But if men should give her anything toward her help, it must have been, as I told you, good counsel.
And that we lose no part thereof, uncle, I pray you proceed now with yourgood counsel therein.
A wise knight he was, bold in enterprise, and of good counsel.
And on the morrow they bade the trumpet-blast summon an assembly, and said that they thought it good counsel to hold a conference with that man who came from the north with new doctrine, and to learn what proofs he could bring.
Sir Ernault, who is a right wise knight and of good counsel, knowing well the manner and ways of his brother the Count, held his peace for a little while.
When all is done, the help of good counsel is that which setteth business straight.
Good counsel tendered to fools rather provokes= 20 =than satisfies them.
Good counsel is no better than bad counsel, if it is not taken in time.
By good counsel, advice of friends, to contemn or dissemble it.
Gunnar said to Njal, "I am come to seek a bit of good counsel at thy hands about a knotty point.
Of good counsel, and ready to give it, and all that he advised men was sure to be the best for them to do.
Good counsel's good at any time, The wise will it receive, Though fools count he commits a crime Who doth good counsel give.
Yet observe again, He doth not refuse to give, even to these, good counsel: he bids them labour for the meat that endureth to eternal life.
A wild or mad man gives no heed to good counsel; the frenzy of his head shuts all out, and by its force leads him away from men that are wise and sober.
Good counsel in the general then is that which goes right towards that which is the End in a general way of consideration; in particular, that which does so towards some particular End.
Since then deliberating well is a quality of men possessed of Practical Wisdom, Good Counsel must be "Rightness in respect of what conduces to a given End, of which Practical Wisdom is the true conception.
Well, Good Counsel is a Rightness of deliberation, and so the first question must regard the nature and objects of deliberation.
Good counsel is required in order that the good things discovered may be applied to action: wherefore command belongs to prudence which takes good counsel.
Now admonition is a kind of counsel, which is an act of prudence, for a prudent man is one who is of good counsel (Ethic.
Further, it belongs to prudence, "to be of good counsel" (Ethic.
Further, "It is by prudence that we are of good counsel," as stated in Ethic.
But man can act not only from his own, but also from another's good counsel.
Prudence makes us be of good counsel, not as though its immediate act consisted in being of good counsel, but because it perfects the latter act by means of a subordinate virtue, viz.
When the king heard his speech, he turned to him and said, "It is grievous to me, O vizier of good counsel.
Now she had an eunuch who had come with her from the court of her uncle King Suleiman Shah, and he was intelligent, quickwitted, a man of good counsel.
Quoth Ardashir, "O thou Wazir of good counsel, do what cometh to thy mind, and may the Lord direct thy rede aright!
Asked Ardashir, "And how then shall we do, O Wazir of good counsel?
Good counsel is precious here; and if you know more than your paternoster, now is the time to show it.
But you are a pious man of God: I know it well; and your high-born penitent shall certainly receive your good counsel tomorrow, on a fasting heart.
Regard for his soul's salvation has moved me to come hither, to speak with him, if possible, or to have conveyed to him a good counsel in writing.
For my sin I will mourn, All creatures I will turn; And when I see misdoing men, Good counsel I shall give them, And exhort them to amend.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good counsel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.