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Example sentences for "hold good"

  • If this holds good of the two highest classes, so also must it hold good of the two lower, namely, Fishes and Reptiles, and we shall thus have: I.

  • These animals necessarily pass through all 4 circles, and each class therefore divides into 4 orders, or into 5, if the senses be allowed to hold good as constituting a distinct order in themselves.

  • It is only when the swim-cyst is allowed to hold good as lung, that the circulation in Fishes admits of being understood.

  • The same appears to hold good of the spider's web.

  • Hence (Brahman is distinguished) by what is infinite; for thus the characteristics (hold good).

  • Consequently it ought to hold good in our case, since we are indeed arguing about a minor exceeding sixteen years, but of one less than twenty-five years old.

  • Nor does it hold good in law and practice that the bearing of arms is included along with the crime committed.

  • Gaillard, after he says that murder committed for honour's sake is permissible, states that this exception should be understood to hold good if the injury be resented immediately, but that it is otherwise if done after an interval.

  • If he did not intend this relation to hold good, he ought to have expressly denied it; but neither does he do this.

  • If these facts should be found to hold good relative to the identity of aetherial light waves and the aetherial electric waves, then it can very readily be seen that such a hypothesis gives added weight to the repulsive power of light.

  • If so, what is that relation, and to what extent does it hold good?

  • This being so, when we apply the same law of action and reaction to the planets' influence on each other, it follows that the same law must hold good in relation to them.

  • I have constructed various voltaic arrangements, and found the above conclusion to hold good.

  • With regard to salts and combinations of compound bodies, the same simple relation does not appear to hold good.

  • These laws will be found to hold good, in all the cases of true mimicry among various classes of animals to which we have now to call the attention of our readers.

  • In both cases there may be many individual exceptions; but on the average the rule will invariably be found to hold good.

  • Ploetz has pointed out[192] that this objection is not valid, because the influence of the parent's death is seen to hold good even to the point where the child was too old to require any assistance.

  • This does not, of course, hold good in the slums, where mental and financial inefficiency are abundant.

  • Ordinarily one of these produces a more notable contribution to the end-product than do the others; but there are cases where this statement does not appear to hold good.

  • And we should find this Rule to hold good with any Pair of Premisses which fulfil the given conditions.

  • Because these duties do not merely appear to hold good in a general sense, but are also recognized in my conscience as having the character of the universal, the harmony of the rational will and reality is established.

  • Here, in the natural process, the simple determination as such—this system of progressive determination—ceases to hold good, and its whole interest is lost.

  • In the second place Scepticism is wrong in allowing this relationship to hold good immediately, as it does in the ordinary and arid conception, where we make no objection to it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hold good" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another group; come nigh; five versts; hold forth; hold him; hold out; hold property; hold slaves; hold the; hold together; hold upon; holding fast; holding her; holding them; holds good; human culture; inert matter; its mouth; looked about; maple syrup; musical work; pale face; particular person; pass the; really wanted; that direction