Whatever the force that, streaming from the Dweller or impregnating its lair, had energized the dead-alive, it was barrier against putrescence of any kind; that at least was certain.
I do think it is supernormal; energized by a force unknown to modern science--but that doesn't mean I think it outside the radius of science.
He knew that unless they wereenergized with a power, to which they were as yet strangers, their work would be worse than futile.
Indwelt by the Shekinah, filled with the Holy Ghost, his whole being energized with power and force, "whatsoever he doeth prospers.
His fear drops away and, energized by the lust of battle, he rushes forward, obviously driven by the stronger emotion.
Connected to the toggle is the plunger of the solenoid whose winding is energized by current from the circuit which the circuit breaker is to control.
Usually through the medium of a solenoid, or electromagnet energized by current from the circuit controlled by the breaker.
First of all, there would be Will, a will energized by love, disposing to create: a phase of Deity aptly and comprehensively typified to all minds by the name of a universal Father: this would be the primary impersonation of God.
Twenty-five instruments were energized from one circuit, and the quotations were supplied from a "central" at 18 New Street.
To demonstrate the complete analogy between the ring and a revolving magnet, a strongly energized electro-magnet was rotated by mechanical power, and phenomena identical in every particular to those mentioned above were observed.
The cores B form one set of magnets and are energized by coils D.
With a current of this nature, Mr. Tesla energized magnets strongly, and performed many interesting experiments bearing out the fact that one of the current impulses preponderates.
The magnetism of the pole piece e tends to hold the lever A level, or nearly so, the core N^{2} being energized by the current in the shunt which contains the helix N.
Then the iron is weakly but permanently attracted, showing that synchronism is reached and the field magnet energized by induction.
In this way the pole-pieces D will beenergized with alternately opposite polarity around the entire ring.
Assume the magnets slightly energized at the start; they could be strengthened by the action of the eddy currents in the solid disc so as to afford a stronger field for the peripheral coils.
With this magnet he first demonstrated the identity between a rotating field and a rotating magnet; the latter, when rotating, exhibited the same phenomena as the rings when they were energized by currents of differing phase.
Another interesting exhibit, shown at G, is an early model of a two field motor energized by currents of different phase.
Finally, remember this: A thought form is practically a bit of the detached aura of a person, charged with a degree of his prana, and energized with a degree of his life energy.
The stresses energized the short-range sending device implanted in him prior to the Sentinel's escape.
The rapid-fire beam rifle in his hands was energized and safety off.
After she hung up, she felt energized and she decided to give Jennifer a call after all.
The conversation with Karl Van de Vliet had energized her and sharpened her senses quite enough.
This is because oscillations are set up only when the plate is energized with the positive part of the alternating current and this produces an intermittent musical tone in the headphones.
Now when the coil is energized by the current from the amplifiers it and the core act like a solenoid in that the coil tends to suck the core into it; but since the core is fixed and the coil is movable the core draws the coil down instead.
An electromagnet is used instead of a permanent magnet and this is energized by a 6-volt storage battery as shown in the wiring diagram at A in Fig.
Lord is one spirit"--human nature is so interpenetrated and energizedby the divine, that the two move and act as one; cf.
Tarr, like his author, is a man with an energized mind.
But we have at any rate the percussions of a highly energized mind.
A warm, tingling numbness flowed into them at contact with the viscous, energized fluid.
And the power that energized the weapons was the same as that which could reach the stars.
But he did not say with Noetus that the Father suffered, but only, said he, the Logos came and energized and went back to the Father.
If any one say that Jesus is, as a man, energized by the Word of God, and that the glory of the Only begotten is attributed to Him as being something else than His own; let him be anathema.
Why was it that doing wrong agreed with her, energized her, made her more alert, cleverer, keying up her faculties?
Thus these electric currents may pass and repass between sun and planets and be re-energized and used over and over again, just as the atoms of our bodies and all earthly molecules are used over and over again.
All this was because love had not exalted the ideals and energized the wills of men.
The dynamo, however, must be energizedby a steam engine.
For promoting the combustion of fuel the draft is energized by blasts of air or steam, or both, either through hollow grate bars, jet pipes in the fire box, or by discharging the exhaust steam in the smoke pipe.
The construction of the field magnets, which, when energized with alternating current produce the rotating magnetic field, is in many respects identical with the armature construction of revolving field alternators.
A bipolar field is shown for simplicity; in practice the field is multipolar and energized by direct current.
The action of the shading coils is as follows: Consider the field poles to be energized by single phase current, and assume the current to be flowing in a direction to make a north pole at the top.
Particularly as it became clear to me that his freedom from that responsibility energized his descent upon me for Zoe's interest in the farm.
When the latter isenergized by the passage of an electric current, the armature is attracted towards it, and a small hammer attached to it strikes a blow on the bell or gong.
When the armature is attracted by the magnet it breaks contact with this spring, the current is interrupted, and the magnet being no longer energized allows the armature to fall back on the spring and thus restore the circuit.
Why all this pother about what one's neighbour thought, when this pother was not energizedby any good will?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "energized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: animate; animated; eager; electric; excited; exhilarated; renewed; revived; stimulated