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Example sentences for "voltage"

Lexicographically close words:
volplane; volplaned; volplaning; vols; volt; voltages; voltaic; voltameter; volte; voltigeur
  1. One had just connected with a high-voltage charge from Charley.

  2. Batteries were already overcharged and the voltage regulators snapped on and off like a crackling barrage of distant heat-guns.

  3. The amperage would be whatever that voltage could put through whatever was hooked to it.

  4. The voltage would depend on the number of turns of copper wire around a suitably forked stick.

  5. The accepted type has means for opening the driving circuit automatically in case its voltage should fall, thus preventing a temporary interruption of driving current from damaging the motor armature on its return to normal voltage.

  6. What is the voltage of the sending battery for a train dispatcher's circuit and upon what is it dependent?

  7. How is the noise caused by a high voltage battery absorbed so that the dispatcher may talk and signal simultaneously?

  8. One reason for limiting the voltage employed is that the condensers used in the circuit will not stand much higher potentials without danger of burning out.

  9. Readings should be taken hourly of the specific gravity and temperature of the electrolyte, voltage of the cells, and amperage of charging current.

  10. The initial charge should be maintained for at least ten hours after the time when the voltage and specific gravity have reached a maximum.

  11. The voltage per cell at this time should be from .

  12. In some systems, the long-distance trunks are further specialized by being enabled to furnish transmitter current to subscribers at a higher voltage than is used in local conversations.

  13. The voltage of the battery should not increase during the last hour of the charge.

  14. During the overcharge the voltage of the battery and the specific gravity of the pilot cell should be taken every fifteen minutes from the time the gasing begins.

  15. The circuit was complete, and the voltage grew mightier and mightier.

  16. In other words, a very slight drop in voltage means a disproportionately great loss in illumination.

  17. After the machine was completed we found the voltage was too low.

  18. The feeders might be operated at any desired percentage of loss that would realize economy in copper, so long as they delivered current to the main conductors at the potential represented by the average voltage of the lamps.

  19. To increase the voltage or pressure materially, while permitting some saving in the cost of conductors, would enormously increase the difficulties of making a sufficiently high resistance conductor to secure light by incandescence.

  20. I had to devise a way of raising the voltage without changing the machine, which I did by adding extra magnets.

  21. The voltage was increased to a higher pressure than usual, and all the incandescent lamps at Menlo Park did their best to win the approbation of the New York City fathers.

  22. The feeder connections were all at the front of the building, and the general voltage control apparatus was on the floor above.

  23. To use a lower voltage or pressure, while making the solution of the lighting problem a simple one as we shall see, would make it necessary to increase the size of the conducting wires to a prohibitive extent.

  24. If the pressure or voltage of the secondary coil is less than that of the primary, we have a "step-down" transformer.

  25. The voltage of the batteries can be read at any time, by pressing the strap key.

  26. The best operating conditions exist when the desired direct current voltage is obtained with unity power factor at the converter terminals when loaded.

  27. The voltage regulation of a well designed transformer is within 3 per cent.

  28. On circuits devoted to lighting service as well as power service, where a high degree of voltage regulation is essential.

  29. Oscillograph record from Nodon valve showing original supply voltage and the corresponding pulsating current at the terminals of such a valve.

  30. The line supplies three phase currents at high voltage direct to the field of the induction motor and drives it, generating in it currents at a lower voltage depending on the ratio of the windings.

  31. OA, and the regulating field, a voltage AB, with a resultant OB, equal to about 200 volts A.

  32. OA, and the regulating field (now reversed) produces the reverse voltage AB, giving the resultant OB again equal to 200 volts.

  33. The transformer is one of the essential factors in effecting the economical distribution of electric energy, and may be defined as an apparatus used for changing the voltage and current of an alternating circuit.

  34. In high voltage transmission, this admits of much smaller transformers being built for high pressure than possible with the delta connection.

  35. If a lagging current be passed through an inductance, the collector ring voltage will be lowered, but will be raised in case of a leading current.

