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Example sentences for "much energy"

  • But now he had worked himself up to so much energy that he almost raised himself up in his chair, as he turned towards his wife.

  • This last caution was uttered with so much energy, that Dorothy gave a little jump as she promised obedience.

  • There is only so much energy available at a given moment, stored up in the brain cells, ready for use.

  • Then, too, we must remember that under the depressing influence of chronic fear, not quite so much energy is stored away as would otherwise be.

  • The body uses up as much energy as though it had run for miles, and when the patient wakes up, we say that he is suffering from shock.

  • It implies the ability to absorb energy, for it requires as much energy to bring a moving body to a standstill as was required to give it its forward motion.

  • In the sunshine that beats upon the earth there is seventy-thousand times as much energy as we now obtain from coal.

  • A wheel weighing not more than 10 pounds may develop so much energy that a man twenty times as heavy pushing with all his might cannot turn it over.

  • The energy remains locked up in the spring and when the spring is released, it gives back just as much energy as was put into it, except for slight frictional and heat losses.

  • It has been estimated that the winds contain 5,000 times as much energy as is obtained from coal, but how may we capture so fickle a power as the wind.

  • A gram of hydrogen, undergoing fusion to helium, would deliver some fifteen times as much energy as a gram of uranium undergoing fission.

  • It would take gamma rays or cosmic particles with 1836 times as much energy to form the proton-antiproton pair as would suffice for the electron-positron pair.

  • Mass for mass, that would deliver 140 times as much energy as hydrogen fusion would; it would be as far beyond hydrogen fusion as hydrogen fusion is beyond uranium fission.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much energy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great credit; great spear; long engagement; much about; much again; much alarmed; much better; much celebrated; much confidence; much consequence; much depends; much earlier; much engaged; much enlarged; much extolled; much flattened; much force; much injury; much later; much longer; much meat; much opposed; much respected; much snow; much younger; waste places