He never sacrificed for the sake of the inward equilibrium of his work a syllable of what he thought ought to be said; and much less would he have done so to make his description and his style graphic.
We perceive that what at first seemed coldness, is but the petrified eruption of the inward fire of the artist's soul.
The inwardfire was to glow through and dissolve the old musical forms, to devour lines and contours and transform painting into colour symphonies, to rejuvenate literature.
Trials come; temptations thicken; doubts and fears arise; Satan harasses him, and inward corruptions start into life again.
Isolate it from God, who is far above it, turn away its thoughts from any rock higher than it, bid it look perpetually inward and never outward and upward, and you have doomed it to despair.
The soul that comes to it experiences an inward renewing, and becomes the seat of gracious affections, implanted by the Holy Spirit.
Again, it speaks ofinward cleansing from pollution.
It is a long time now since my inward ear hath heard any sweet melodies out of certain regions, or my heart been gladdened; and this despite the fact that ye are ever present in my thoughts and standing clearly visible before my sight.
I agonize even as a fish, its inward parts afire as it leapeth about in terror upon the sand, yet I ever look for Thy bestowals to appear from every side.
It is similar to a callus but differs from the latter in having a central peg or core projection inward toward the bone and by pressing on fine nerves producing pain.
Where they bend abruptly inward they represent a valley.
To make up the tump line pack proceed as follows:--the blanket or shelter cloth is spread out and the thongs laid lengthwise about a foot from either edge--the blanket is then folded inward and across the thongs.
His body felt tight, as if it were being pressed inward from all directions, and his heart seemed to swell in his chest, trying to break out of the pressure.
There were purplish shadows under the eyes, and the cheeks curvedinward like those of a starving man.
This being the top floor of the palace, the mullioned window was spacious, and Friar Mathieu had drawn back the curtains and pulled the twin window frames inwardon their hinges to get more light.
Brotherly love is at last being born never to die in that heart where envy and malice and resentment and revenge are causing inward agony.
And even where true religion has already been, there is still a deeper and a more inward religion suited to the new experiences and the new needs of life.
There are some men whose whole mind and heart and will, whose whole inward man, has gone to root.
Robert Fleming tells us about Robert Bruce, that he was a man that had much inward exercise about his own personal case, and had been often assaulted anent that great foundation truth, if there was a God.
And the Psalmist in his powerful description of the wicked men of his day: There is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inwardpart is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
What a panorama of scarlet pictures will pass before his inward eye!
They taper gradually from the base upward, until their greatest girth is reached, when they curve more suddenly inward to a short neck.
From the cannon the body of the vase swells gracefully outward, and attains its widest girth near the top, where it curves rapidly inward to the upper rim.
A band is drawn round the widest part of the body, from which it curves rapidly inward to the neck, and on this upper part, between the greatest circumference and the neck, a simple ornament is laid.
She seemed to have lost sight of her friend's part in the incident: her inward vision had taken another slant.
A breeze had sprung up, swayinginward the muslin curtains, and bringing a fresh scent of mignonette and petunias from the flower-box on the balcony.
Miss Bart felt an inward motion of annoyance: it was distasteful enough to hear her name coupled with Trenor's, and on Rosedale's lips the allusion was peculiarly unpleasant.
Lily's inward start betrayed itself in a quick blush: was it possible that this was really the sense of Carry Fisher's adumbrations?
Lady Thetford saw all this with inward apprehension.
He might be unskilled in the mysteries of the tender passion, but he had an inward conviction that love would never speak such candid words, never look back at him with such crystal clear eyes.
But days and weeks went on, and his inward disquiet began to take effect in his appearance and behavior.
It is in itself, and irrelatively, at once inward Life and Truth, and outward Fact and Luminary.
But with regard to the concerns of our inward being, there is yet another cause that acts in concert with the power in custom to prevent a fair and equal exertion of reflective thought.
Both outwardly and in the discipline of myinward acts and affections, I have performed the duties which it enjoins, and I have used the means, which it prescribes.
Instantly she perceived, as by the unclosing of an inward eye, that Yoga was what she wanted and she instantly wrote to the address from which this book was issued asking for any guidance on the subject.
All are laid "dry" like the ordinary stone fences of New England farms, and the walls are built with a smart inward batter so that the winter frosts may heave them year after year, heave and leave but not tumble them down.
