Envenom him with words, or get thee gone And leave those woes alone which I alone Am bound to under-bear.
Sir, this report of his Did Hamlet so envenom with his envy That he could nothing do but wish and beg Your sudden coming o'er to play with you.
Envenom him with words, or get thee gone, And leaue those woes alone, which I alone Am bound to vnder-beare Sal.
This report of his Did Hamlet soenvenom with his Enuy, That he could nothing doe but wish and begge, Your sodaine comming ore to play with him; Now out of this Laer.
In short, people fear that this is a sign that England wants so to envenom the situation that war will become inevitable.
The poison with which they envenom their arrows is proverbial for deadly effect; they compound the venomous juice from a multitude of ingredients and fortify the compound by superstitious practices.
The poison with which they envenom the points of their arrows is the most active that has ever been known here.
Mothers of families, dowagers who had granddaughters to establish, young girls jealous of Natalie, whose elegance and tyrannical beauty annoyed them, took pains to envenom this opinion with treacherous remarks.
These notaries are strange fellows; they envenom everything.
It was true that the little crystal bottle discovered at Threave had been stolen from Dover Street; but although the antidote had acted so successfully, I could not believe that the actual liquid from that bottle had been used toenvenom us.