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Example sentences for "counsell"

Lexicographically close words:
counseil; counseill; counsel; counseled; counseling; counselled; counsellers; counselleth; counselling; counsellor
  1. His place as agent for the Colledge and toune of Edinburgh was by Act of the Toune Counsell conferred upon Mr. Robert Lauder, portioner of Belhaven, some few days after.

  2. Thomson their Clerk by his influence upon the deacons of trades nominated and elected the Magistrats att his pleasure, he in 1665 caused the toun Counsell of Edr.

  3. Item, for Cromwell's Proclamations and other Acts of his Counsell from Septr.

  4. In the middle of 1669 came his majesties letter to the secret counsell for indulging some of the outed ministers libertie to return to their oune kirks if vacant, or to preach at any other vacant churches the S.

  5. He gouerned the sée of Shireborne the space of 50 yéeres, by the good counsell and faithfull aduise of those two prelats.

  6. Cuthberd, to giue counsell both to the Danes and Englishmen, to make the same Guthrid king.

  7. Alditha, daughter to earle Ormus, by whose counsell and assistance he had thus obtained the vpper hand.

  8. Then Aulafe or Aualassus, and Godfrie the sonnes of Sithrike, finding out by diligent examination, that Beatrice was of counsell in poisoning hir husband, they caused hir to be apprehended and put to death on this wise.

  9. She sayeth at her return to the Counsell Chamber that Lady Mary willed her to return to my Lady Howard’s chamber, but whither the Lady Mary herself went she knoweth not, unless it were into the Privy Chamber.

  10. I see ye condemne them all that are of the counsell of such craftes.

  11. It is not good vsing his counsell I see then.

  12. This Petition of M^r Rolfes' was thought fitt to be referred to the Counsell of State.

  13. Now, as touching the neglecte of his worke, what satisfaction ought to be made to his M^r for that is referred to the Governour and Counsell of Estate.

  14. And whosoever of them shalbe[364] found negligent or faulty in this kinde shalbe subject to the censure of the Govern^r and Counsell of Estate.

  15. At the reading of the names of the Burgesses, Exception was taken against Captaine Warde as having planted here in Virginia without any authority or comission from the Tresurer, Counsell and Company in Englande.

  16. Item that when the Admirall shall set up his flag of Counsell in the shrowdes That then every Captayne shall repaire to knowe his pleasure.

  17. And shee further saith, that shee thinketh it was by and through the Counsell of the said M.

  18. It is very certaine she was of the Grand-counsell at Malking-Tower vpon Good-Friday, and was there present, which was a very great argument to condemne her.

  19. These are some part of the fruits of my time spent in the Seruice of my Countrie, Since by your Graue and Reuerend Counsell (my Good Lord) I reduced my wauering and wandring thoughts to a more quiet harbour of repose.

  20. But at the first they were called Comites, which were ioined in commission with the proconsull, legate, or iudges for counsell and aids sake in each of those seuerall charges.

  21. Others in like sort haue protested, that they owght nothing to the kings of this land, but their counsell onelie, reseruing all obedience vnto the see of Rome.

  22. The Indians replyed, that they woulde take no counsell of straungers and menne whome they knewe not.

  23. The Counsell and magistrates of Vera Crux wrote also two letters to the Emperour, the one was touching the successe of their procéedings in his royall seruice.

  24. But seyng his Counsell and subiectes so determined to warre, he cömaunded foure Spaniardes whiche he had prysoners in a cage, to be sacrificed vnto the Goddes of warre, with a greate number more of Indians.

  25. The newe Kyng Quahutimoc hauing intelligence how Cortes hadde launched hys Vergantines and so mightie a power to beséege Mexico, entred into counsell wyth the chiefest péeres of hys Realme.

  26. But the losse of treasure gréeued hym not so much, as the excluding hym out of the Counsell of the warres, whereas other yong Gentlemen of lesse knowledge and abilitie were accepted, which was a cause of greate murmuryng among the host.

  27. Neuer tell him, my Lord, let her weare it out with good counsell Leon.

  28. Then all the rest of his Counsell and company likewise in blacke gownes and hoodes, like mourners, two by two.

  29. Twas so: I doe love her strangely: I would fain know the truth: counsell me.

  30. Three may keep counsell if two be away, And so may all three if nothing they say.

  31. And the second day of the same moneth, the King with all his counsell sate in Judgment vpon vs.

  32. Then came vp the other fiue and shot all at vs, and so fell all asterne of vs, and then went to counsell together.

  33. Also we pray you as occasion shall serue that you ayd and helpe our factours, both with your counsell and otherwise; and thus God send you safely to returne.

  34. And after their departure we went aboord the Minion to counsell what were best to be done, at which time they were sore discomfited.

  35. Thy-sell now can tell now The counsell of thae clarkis, Quhairthrow yit, I trow yit, Thy breist dois beir the markis.

  36. Thairfoir, my barne, I counsell thee Sic interprysis to let be.

  37. Then said the protector: Ye shall all see in what wise that sorceresse, and that other witch of hir counsell Shores wife, with their affinitie, haue by their sorcerie and witchcraft wasted my bodie.

  38. Now then, if she refuse in the deliuerance of him, to follow the counsell of them, whose wisdome she knoweth whose truth she well trusteth: it is easie to perceiue, that frowardnesse letteth hir and not feare.

  39. Now after he was thus appointed, and had betweene them twaine insured hir: then asked he counsell of his other freends, and that in such maner, as they might then perceiue it booted not greatlie to say naie.

  40. And in that point, which in good faith I am sorie to speake of, sauing that it is in vaine to keepe in counsell that thing that all men know, the kings greedie appetite was insatiable, and euerie where ouer all the realme intollerable.

  41. Her Maiestie being informed of a mightie preparation by Sea begunne in Spaine for the inuasion of England, by good aduise of her graue and prudent Counsell thought it expedient to preuent the same.

  42. And when it pleased the Lords Generall to call a common Counsell (as often times they did vpon weightie matters best knowen to their honours) then they would cause an other kinde of flagge to be hanged put, which was the Redcrosse of S.

  43. Her flattery, 100 Picture and Poesy, Her counsell her owne vertue be.

  44. Shall Henries Conquest, Bedfords vigilance, Your Deeds of Warre, and all our Counsell dye?

  45. And this is by the reason that the chief instrument of youre lawe ye[a] the chief of your counsell and he whiche hath your swerde in his hond to whome also all the other instrumentes are obedient is alweys a spirituell man.

  46. The Ape, thus seized of the regall throne, Eftsones by counsell of the Foxe alone Gan to provide for all things in assurance, That so his rule might lenger have endurance.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counsell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.