They were accustomed to see white men hunting and trapping in that region, and they may have felt no wish to molest one of their number, though tempted so to do by his unprotected situation.
He found that a number of young girls had followed him, and were at his heels all the way back; but, though they talked a good deal about him, and displayed as much curiosity as their brothers, they did not molest him.
It was inevitable that a number should see him, and two youngsters called out something, but he made no response and they forebore to molest him further.
None of them had offered to molest Jack, but he felt great misgiving.
We were tolerably successful, and for a long time no ship of war appeared inclined to molest us; at length your schooner appeared, and on two or three occasions nearly came up with us.
As I had no wish tomolest him, I began to retreat; but as I did so, he came down from his tree and followed me.
XVII "In guerdon for this present, I request That thou to me upon thy faith wilt swear, Thou never wilt my chastity molest In word or deed.
His people must not molest me again, but let me go where I liked.
After three weeks she leaves it to hunt for food, but always returns at night: the natives do not molest it.
Such was my conversation with the young sovereign, and after his assurances I concluded that no one would molest me.
I related the whole affair to the bishop, exaggerating the uproar, making much of the injustice of such proceedings, and railing at a vexatious police daring to molest travellers and to insult the sacred rights of individuals and nations.
They were also bound by the treaty not to molest the people of Saguntum, a city lying between the Iberus and the Carthaginian dominions.
The mountaineers, however, hovered about his way, and did all they could to molest and embarrass his march.
As long as the black lady does not molest you," he said, "why trouble yourselves about her?
And, if ever you attempt to molest me again, I will have you sent to the treadmill.
A moment he let his fingers sink deep into the cold flesh, and then, realizing that she was already dead, he turned from her, to examine the contents of the room; nor did he again molest the body of either Lady Alice or Sir John.
With low moans, she sat cuddling the body to her; nor did Kerchak attempt to molest her.
Now that he was in his prime, there was no simian in all the mighty forest through which he roved that dared contest his right to rule, nor did the other and larger animals molest him.
But he had a perverse sense of her beauty, and he knew a sort of life in which her power to molest him with her temper could be reduced to the smallest proportions, and even broken to pieces.
While March watched them at a safe distance, a car laden with policemen came down the track, but none of the strikers offered to molest it.
The British cabinet immediately entered into a private arrangement with Prussia, guaranteeing to Frederic the possession of Silesia, in consideration of Prussia's agreement not to molest England's Hanoverian possessions.
Wallenstein stood so much in fear of the tactics of Gustavus that he did not even venture to molest his retreat.
Now, each of you to his duty, and let the people see that we mean business, and not to take any notice of or to molest them.
I think that the farther we get away from civilisation the less likely they are to interfere with us, so long as we do not molest them.
I do not think the blacks will molest us, but I have been a soldier, Man, and a soldier always behaves in peace as he would in war.
She had succeeded, for no person now attempted to molest her.
His capital may be one, one hundred, or one thousand dollars, but if he pays his dues regularly, no one is allowed to molest him.
With a gloomy countenance the fiends departed, never to return to molest the enchanter.
The only way we could do so was from supposing that the Indians had lost so many men that they thought it prudent not to molest us while we remained in camp.
The young wolves at first showed an inclination to bite at them when they came near, but were soon taught better manners, and afterwards never attempted to molest them.
When mighty Puru's offspring sways the earth, And o'er the wayward holds his threatening rod, Who dares molest the gentle maids that keep Their holy vigils here in Kanwa's grove?
She, widowed, dared with him molest Agastya, of all saints the best.
They always sprang up on the off side of the train, so that the trainmen could not see them, but I hope no trainman in Spain would have had the heart to molest them.
His urbanity and kindness soon won the good will of the inhabitants, both English and French, and made the Canadians sensible that he really came to secure their rights, not to molest them.
Colonel Fry and two other commissioners from Virginia concluded a treaty with the tribes above named; by which the latter engaged not to molest any English settlers south of the Ohio.
Go back to your kraals, and be careful not to molest us.
On the other hand, we did not molest the hyenas; the harm which they now and then did by the theft of a sheep was more than compensated for by their usefulness as devourers of carrion.
As to private houses occupied by peaceful families my orders are not to molest or disturb them, and I think my orders are obeyed.
The sufferers then will scarce molest us here; 1525 From other hands we need not much to fear.
And if it so be that they shall keep his commandments they shall be blessed upon the face of this land, and there shall be none to molest them, nor to take away the land of their inheritance; and they shall dwell safely forever.
Why, John is another sort of a person to deal with, certainly, I am not sure that a third English cruiser would molest us.