  36. The horizontal line OA represents the alternating current voltage generated by the main poles, alone, with the regulating poles unexcited, that is, when delivering 250 volts direct current pressure.

  37. The wire is charged with high voltage electricity.

  38. A quivering sensation like a charge of high voltage electricity shot through Dave.

  39. One solution to low voltage symptoms is (heavier fuses, more circuits).

  40. Electrocution can occur from either low voltage (household type) or high voltage currents.

  41. Measure the Voltage of Batteries Do you know what difference the size of dry cell battery makes in the voltage it supplies?

  42. Light bulbs, electric irons and other appliances are usually marked with the voltage they require and the number of watts.

  43. What is the difference in voltage between (a) a large and a small dry cell?

  44. If the wires in your house are large enough, they will pass this full voltage on to the appliances.

  45. A Special Kind of Electricity Most buzzers and bells work on a much lower voltage than you normally find in the wires in your house.

  46. Voltage is the amount of "push" behind the electrons.

  47. Here's why: Your power supplier delivers current to you at the right voltage or electrical pressure.

  48. To test the voltage of batteries we must be able to control our galvanoscope.

  49. Because low voltage is used, adding extra buttons is simple, inexpensive, and safe.

  50. The nameplate on the appliance will give the voltage required for proper operation as well as either amperage or watts.

  51. In such a combination the voltage will be that of a single cell 1.

  52. It is quite possible that a cell may possess its normal voltage and yet deliver little current; the voltage of a cell does not indicate its working property.

  53. A line voltage of 110 may be transformed to suit a 6-volt miniature lamp.

  54. Since the voltage induced in the secondary coil is determined by the number of turns of wire in action, this coil is so arranged that circuits formed by attachment with different contacts give a variety of voltages.

  55. This voltage for the purpose fulfills all ordinary conditions and is generally employed.

  56. Voltage variation may be temporary, due to changing load in the circuit, or in constantly overloaded circuits the voltage may be constantly below normal.

  57. The general employment of alternating electricity for all commercial service requiring distant transmission is because of the possibility of changing the voltage to suit any condition.

  58. From this it is seen that any change in the voltage will produce a corresponding change in the current to keep an equality in the equation.

  59. The term applies more particularly to the form of the base than to the voltage or candlepower of the filament.

  60. The voltage of a cell is practically continuous and should be from 1.

  61. On the label was printed the voltage at which the lamp was intended to operate, and also the candlepower it was supposed to develop.

  62. D illustrates a multiple-series connection made in a different manner, but which produces the same voltage and current as the above mentioned.

  63. Miniature lamps are ordinarily marked to show the voltage on which they are intended to operate.

  64. The dry cell when new and in good condition has an open-circuit voltage of from 1.

  65. Its effective voltage during its useful life averages about one volt, and if during this life it gives a total discharge of thirty ampere hours, the fair energy rating of the cell will be thirty watt-hours.

  66. It was found that the zinc could be drawn out through the oil, cleaned, and replaced with no appreciable effect on voltage or current.

  67. The critical minimum voltage which can not cause death is not known.

  68. The gravity cell has a practically constant voltage of 1.

  69. Thus, if the voltage and amperage of any cell be known, by the proper combination of these, we can secure the required voltage and amperage to light any miniature lamp.

  70. However, this must be done with very great caution, as the lights will be burnt out if the voltage is too high.

  71. Number 32 to 36 will give good results, the latter giving more voltage but less amperage.

  72. In this case it is also advisable to connect several batteries in parallel also, so as to increase the current, but maintain the voltage constant.

  73. The more turns there are on the secondary the higher the voltage will be, so the wire used must be fine.

  74. The connections should all be soldered to give good results, as the voltage is [Illustration: Thermo Battery] very low and the resistance of an unsoldered joint would stop the current.

  75. Any number of different candle power lamps can be used providing each lamp takes the same amount of current, and the sum of their voltages equals the voltage of the circuit used.