From the front sward have been taken away a number of good shrubs which once broke it into ineffectual bits, and these have been grouped against the inward and outward angles of the house.
Thus sorrow, sickness, and care are providential antagonists to our inward disorders; they come upon us as years pass on, and generally produce their natural effects on us, in proportion as we are subjected to their influence.
I repeat, it imparts an inwardpower which ought to effect more than this; I am not forgetting either the real sufficiency of its aids, nor the responsibility of those in whom they fail.
In 1860 he published an article entitled "Hamlet and Don Quixote," which throws a brilliant light upon the characters of all his types, and upon their inwardsprings of action.
As we have said, Saltykóff's exile was of incalculable service to him, in that it made him acquainted with the inward life of Russia and of the people.
It is not very rich in inward contents or in ideas.
To the highest external elegance and the most exquisite beauty, he fitly wedded inward force and wealth of thought, in the most incomparable manner.
Because the 30 colors of the flower are developed and blended by the force of an inward life; while on the other hand, the lights and shades of the painter are diligently laid on from without.
Then we have before us the 30 melancholy spectacle of high aspirations without an aim, a hunger of the soul unsatisfied, and a never ending restlessness and inward warfare of its various faculties.
To be a member of it was not to join an external association, but to become an inward partaker in ineffable and mysterious graces to which no other access lay open.
Your full triumph as far as that particular occasion of duty is concerned will be to find that you not merely repress inward tendencies to murmur--but that you would not if you could alter what in any matter God has plainly willed.
The building up of the inward man in all his parts, faculties, and aspirations, was seen to be, what in every age it is, the problem of problems.
Manning pressed him in one direction, the inward voice drew him in the other.
I ought to be thankful for my miss; perhaps also because my mind was so much oppressed that I could not, I fear, have unfolded my inward convictions.
To dream of being offended, denotes that errors will be detected in your conduct, which will cause you inward rage while attempting to justify yourself.
Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite.
To dream that you are an applicant, signifies that you will humiliate your inward self for public favor.
But once let the strange and poignant magic of it, its music in discord, its sharp sweetness, touch the inward ear--thenceforward we shall follow its piping.
Therefore religion in its inward form is either a debasing and tormenting superstition or a glad faith, according to the Theology with which it is associated.
Ulysses saw, by what was done, He must at all events make one; Look'd fierce to hide his inward fear, And boldly came to close the rear.
I've either got a second sight, Or else a quaker's inward light, Which tells me I shall slap the chaps Of one of these, or both perhaps.
Those who have any inward Abscess or Imposthume are apt to swoon frequently.
I shall also add something very briefly, concerning some external Disorders, which at the same Time result from an inward Cause.
Should it be on some inward part, the Patient either dies at once; or another Distemper succeeds, more troublesome and incurable than the first.
Hence we may also conceive the Danger of a Contusion, happening to any inward Part, from which the Blood is either internally effused, or the Circulation wholly obstructed in some vital Organ.
They either render the Pain more obstinate and fixed, by hardening the Skin; or they repell the Humour to some inward Part.
At other times it is evident that it has resulted from no external Cause, but is the Effect of some inward one.
Not a feature of her finely-cut face betrayed her inward agitation, and after the Mohar had greeted her she said with rather patronizing friendliness: "I thought that you would come.
Come without gifts, but with a humble heart, and with longing for inward purification, and I will pray to the Gods that they may enlighten me, and give you such interpretation of even evil dreams that they may be fruitful in blessing.
Now her proud and noble personality stood before his inward eye, and he felt as if he must look up to it as to a vision high out of his reach.
I have to attend to outward things, while you are contemplating inward things; else your hair might be smoother, and your dress less stained.
I did my duty by all three, I was driven away with the usual stoning, and then I arranged the inward parts of the bodies with my mates.
With a smile, that was meant to conceal even from himself his deep inward agitation, he broke the wax which sealed the short manuscript in the royal hand.
Julian received him with military pomp in the council of his officers; and expressing a generous pity for the fallen state, dissembled his inwardcontempt for the abject humiliation, of his captive.
The affrighted countenances of some betrayed their inward remorse, while others advanced with confidence and alacrity to the altars of the gods.