And this occurred even if the article in question had not been considered as offering ground for the prosecution by the authorities in Spain.
To the Inhabitants of Porto Rico: "In the prosecution of the war against the Kingdom of Spain by the people of the United States, in the cause of liberty, justice and humanity, its military forces have come to occupy the islands of Porto Rico.
Robert, afraid ofprosecution for sorcery, thought himself too near France and escaped to England, where he urged Edward III to war against his native country.
None of his countrymen were inclined to join with him in a furtherprosecution of the enterprise; and the subject was dropped for the time.
A second prosecution was commenced, and, on his non-appearance, he was expelled from the House of Commons.
The sarcasm stung so deep that a prosecution was ordered against him.
A third prosecution was commenced against him for language in a publication which was pronounced flagitious; and not returning to meet it, he was outlawed.
We had, however, to legislate upon the basis of the continued prosecution of the war, and it therefore became necessary to increase the revenues in every possible way, and to provide for new loans.
These I prepared after I had been a student for a year, and, in cases within the jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, I habitually appeared either in prosecution or defense.
From the moment it was made the popular mind grew stronger and firmer in favor of the prosecution of the war and the abolition of slavery, and more resolute to resist the surrender proposed to rebels in arms.
I referred to the early history of the Republican party and to the action of Lincoln and Grant in the prosecution of the war, and contrasted the opinion expressed of them by the Democratic party then and at the time of my speech.
I stated fully the methods of conducting the business of the clearing house, a corporation of the State of New York, and closed as follows: "As the prosecution against John C.
We only know that proper legal proceedings are now being urged to have an extradition, and if he is brought within the jurisdiction of the courts as a matter of course the prosecution can then be pushed.
Lafayette demanded and procured an amnesty in favour of those who were under prosecution for favouring the king's flight, or for proceedings against the revolution.
Their trial had lasted nine days, and each sitting had been occupied by the prosecution and the defence.
The prosecutionis conducted by a Procurator-Fiscal who is appointed by the Lord Advocate, and who holds his appointment for life and is not in any way under the authority of the police.
The prosecution cannot add any productions or any witnesses to the list furnished in the indictment; but if it is decided that additional witnesses are required the diet may be deserted and a new indictment served.
If during the trial any reference is initiated by the prosecution as to previous convictions, the prisoner is entitled to an acquittal upon the charge against him.
It is almost incredible that, even after the trial, priests and magistrates who had promoted the prosecution professed to believe that the charge was true.
It must be with the Spirit, or else as there will be a failing in the act itself, so there will be a failing, yea, a fainting, in the prosecution of the work.
At Vienna, however, no research availed to discover a trace of any such person; and in despair Graham returned to England in the January of 1870, and left the further prosecution of his inquiries to M.
It will place me where I shall be furnished with ample means for the prosecution of all those inquiries which have engaged me on earth, exposed to none or fewer of the hindrances which have here thronged the way.
When I see you again, I shall have much to tell you of him; for during the rest of the voyage we were often thrown together, and, as you will learn, he has become of essential service to me in the prosecution of my objects.
In the spring of the seventh year the archangel Gabriel appears to Godfrey of Bouillon and orders him to assemble the chiefs of the army and prepare for a new and vigorous prosecution of the war.
Nor may any German be delivered up to a foreign nation forprosecution or punishment.
No German may be surrendered to a foreign Government for prosecution or punishment.
The plain tendency of all these publications, disguised as cleverly as it might be in an attempt to escape confiscation of the issue or prosecution for treason, was revolutionary.
The manifesto was so worded that prosecution thereon could hardly have been sustained.
The National President shall not be subject to criminal prosecution without the consent of the National Assembly.
When the evidence for the prosecution had closed, the accused was asked to say anything he could in his own defence, and to produce any witnesses he might have.
The witnesses, both for the prosecution and for the defence, were examined carefully and patiently by the Judge and by the defendant.
On the other hand, to intrust a man, armed as he was with all the powers of his station, and indeed of the government, with the conduct of a prosecution against himself, was altogether inconsistent and absurd.
These motives, as far as they can be discovered, were the violence of his adversaries, the interested character and views of the accuser, and the danger of a prosecution in the Supreme Court, which made it prudent to reserve his defence.
But it soon appeared that in deep-rooted and inveterate abuses the wisest principles of reform may be made to operate so destructively as wholly to discredit the design, and to dishearten all persons from the prosecution of it.
Nothing was done to compel them to prosecutionor complaint where delinquency became visible.
A right of prosecution in the King's Bench was also established; but it was a right the exercise of which is difficult, and in many, and those the most weighty cases, impracticable.
The prosecution was not the pursuit of mean and subordinate persons, who might with safety to the public interest remain in their seats during such an inquiry into their conduct.
Your Committee do not find that the covenants have been sent, or that any prosecution has been begun.
But their delaying to send out positive orders for commencing a prosecution against the parties concerned till March, 1778, cannot be accounted for.
Such a prosecution ought not to have been ordered by the Directors, but upon grounds that would have fully authorized the recall of the gentleman in question.
A prosecutionagainst three of the testamentary witnesses was recommended, who were afterwards convicted of perjury.
In accounts of the expeditions fitted out by the authorities, it, for instance, often happens that mention is made of meeting with hunters and traders, who were sailing along the coast in the prosecution of private enterprise.
For I suffered from a sensible want of the first condition for the successful prosecution of a commercial undertaking, goods in demand.
The burden of the prosecution which followed fell upon the Quakers of the metropolis, large numbers of whom were heavily fined, imprisoned, and sentenced to be banished from their native land.
On his discharge, he sought refuge in the hamlet of Totteridge, where he wrote and published that Paraphrase on the New Testament which was made the ground of his prosecution and trial before Jeffreys.
Escaping from the hands of the law, he visited his friend, who was by this time in a way of recovery, and, on his return, learned that the prosecution had been abandoned.
If I have supported my prosecution with a dignity befitting its importance, I have spoken as my wishes dictated; if too deficiently, as my abilities admitted.
The strong hands of steam were directed to the prosecution of the war, and the swiftness of the train replaced the toilsome plodding of the caravan.
The brilliant aspect of the affair caused great satisfaction in England, and the further prosecution of the campaign was looked for with increasing interest.
The money was handed to the Egyptian Government and devoted to the prosecution of the war.
All these facts show that a reckless prosecution of personal interests, with no regard to other people's needs, is not the only characteristic of modern life.
Only some passages of them were quoted by Fiscal General Wiwet in his prosecution of Brandt.
It is due to Mr. Newboy, the counsel for the prosecutionin the great case of Regina v.
In its simplicity the prosecution was beautifully commonplace, and five minutes’ consideration would have been sufficient to enable counsel to master the details and be prepared to meet the defence.
Mr. Bumpkin, “it seem to me a man in Lunnon be every minit liable to a prosecution for zummat.
The counsel for the prosecution being by this time pretty considerably confused, and not being able to make out the name of a single witness on the depositions (there were only two) called out, “The Prosecutor.
In the prosecution of his scheme, he soon goes to attempting a vastly deeper breach of the very law he is enforcing than that of the man whom he has found obnoxious to its penalties.
The gallant, not knowing the doctor, takes him for confidant and adviser in the prosecution of his suit, and is thus thwarted in all his plans.