  76. The voltage is gauged by the length of the span.

  77. It gives five times the light on the same voltage and uses one-half of the current consumed by the old carbon filament.

  78. The human body may be placed in a circuit where such low voltage is used without danger, but it would be exceedingly dangerous to be put in contact with a pressure of 1000 or more volts, such as is used for lighting purposes.

  79. The more rapidly we revolve the arm the more voltage (electrical pressure) the current it develops will have.

  80. This is exactly what takes place when the voltage is "stepped-up," which is equivalent to an increase of pressure.

  81. This transformer, as heretofore explained, does not change the voltage of the current, but simply transforms what was an alternating into a direct current.

  82. It is carried to Buffalo through wire conductors that are strung on poles, and is there "stepped-down" again through another transformer to the voltage required for use at that place.

  83. These pairs can be multiplied, and in this way increase the voltage or pressure, and, of course, increase the current, if we assume that there is resistance in the circuit to be overcome.

  84. Because of the low voltage and enormous quantity of the current passing from the transformer to the furnace very large conductors are required.

  85. The 'hum' of an alternating current cannot be altogether eliminated, but can be reduced to a minimum by reducing the voltage as far as possible.

  86. The gases are placed in transparent glass or quartz tubes at rather low pressures and a high voltage is impressed upon the ends of these tubes.

  87. Upon sufficient heating of this filament by external means while a proper voltage is impressed upon it, the electric current passes through it and thereafter this current will maintain its temperature.

  88. The voltage across the arc is about 50 volts.

  89. Owing to the low electrical resistance of tantalum, a filament in order to operate satisfactorily on a standard voltage must be long and thin.

  90. Two candlesticks are effective on the buffet, but usually the smallest normal-voltage lamps available give too much light.

  91. On connecting a high voltage to electrodes in each end, an electrical discharge passed through the residual gas making it luminous.

  92. Marks contributed largely to the success of the enclosed arc by showing that a small current and a high voltage of 80 to 85 volts were the requisites for a satisfactory enclosed arc.

  93. What is the proper voltage of a Schroeder headlight?

  94. The voltage of the house lamp is also too high to be used on a locomotive installation.

  95. It will not work for the protection of storage batteries or of motor generator sets charging storage batteries, as, when the voltage of the generator fails, the voltage of the battery still maintains its full value.

  96. This not only causes a large drop on the line, but also reacts injuriously upon the regulation of transformers and alternators, their voltage falling much more than with an equal non-inductive load.

  97. The current should be transmitted at high pressure, a step down transformer being placed at each distribution center to reduce the pressure to the proper voltage to suit the service requirements as shown in fig.

  98. In the single phase meter the positions of voltage and current coils are interchanged and the rotating field is produced by means of a split phase winding connected to the voltage circuit.

  99. The two no voltage coils for two phase four wire circuits are connected respectively to binding posts B, C and A, D on the face of the base.

  100. The Underwriters recommend the grounding of the neutral point of low tension circuits when the conditions are such that the maximum normal voltage between the point connected and ground will not exceed 250 volts.

  101. D is connected through resistance R3 to the common wire of both phases at 3 B and D being connected as aforesaid, thus forming a common connection for both no voltage coils.

  102. Low voltage relays are generally used in connection with a low voltage release or shunt trip coil on an oil switch or a circuit breaker.

  103. The accurate regulation of voltage on any alternating current system is of importance.

  104. At the receiving station we provide means whereby the current arriving at a voltage of 0.

  105. We feed a low-voltage current into one end, and we draw off a high-voltage current from the other.

  106. Well, the thing I had in mind originally was a wall or ceiling panel that would serve as a source of either cold light using a given voltage and frequency, or as a source of radiant heat, using some other voltage and frequency.

  107. If it was a combination of voltage and frequency changes, then we've certainly got a problem on our hands.

  108. We might prove, readily enough, that the difference is a real one, since a wire carrying a current of low voltage may be handled with impunity, while a similar wire carrying a current of high voltage may not safely be touched.

