Usually, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, and a dynamo is employed for effecting the transformation.
The number of foot pounds of mechanical energy equivalent to one British thermal unit.
Many attempts have been made to discover the relation between the units of heat energy and the units of mechanical energy.
It took man many centuries, however, to devise an effective machine for transforming heat into mechanical energy or to use it in doing work.
Fourth, heat is also produced whenever mechanical energy of motion is overcome, whether it be by friction, concussion, or compression.
An electric motor is a machine since it transforms the energy of the electric current into motion or mechanical energy, and transfers the energy from the wire to the driving pulley.
The muscles were shown to be stores of mechanical energy, potential until unlocked by the nerves, and then resulting in muscular contractions.
Trees and vegetables grow upon the earth, and when burned they give rise to heat, and hence to mechanical energy.
Our woods and forests are also sources of mechanical energy, because they have the power of uniting with the atmospheric oxygen.
Some Phenomena of Transmission Processes--Transmission by Flexible Band or Cord This method is often adopted when energy of motion, or mechanical energy, is required to be transmitted from one point to another.
Spindle A is connected to a source of of mechanical energy, and it is desired to transmit this energy across the intervening space to spindle B.
Every operation is in reality the operation of mechanical energy, and involves the movement of matter in some way or other relative to the earth's surface and under the incepting action of the earth's gravitation (Secs.
Of these different kinds of Energy, the most available for work is Mechanical Energy, or Energy of visible motions and positions; the least available is universal heat, or radiant Energy.
As no other material change seems to take place during such an experiment, it shows that the progressive expenditure of mechanical energy is the cause of the progressive heating of the water.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mechanical energy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.