The transferring hither those manufactures, which contribute so much to draw our commerce to England, will have a great tendency to strengthen our connections with this country, and loosen them with that.
At the former there could be no object for him but politics, the system of which there is intricate, and can never be connected with us; nor will our commercial connections be considerable.
These gentlemen have connections both in and out of office, and these again their connections, so that our default on this article is further known, more blamed, and excites worst dispositions against us, than you can conceive.
Their wants, the nature of their services, their access to high characters, and connectionswith them, bespeak the reasons for this.
The enfranchising the port of Honfleur at the mouth of the Seine, for multiplying the connections with us, is at present an object.
The King, who is a good man, is favorably disposed towards him, and he is supported by powerful family connections and by the public good will.
So extensive, too, have commercial connections now become, that every mercantile house has correspondents in almost every port.
Our future connections with Spain and Spanish America, will render that language a valuable acquisition.
Their connections at Court are such as to excite very unfavorable feelings there against us, and some very hard things have been said (particularly in the Assemblée des Notables) on the prospect relative to our debts.
Electrical connectionsare so arranged that when the commutator is tilted to the right, the transmission is down-hill, when tilted to the left, up-hill.
Suitable electric connections were made for sending a feeble induction shock of short duration through the specimen.
Electric connections have to be made with the latter by means of cloth moistened with dilute salt solution; drying of the salt solution, however, gives rise to a variation of resistance in the electrolytic contact.
The specimen is supported in a suitable manner, and electric connections made with the toes, one for the entrance and the other for exit of the constant current.
A long strand of the conducting tissue was taken and two electric connections were made with a galvanometer, a few centimetres from the free ends.
These flexible connections were found to undergo a variable amount of elastic yield.
The electric connections are so made that the same tetanising shock is applied on the three petioles, very young, fully grown, and very old.
Family connections are among no other race regarded as so holy, the ties of relationship are nowhere so cherished, as among the Slavi.
It is this immense extent, which adds greatly to the difficulties of a general survey of the different relations and connections of nations, broken up into so many parts.
He had formed also one of the two or three connections which dominated his life.
All connections between Lead Pipes and between Lead and Brass or Copper pipes must be made by means of "wiped" solder joints.
The connections of the branch sewers and the house sewers with the main sewer must be carefully made, so that there shall be no impediment to the flow of the contents, either of the branches or of the main pipe.
To facilitateconnections of cast-iron pipes, short and convenient forms and fittings are cast.
All connections between Lead Pipes and Iron Pipes are made by means of brass ferrules.
The connections of the lead branch pipes or traps with the vertical lines must be by Y joints, and by means of brass ferrules, as explained above.
Some of these connections are named according to their shape, such as L, T, Y, etc.
But Egilmar got scant reward for his pains, no doubt because those in authority at Corvei and Herford were family connections of Duke Liudolf, whom it was felt dangerous to cross.
He attaches himself to a party; he enters political life; and new connectionsserve to promote his objects.
Heaven forbid I should say anything against the laudable industry of one who follows such a profession for the sake of subsistence; but with means and connections that will raise you in life, why voluntarily sink into a mere artist?
Lupin, for that matter, has connections at the Palais that balk all our calculations.
In my opinion, the murderer must be numbered among the friends or connections of Mr. and Mrs. Kesselbach.
The first attempt to find out his connections will be detected, and shall put a final period to all intercourse.
Moreover, the war by destroying established connections between neutral countries and their natural purveyors of manufactured goods in Europe has opened the way to a future extension of American export.
In all the near-lying countries, concerns with German connections open up a wide channel for the incoming wares.
Crassus, who, by his connections and immense wealth, possessed great political influence.
Pompey, in revenge, resolved to procure the recall of Cicero from banishment, and was thus brought again into some friendlyconnections with the aristocratical party.
Then, his family connections are most unexceptionable; my own relations cannot feel in any way compromised by such an alliance.
He in turn married his own sister, and the records intimate that another reason for marrying in the family was that it kept out undesirable connections who would naturally expect to receive positions under the government.
Thereupon the king sent a secret message to one of his generals and soon the traitor was travelling southward into exile and all his connections and followers were put where they could do no more harm.
Vergil's lampoon is interesting then not only in its connections with Catullus and the poet's own boyhood memories, but for its reminiscences of Cicero's speeches and the revelation of his own sympathies in the partizan struggle.
If the characters of his epic must be connected with well-known Roman families, it is at least interesting that the connections are indicated in the fifth book and not in the passages where the names first meet the reader.
His work in these connections speaks of his executive ability louder than can words written or spoken.
He was a member of the Board of Trade and his opinions carried weight among its representatives and in other connections which had to do with the city’s welfare.
His fraternal connections were with the Masons, and he was district and provincial grand master for England from December, 1849, until his demise.
Through these connections he keeps in close touch with the advanced work of the profession and has himself been a leader along the line of professional progress.
The De Solas took refuge in Holland, but a branch of the family continued to hold business connections with Lisbon, and eventually some of them settled in the Portuguese capital, where they amassed much wealth.
The establishment remains today as one of the foremost wholesale dry-goods commission houses of Montreal, with trade connections that lead to all provinces of the Dominion.
Each step in his career has been a forward one, and each change in his business connections has marked an advance.
His business connectionsalone would entitle him to distinction, yet he has, perhaps, an even wider acquaintance through his Masonic associations.
In many public connections outside the field of business and finance his name has figured prominently and his labors have been effectively and helpfully felt.
He has manifested Napoleonic powers in other connections and his strength, power and resource have given him the position of honor and distinction which he now occupies.
He was being used by another party--by some one having confidential relations or connections with certain families, Col.
One paper alluded to the unpleasant fact that Edward Morgan was defending and aiding Mr. Royson's connections at the time of the insult.
If they belonged to the same narrative the connections were gone.
As her connections and acquaintance lie in a different set of people, and in a remote part of the country from those of Mr. Delamere, it is improbable, that with the precaution we shall take, he will ever discover her residence.
Probably,' said Miss Galton, 'as you know his Lordship, you may know what connections and family he has.
After all, family connections counted for something, even with the retentive old trolley magnate.
But agents like O'Brien were few, and most of the best of them had their own old-established connections with other companies.
This war will be over, and the Southern merchants will desire a resumption of their connections with the West.
He had already laid the foundations of the great financial and industrial connections which gave him an intimate, personal interest in protection and which later made him an important figure in American industry and politics.
Such connections enabled them to determine the policies and direct the investments of these important concerns.
In these two instruments, no use was made of the power which exists of determining the deflection of the needle to either side by merely reversing the connections of the battery.
The connections having been duly made he tried to start an induced current by rubbing the back of the feline.
In his wishes man is dependent on many things; in himself he is dependent on nothing, not even on his own life; the more his connections are multiplied, the greater his sufferings.
To face page 10)] An example of a cooking and mashing apparatus and its connections is shown in Fig.
Singlephase and Polyphase Generators; faults in armature; grounds in generators; connections of different phases; field windings.
He was but a child when we parted, and he has felt embarrassment in resuming connections which for a long interval had been inevitably severed.
From all I hear, our connections and opinions are very different, and I dare say our habits likewise.