  109. Of course there is no gain in the actual quantity of electricity, but the voltage of the current generated in the finer wire is greatly increased.

  110. It is also customary to use low-current lamps with a rather high voltage, although this must be limited, as excessive voltage may in itself become a source of danger.

  111. The transformation from a relatively low voltage to the high one is effected by means of what is called a step-up transformer.

  112. Fortunately a relatively simple apparatus enables the electrician to transform a current from low to high voltage without difficulty.

  113. A high resistance should be connected in the secondary before closing its circuit, and the voltage gradually increased by cutting out this secondary resistance until a spark jumps across the spark gap.

  114. Diagram of connections of General Electric voltage regulators for one or more alternators using one exciter.

  115. By means of a booster, it is possible to vary the direct voltage of the converter with a constant alternating supply voltage, and this voltage regulation is obtained without disturbance of the power factor or wave shape of the system.

  116. Motor generators are frequently used as boosters to raise or boost the voltage near the extremities of long distance, direct current transmission lines.

  117. If it be desired to determine the approximate load on a three phase motor, this may be done by means of the connections as shown in the figure, and the current through one of the three lines and the voltage across the phase measured.

  118. The voltage of the battery must be at least as great as the maximum pressure to be measured and must be kept constant.

  119. In testing small transformers, the spark gap may be omitted and the voltage of the low pressure coil of the testing transformer measured.

  120. The field current can be varied also so as to maintain constant armature voltage irrespective of load; or the field current may be kept constant and the armature voltage allowed to vary as the load increases.

  121. The terminal voltage of the alternator is very nearly a sine wave, 60 cycles; about 17 volts.

  122. Transmission over the Zone is effected through four substations and a connecting high voltage transmission line which follows the main line of the Panama Railroad.

  123. For this purpose the alternating current seems eminently adapted, as transformers only are needed to raise the line to high transmission voltage and to lower it again for use.

  124. What is called 'Volts' is the same as the force in the tank--that is, voltage means the pressure.

  125. Does the voltage depend on the number of the cells?

  126. The particular method selected will depend upon the size of the battery, the purpose for which it is used, the allowable limits pf current and voltage variations, the cost of the system, etc.

  127. Any marked change of battery voltage will be followed by a corresponding change in dynamo current, unless the rheostat be manipulated to bring battery voltage + booster voltage back to normal.

  128. The diagram shows the battery being charged with the main switch open, and the voltage of the dynamo raised to the charging pressure.

  129. Multiple voltage systems for speed regulation can also be obtained by a similar arrangement.

  130. When the armature turns so that the balance coils take the position BF, the voltage drop between A and E may be divided into 4 parts, AB, BO, OF and FE.

  131. As the discharge progresses, the voltage will gradually decrease and it should be frequently read at the battery terminals.

  132. Its voltage should be gradually increased, first to about 10 or 15 per cent.

  133. The danger due to the high voltage in installations such as arc lighting circuits.

  134. A discharged cell voltage will vary considerably with the many different coils, engines, etc.

  135. Voltage readings should be taken only when the battery is charging or discharging; if taken when the battery is standing idle they are of little or no value.

  136. This voltage saves in the cost of conductors.

  137. The longer the filament, the greater its resistance, and the greater the voltage necessary to push the current through it.

  138. If the voltage of the current is less than that for which the lamp was made, the light will be dim.

  139. Powder can be fired at a distance, and other things performed, when a high voltage current is needed.

  140. To do this, the voltage is kept high, and the amperage low.

  141. The secondary current is an induced one, its voltage depending upon the relative number of turns of wire there are in the two coils.

  142. By using the coil of fine wire as the primary, we can lower the voltage and increase the strength in the same proportion.

  143. Motor-dynamos have the advantage over dynamotors, described later, of having the secondary voltage easily and economically varied over wide ranges by means of a regulator in the dynamo field.

  144. As they transform current from one voltage to another, motor-dynamos are sometimes called Double Field Direct Current Transformers.

  145. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voltage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.