The signs are pains in the lower parts of the body and head, humours, sickness, coldness in the knees, throbbing in the neck, palpitation of the heart.
Palpitation and faintness arises from vapours that go to it by the arteries, or from blood that abounds and cannot get out of the womb, but ascends and oppresses the heart; and in this case cordials should be used both inwardly and outwardly.
This is particularly true of cases of palpitation of the heart where there has been considerable dread of organic heart disease.
Palpitation of the heart is scarcely more than a solicitous noting of the fact that the heart is beating.
They usually act in this way only when taken in large amounts, or upon a small percentage of persons who are peculiarly affected by them; and this palpitation is seldom serious, and disappears when their excessive use is stopped.
Sometimes the sharp pains extend through the left lung, with violent palpitation of the heart.
This unnatural appetite wore off by degrees, but left me as a legacy the same palpitation of the heart in a small degree, and a good deal of wind in my stomach, which comes away easily, and without any bad gout, as is ordinary.
As the blood pressure is too low for the age, the circulation is nearly always inadequate and palpitation of the heart is a frequent complaint.
At Plymouth, while waiting for the ship to sail, he complained of palpitation and pain about the heart, probably due to a transient hyperthyroidism, brought on by excitement.
Alicia may be hyperthyroid, and so excitable, nervous, restless, and subject to palpitation of heart and sleeplessness.
That the left carotid does not show the palpitation may be based on the fact that the right stands in much more direct connection with the aorta.
Completely exhausted by the long day's ride, he would lie almost speechless for half an hour; and then, when the palpitation of his heart had a little abated, would propose that we two should pray together.
You must not imagine that I have altogether lost the palpitation of my heart, for it often visits me to humble and prove me; still I believe it is a good deal better than it was, and its visits are not nearly so frequent.
But now, after any great exertion, he was attacked by violent palpitation of heart.
The oscillation of the mind causes the illusions, as the palpitation of the heart raises the affections, and they are all at a stop at the suspension of the actions of these organs.
The question is whether the affections are not causes of the palpitation of the heart?
Fanny was now affected with such a violent palpitation of the heart that its pulsations might be distinctly seen at the opposite side of the room through her handkerchief.
Adults complain not infrequently of palpitationand pain over the pericardium, or rather of a tightness or oppression in the chest.
Not suffering frompalpitation of the heart or anything like that, I suppose?
I visit the Doctor regularly to be stethoscoped, ramble about the streets, idly scan magazines in the Library and occasionally rink--with palpitation of the heart as a consequence.
A few years ago, the bare sight of her gave me palpitation of the heart, and, on the first occasion that I had the courage to stop to speak, I felt livid and the skin on my face twitched uncontrollably.
At length, after sundry leanings over the river wall, arrived at the Library, which I entered, and sat down, when the full force of the palpitation was immediately felt.
But to continue: the receipt of so unexpected an invitation from so glorious a young gentleman at first gave me palpitation of the heart.
Pain, pleasure, and desire would naturally dwell beside sensation in the heart, which Aristotle held to be obviously the seat of the emotions, as proved by its palpitation when they are stirred.
Thumps" is generally thought by the inexperienced to be a palpitation of the heart.
Thumps is produced by causes similar to those that produce congestion of the lungs and dilatation orpalpitation of the heart, and may occur in connection with these conditions.
While it is true that palpitation of the heart is sometimes called "thumps," it must not be confounded with the affection under consideration.
There should be no difficulty in distinguishing this affection from palpitation of the heart.
He then became a furnace man and had shortness of breath and palpitation on severe exertion with syncope three times.
He complained of general weakness, headaches, palpitation of the heart, vertigo, and insomnia, and of a variety of pains.
There waspalpitation of the heart and difficulty of breathing.
Here he shuffled along on two crutches, very tremulous, and sweating, and suffering from palpitation on exertion.
He was admitted to hospital a week after the injury, unable to walk, restless, given to palpitation and attacks of anxiety.
There is also a greater or less degree of oppression, accompanied with palpitation of heart, not only after a severe fit of coughing, but after every exertion of the lungs.
There was considerable increase of the palpitation when he attempted the recumbent position, or moved hurriedly.
All medical treatment having been given up, except mere palliatives, such as blisters and expectorants, this poor man lingered out a most miserable existence from his pectoral symptoms, and particularly from palpitation of heart.
The slightest exertion produced exhaustion and palpitation of the heart; his bowels were obstinate, and his urinary secretion small in quantity.
There is a shortness of breath, palpitation after even moderate exercise, trembling of the knees, and eruptions on the skin.
I had torpid liver and right side of lungs affected; catarrh of the throat and piles; palpitation of the heart, and kidneys were somewhat affected.
My case was a severe one, the insidious drain upon my system producing general debility, attacks of severe palpitation of the heart, and obstinate dyspepsia.
The pulsations of the heart are easily quickened, and palpitation is excited if the subject be low and anæmic.
The sensations of crawling and itching in the rectum were very severe, and as a result of weakness there was a serious palpitation of the heart, and general debility.
I could not sleep, and was troubled with palpitation of the heart.
I could not sleep at times and had palpitation of the heart so that I would have to get up, for my heart would beat so fast I thought every minute I would die.
The palpitation grew less and less, and she rested at night, and is now doing her own work for a family of five, and is sixty-one years old.
Oswald rang the bell by the side of the iron grating, with some palpitation of heart.
And did you make it better or worse, by a blush, and quick palpitation of the guilty breast that harboured it?
The peculiar beating of the heart or palpitation after much exertion is often due to tea and coffee, and produces what is known as the ‘tea-drinker’s heart.
Tobacco produces functional derangement of the nervous system, palpitation of the heart, certain forms of dyspepsia, and more or less irritation of the throat and lungs.
The palpitation of the eye, which seems sometimes to uneducated man to be produced by an external force, has been taken as a presage of misfortune.