The greatest care has been taken to furnish a faithful rendering of the original texts; these have been set from rotary-bromide photographs of the unique copies now in national custody.
The continuous process depends upon the decomposition of the bromide by chlorine, which is generated in special stills.
In whooping-cough, when a sedative is required but a stimulant is also indicated, ammoniumbromide is often invaluable.
The distillate was further purified by digestion with milk of lime, precipitation with water, and further digestion with calcium bromide and barium oxide, and was finally redistilled.
The salts of bromine are widely used in photography, especially bromide of silver.
The action of bromine is sometimes accelerated by the use of compounds which behave catalytically, the more important of these substances being iodine, iron, ferric chloride, ferric bromide, aluminium bromide and phosphorus.
The crude bromine is purified by repeated shaking with potassium, sodium or ferrous bromide and subsequent redistillation.
For their quantitative determination they are precipitated in nitric acid solution by means of silver nitrate, and the silver bromide well washed, dried and weighed.
Bromide of potassium is the safest and most generally applicable sedative of the nervous system.
Its chief commercial sources are the salt deposits at Stassfurt in Prussian Saxony, in which magnesium bromide is found associated with various chlorides, and the brines of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, U.
Any uncondensed bromine vapour is absorbed by moist iron borings, and the resulting iron bromide is used for the manufacture of potassium bromide.
The atomic weight of antimony has been determined by the analysis of the chloride, bromide and iodide.
For some minutes after her aunt had gone Fleur remained under influence of bromide material and spiritual.
The relation of the gold to the potassium bromide, as well as the amounts of silver and silver bromide which are equivalent to the potassium bromide, were determined.
Thorpe and Laurie converted potassium auribromide into a mixture of metallic gold and potassium bromide by careful heating.
Opium and other medicines of the narcotic class would, I was satisfied, do more harm than good; bromide of potassium I reserved for use, should it become necessary to employ it.
Of medicines, I have no experience except with the bromide of potassium, and those calculated to improve the tone of the nervous system.
I likewise advised the use, for a few nights, of small doses of bromide of potassium.
I do not think, however, that it possesses any advantages over bromide of potassium, or that it is even equal in any respect to this agent.
I administered thirty grains of the bromide of potassium at six o'clock in the evening, and repeated the dose at ten, directing him to go to bed half an hour subsequently.
Since then several months have elapsed, and she has had no other attack, owing to the influence of the bromide of potassium which she continues to take.
Perhaps no one medicine is so uniformly successful in the ordinary forms of nightmare as the bromide of potassium, administered in doses of from twenty to forty grains, three times a day.
When crystals of silver bromide are struck by beta particles, the silver atoms are ionized and form a latent image, so called because it is invisible to our eyes.
A bromide having a higher proportion of bromine than any other bromide of the same substance or series.
A mineral consisting of both the chloride and the bromide of silver.
A bromide containing more than one atom of bromine in the molecule.
Thus, it came to pass that Krantz, the reception clerk at the Central Hotel, had just seen the doctor sent to dose de Courtois with bromide leaving the building when the Earl and Mr. Schmidt entered.
The police surgeon, at my request, has dosed him with sufficient bromide to keep him quiet till to-morrow morning.
The salts were dissolved in the usual quantity of water, the bromide of potassium was added to the separately-dissolved gelatine, and both solutions cooled in iced water.
From the purely theoretical standpoint, the property possessed by gelatine, of combining in sufficiently cold solutions with bromide of silver in the nascent state, and falling to the bottom in a flaky condition, is exceedingly interesting.
A New Method of Preparing Photographic Gelatine Emulsion by Precipitation of the Bromide of Silver.
Several cases of acne resembling that caused by Bromide of Potassium, cured.
That this influence is probably not so great or so sure as that obtained by the use of antipyrin and the bromide salts or even of the mixed bromides.
Mixed diet may be allowed, though I insist upon large quantities of fresh meat during treatment with Bromide of arsenic.
This phase of exaggerated second childhood lasted for several weeks, until, under the counteracting influence of bromide draughts, it gradually subsided into a more restrained joy in life.
It was a very discomfiting thought, and I grew so alarmed at Gran'pa's condition that I decided to get him a bromide draught.
The natural silver bromide (bromyrite) and the combined silver chloride and bromide (embolite) are fairly common in the oxide zones of silver ores, but are not commercial sources of bromine.
