dissatisfaction to his people.
The wrong against which authors should protest is in annexing to their terms of ownership of their property a protective tariff revision.
The statesman who is busy about histariff and his reciprocity, and his endeavor to raise money like potatoes, may little heed and much undervalue this advent of candor into the world as a social force.
Instead of fooling credulous multitudes with responses from Delphi, we have a Congress which can enact tariff regulations susceptible of interpretations enough to satisfy the love of mystery of the entire nation.
The present international copyright, which primarily concerns itself with the manufacture of books, rests upon an unintelligible protective tariff basis.
No question of tariff protection is here involved.
The development of the country was slow, and at times greatly hampered by the tariff policy; but until about 1857 no other source of income was needed to meet the expenditures of the Government in a time of peace.
This desire to fix specific rates upon each imported commodity has been applied more generally in the law of 1897 than in any previous tariff act.
By refusing to impose moderate duties on articles of general consumption, revenue is sacrificed; by insisting upon imposing protective duties where little revenue can be had, the tariff is converted into a political weapon.
In the fifteen hundred or more articles enumerated in the tariff schedules, more than fourteen hundred are nonproductive, or yield so small a return as to have in the aggregate no appreciable effect on the total receipts.
In the United States this policy has been carried beyond that of Europe, and the tariff now in existence is more protective than any hitherto enforced, short of absolute prohibition of imports.
He is not sure that a protective tariff in and of itself will increase the wages of the workmen.
In carrying further into action a tariffframed more for protection than for revenue, a twofold error was committed.
The old protectionist, with the stock arguments about the influence of the tariff upon wages and all the rest of it, is beginning to die out.
Even the framers of this latest tariff entertained the belief that some provision should be made for breaking its full effect.
Were the true object of customs duties--revenue--to be kept in view in tariff legislation, it would be a simple matter to devise a measure that would be satisfactory and highly productive of revenue.
The second objection to the increasing complexity of the tariff laws is to be found in the petty annoyances imposed upon importers and others in enforcing the not always consistent provisions of the law.
The immense development in manufactures and financial ability accomplished since 1860 has made a tariff for protection an anachronism.
When, therefore, the best methods of Federal taxation are broached, the reform of the tariff stands first in importance.
In more respects than one the tariff law of 1897 was an extreme application of the protective policy.
No matter how it is regarded, the tariff of 1897 was not framed for revenue, and in experience has not proved sufficiently productive to meet its share of the expenditures of Government.
In former tariff laws a general description carried a large class of articles, and a uniform duty, usually ad valorem, was collected.
Root out this evil, and then the trifling differences in our harvests, changes in our tariff laws, currency legislation, and the score of other things that now affect us, would be unfelt by the healthy body politic.
Sufficient notice is usually given that the importer and the dealers may dispose of all their goods before the tariff is removed.
In this way, these bank extortions and tariff extortions are thrown ultimately upon the people who consume the goods which the bank capital is employed in producing and selling.
Food was inordinately dear, because a high tariff had been imposed on imports.
Protectionists may think that a high tariff on foreign manufactured goods would foster industrial undertakings in these Colonies.
And, in point of fact, there has been hitherto no cry for a tariffto protect home manufactures, because so few people are at present interested in having it.
The rural element which desired a protective tariff and laws regulating native labour, was mainly Dutch, the commercial element almost wholly British.
Such protection as exists is directed to food-stuffs, in order to please the agricultural classes, and induce a wider cultivation of the soil; and the tariff on other goods is almost solely for revenue.
Being Dutch, the Bond became naturally the rural or agricultural and pastoral party, and therewith inclined to a protective tariff and to stringent legislation in native matters.
One is the entrance of the Colony of Natal into the South African Customs Union, an event which created one uniform tariff system for the whole of British and Dutch South Africa except the Transvaal.
Unexpectedly productive as the tariff had proved, public income still fell short of what these vast operations required.
Nor is it impossible that such a course of legislation would introduce once more into our national councils those disturbing questions in relation to the tariff of duties which have been so recently put to rest.
I can not, therefore, recommend to you any alteration in the present tariff of duties.
The country is clearly opposed to any needless additions to the subject of internal taxation, and is committed by its latest popular utterance to the system of tariff taxation.
The sectional element has happily been eliminated from the tariff discussion.
It is imperative that such a deficit shall not continue, and the framers of the tariff bill must, of course, have in mind the total revenues likely to be produced by it and so arrange the duties as to secure an adequate income.
Our action now will be freer from mere partisan consideration than if the question of tariff revision was postponed until the regular session of Congress.
There can be no misunderstanding, either, about the principle upon which this tariff taxation shall be levied.
It is quite possible, I am sure, to effect the necessary reduction in our revenues without breaking down our protective tariffor seriously injuring any domestic industry.
Extract from the Tariff of the Rights Exacted in France by the Court of Rome for Bulls, Dispensations, Absolutions, etc.
He has stated with clearness and cogency the inadvisability of allowing the government paternal power in finance and tariff legislation.
Criticism of a high tariff recommends a low tariff; criticism of monarchy recommends a republic; criticism of vice recommends virtue.
And now, gentlemen, as regards this question of Exports and Imports," chaunted the Tariff Reform expert.
The financial utility of a protective tariff can be scarcely great, because the intention of the tariff to permit as little as possible to be imported, and of the tax to levy as much as possible, are irreconcilable.
Young, Report on the Customs-tariff Legislation of the U.
While the former, therefore, simply govern themselves, often only on the occasion of their festive gatherings, the latter need a precise charter, an artificial tariff and a board of officers.
I do not need, in this day of tariff reform agitation, to argue the injustice of the latter measure.
He explained that the House was Republican by a considerable majority; a good protective tariff bill would come from that body; and a careful canvass of the Senate had proved that the bill would pass there, if I would vote for it.
But they obtained that aid, at last, in support of a tariff that was as unjust to the people as it was favorable to the trusts, and my continued "insurgency" led me again into a revolt against Church interference.
A few days later, the Finance Committee turned the tariff bill into a free-coinage bill also.
When the tariff bill came to its final vote in the Senate, I had the unhappy distinction of being the only Republican Senator who voted against it.
The other was a general tariff bill that proposed increases upon the then existing Wilson-Gorman bill.
Cutler, manager of the Utah Sugar Company, who was a Bishop of the Mormon Church; and he asked, almost at once, how the tariff bill was progressing at Washington.
I had offended these interests by opposing a monetary and a tariff bill during my service as delegate in Congress--a matter which I have still to recount).
They had reiterated the trust by electing me to the Senate after I had revolted against the Republican bond and tariff measures in the lower House.
All excess consumption of water over that allowed by the tariff will be charged for at 2 cents less than the price shown in the tariffper thousand liters.
Tariff legislation having been settled by the extra session of Congress, the question next pressing for consideration is that of the currency.
I trust that these will include a favorable arrangement for commercial reciprocity under the terms of sections 3 and 4 of the current tariff act.
Since my last communication to the Congress on this subject special commercial agreements under the third section of the tariffact have been proclaimed with Portugal, with Italy, and with Germany.
The tariff of Consular fees is amended accordingly.
The necessity of the passage of a tariff law which shall provide ample revenue, need not be further urged.