Or, indeed, how could there be any proof at all one way or other, to a man who takes the liberty to unsettle and change the common signification of words?
Why the rejecting a notion that has no foundation, either in sense, or in reason, or in Divine authority, should be thought to unsettle the belief of such opinions as are grounded on all or any of these, I cannot imagine.
New notions should always be discountenanced; they unsettle men's minds, and nobody knows where they will end.
Why should I unsettle that sweet calm tranquillity, when I had nothing to offer him instead?
How could I presume to unsettle them, as I was unsettled, when I had no means of bringing them out of such unsettlement?
And, not knowing him so well as I did afterwards, I feared lest I should unsettle him.
The immense commotion consequent upon the publication of the Tract did not unsettle me again; for I had weathered the storm: the Tract had not been condemned: that was the great point; I made much of it.
You've come with your southern fire and the voluptuous voice of your southern pleading, to unsettle me and make me surrender my code.
Conscience," he reminded her as a deep flush spread over the face that had been pale, "so long as there remained a chance for you to succeed, I made no suggestion that might unsettle you.
Has anything come back to you, so far, that will unsettle your present life?
That is true," returned he of the Grove, "if scorn did not unsettle our reason and understanding, for if it be excessive it looks like revenge.
Besides, such societies have a tendency to unsettle the minds of the people, and divert them from the main objects of their self-expatriation--free homes and altars.
Don't let us unsettle and disturb him at such a time, when he is doing so much good, and when he wants his mind kept calm.
You would only unsettle yourself and become wretched and discontented, and you would never be any the wiser.
To unsettle or disturb the order or due arrangement of; to throw out of order.
Simply because it is easy to unsettle everything and very difficult to find substitutes.
The result of much meditation on what I witnessed, has been to produce sundry material changes in my former opinions, and to unsettle even many of the notions in which I may be said to have been born and bred.
She will unsettle half the young Sisters, and turn the heads of half the others.
Lord Goderich said that the true object of its noble mover was to get rid of the alterations lately introduced into our commercial system, and to unsettle the basis on which the currency now stood.
It might unsettle Sir Robert if he knew you were here.
Carlisle said nothing tounsettle her mother, who possibly still thought that Hugo Canning, the gone but not forgotten, was the royal contributor.
And yet it seemed somehow a physical impossibility for her now to say that she would unsettle and postpone it all,--something, say, as if Hugo had asked her to step back into last year or the year before.
It was simply not to be endured that Henrietta Cooney should cheekily sit there and try to unsettle everything, pretending.
It is notorious that nothing is so likely to unsettle the mind, especially if an hereditary disposition be present, than constantly associating with lunatics, and allowing the mind to dwell for any length of time on the subject of insanity.
Few passions tend more to distract and unsettle the mind than that of jealousy.
I have told you fairly and simply that your presence would unsettle all my enforced and infirm philosophy, and remind me only of the past, which I seek to blot from remembrance.
All her friends have to agree to say nothing that may unsettle her faith in her imitation jewel.
All effort, especially intellectual effort, is distasteful to him, and is apt to offend and unsettle him.
No care, or danger, can unsettlethe confidence of Sancho!
There was never such an obligation to discuss slavery as at this moment, when recent events have done much to unsettle and obscure men's minds in regard to it.
That slavery should be most unpropitious to the slave as a moral being will be farther apparent, if we consider that his condition is throughout a Wrong, and that consequently it must tend to unsettle all his notions of duty.
Strange that an institution, built on the idea of Rights, should be used to unsettle this idea, to confuse our moral perceptions, to sanctify wrongs as means of general good.
For in their funny way they seemed already to fancy papa and mother quite away, almost as if they were in China, and I didn't want to unsettle that feeling, as it would only have made it worse for them again.
Why forbid your children and scholars the free perusal of poems or tales or essays or other light literature which you fear would unsettle their minds?
It is to unsettle the boundary lines between science and science, to disturb their action, to destroy the harmony which binds them together.