In the first place, a bromide print cannot be regarded as absolutely permanent, but a bromoil may be.
Next, the color of a bromide print is limited to black and varying shades of brown, unless chemical toning is resorted to, which still further reduces the stability of the image.
A similar emulsion coated on paper gives bromide or gas-light paper, which, as will be seen later, is used for making prints.
In modern practice this light-sensitive chemical is almost always bromide of silver or a mixture of the bromide with other silver compounds, these chemicals being held in an emulsion of gelatine.
The advantages of bromoil over bromide are numerous.
Often this print is allowed to remain as it is, and it is then known as a bromide enlargement, or, simply, an enlargement; sometimes the worker converts it into a bromoil.
In some dim future incarnation, perhaps, theBromide will leap into sulphitic apprehension of existence.
The Bromide has no salt nor spice nor savor--but he is the bread of Society, the veriest staff of life.
But to the Bromide all such matters of fact and fancy are perpetually picturesque, and, a discoverer, he leaps up and shouts out enthusiastically that two and two are four, and defends his statement with eloquent logic.
You will notice, also, in discussing this theory with your friends, that the Bromide will take up, with interest, only the bromidic aspect of life.
To use the phraseology of Harvard and Radcliffe, the Sulphite is connotative, the Bromide denotative.
The Bromide is reflective, and the object is thrown back unchanged, unanalyzed; it is accepted without interrogation.
One is a Bromide and the other a Sulphite--and this explanation illuminates the paradox.
A Bromide will never jump out of his box into that ticketed "Sulphite.
The Bromide conforms to everything sanctioned by the majority, and may be depended upon to be trite, banal and arbitrary.
But your Bromide is impressive and asserts, "I knew the man that died!
And, moreover, it is always offered by the Bromide as a fresh, new, apt and rather clever thing to say.
The same experience is needed to estimate the length of the exposure in making lantern slides, or in bromide printing.
With this screen the Roentgen rays are intensified, or rather are transformed, the luminous radiation being rendered more actinic and therefore able to act more quickly upon the emulsion of bromide of silver with which the film is coated.
The chloride and chloro-bromide have been found in several Cornish mines, but never in very large amounts.
If nitrate of silver is added to another portion of the aqueous solution of bromide of potassium, a precipitate of bromide of silver, soluble in ammonia, is formed.
Upon decanting the solution, and treating it with potassa, bromide of potassium is formed, and can be detected as directed above.
If potassa is then added to the solution, it combines with the bromine and, upon evaporating the decanted fluid, calcining the residue, and treating it with water, a solution of bromide of potassium is obtained.
Opiates administered in small quantity, and preferably by hypodermic injection, are undoubtedly of value; and chloral, either alone or in conjunction with bromide of potassium, often answers even better.
Owing principally to the large proportion of chloride and bromide of magnesia no animal life can exist in its water.
I was amazed at the small effect produced by the strongest doses of morphia, scopolamin, chloral hydrate, and bromide of potassium.
The enlarged bromide prints, measuring four by six inches, are mounted in close consecutive order around the cylinder and extend out like the leaves of a book, as shown in the illustration.
In this room are also prepared positive transparent strips for use in the biograph and the bromide prints for the mutoscope.
At the far end of the room are seen the machines for cutting up the bromide prints.
The formula is as follows, for which the world is indebted to Canon Beechy: In 8 ounces of absolute alcohol dissolve 5 drachms of anhydrous bromide of cadmium.
Ducretet, whom he induced to take it up and employ the new gelatino-bromide process.
It is the same lamp that I use for developing all my rapid bromide plates; it is the best lamp I ever used.
Label this "bromide solution;" and it is well to add on the label the constituents, which will be found to be nearly: Alcohol.
This was only to be done by hardening one's heart, by giving bromide and stout, and insisting on the egg and milk that interspaced all meals.
But asperin and bromide and a nightly drink of hot brandy and water soon broke off this habit.
Add to this weak developer a few drops of a solution of bromide of potassium, prepared with a quarter of an ounce of bromide of potassium and five ounces of water.
The bromide is called a restrainer, as it makes the development of the image proceed more slowly.
Put the plate back in the tray, and turn the developer, to which the bromide has been added, over it, rocking the plate gently.