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Example sentences for "mistreat"

Lexicographically close words:
mistooke; mistral; mistranslated; mistranslation; mistranslations; mistreated; mistreating; mistreatment; mistres; mistress
  1. After all I been through, honest chile, I love everybody in de world, dose dat mistreat me and dose dat didn't.

  2. Him and his wife had a big fight about that, and she hated me for a long time, and said, the idea of her husband taking a nigger's word to hers and mistreat her on account of it.

  3. He neber 'lowed no o'seer or anybody to mistreat his niggers.

  4. Only incensed by this he would beat and mistreat her out of all reason.

  5. He told me if I would go there he never would let nobody bother me and he never would mistreat me no more.

  6. South Carolina and Georgia got that way after people from those places came in and taught them to mistreat colored people.

  7. Miss Mary would always tell them not to mistreat her help.

  8. But why should this man want to mistreat Carlitos?

  9. Jose and Maria sent Pepito up to work but kept Carlitos away--they were afraid the man would mistreat him.

  10. Sidenote: German hospitality] To mistreat a guest they consider to be a crime.

  11. It will be impossible for you to mistreat Williams, associated as he is with your father.

  12. The girl felt that she was bound by her letter, and that she could not in justice mistreat him.

  13. I know a man who does not mistreat his wife, but I never knew one who wasn't bald.

  14. If you have, don't you know how it stings you deeper for a man to mistreat or strike him than yourself?

  15. When they found he was not so bad off as they thought, the two other boys began to abuse and mistreat the stranger.

  16. He never did mistreat me," she murmured, hardly above a whisper.

  17. Dílì ta manig-ingun sa mga dátung mudagmal ug binatunan, We should not imitate the rich and mistreat our servants.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mistreat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abuse; afflict; batter; bewitch; blight; bruise; buffet; corrupt; crucify; curse; damage; defile; deprave; despoil; destroy; disadvantage; distress; doom; envenom; harass; harm; hurt; impair; infect; injure; jinx; knock; malodorous; maltreat; manhandle; maul; menace; mistreat; misuse; molest; outrage; persecute; pervert; poison; pollute; prejudice; rough; savage; scathe; taint; threaten; torment; torture; vilify; violate; wound; wrong