We penalize ourselves every time we run a train without full tonnage.
When business happened to be light, equipment plentiful, and terminals open we would penalize ourselves in wages for slower movement, but would save in fuel, in engine house expense, etc.
And to make a bad matter worse Federal legislation has sought to penalize the enterprise of the railroads in any attempts to develop the use of the waterways in their own interest.
On Freeman's road they do notpenalize a man for failing to make his time, by finding some other excuse and then quietly removing him from his run.
Well, it was hard luck in a way—but after all you had a perfect right to penalize him; he did foul, and he ought to be sport enough to take the consequences.
I think it was pretty rough, Mr. Upton, topenalize him for an unintentional foul,” said Morrill.
You didn’t have to penalize him unless you wanted to,” said Morrill grimly.
If there’s any fouling at the start, you can call them back andpenalize the fellow that fouled—a yard to five yards, according to your discretion.
They are in conscience bound to exact for their offspring such education, and, where the State refuses them their own money to support their "separate schools" they willinglypenalize themselves to give them this benefit.
To deprive a free citizen of this right is to penalize him and oblige him--as is the case in Manitoba--to buy twice over a right of conscience.
The Spanish Penal Code did not prohibit or penalize slavery, or the purchase or sale of human beings.
The act referred to prohibits slavery, but does not penalize it.
This decision of the Supreme Court of the United States had the practical effect of making it impossible to penalize certain crimes at all.
But the cases furnish no ground for the belief that Congress may penalize the use of the mails by these persons for the transmission of matter that is harmless.
Inflation would reduce job opportunities, price us out of world markets, shrink the value of savings and penalize the thrift so essential to finance a growing economy.
The "sliding scale" in the price support law should not be allowed to penalizefarmers for increasing production to meet defense needs.
I do not believe that it should seek to penalize those whose sex-relationships are not of this character, except so far as legislation for the protection of the immature or the helpless is concerned.
It will be in vain that laws are devised to prevent divorce by collusion, in vain that King's proctors or judges detect and penalize here and there the less wary and ingenious offenders.