Yea, must such things as these, be the basis on which you build those heavy censures and condemnations you raise against your brethren, that cannot comply with you, because you want the word?
Equivalent to definitions are the condemnationsof error opposed to revealed truths.
Examples are ordinary instructions and condemnations given by Pontifical Congregations and Commissions.
Despite the influence and condemnationsof the Church, it has been practised in France for well over half a century, and in Belgium and other Roman Catholic countries is extending.
Our plenipotentiaries were instructed to obtain compensation for captures and condemnations contrary to the Law of Nations generally received in Europe, or to stipulations of treaty, so long as the latter “remained in force.
Renewal of the Condemnations of the Sixth Council.
For the papalcondemnations of Lenormant and Bartolo, see the Index Librorum Prohibitorum Sanctissimi Domini Nostri, Leonis XIII, P.
Not one of these condemnations was directed against Galileo "for reconciling his ideas with Scripture.
In all this there would seem to be considerable courage in view of the fearful condemnations launched in the Athanasian Creed against all who should "confound the persons" or "divide the substance of the Trinity.
The condemnations were inscribed upon the Index; and, finally, the papacy committed itself as an infallible judge and teacher to the world by prefixing to the Index the usual papal bull giving its monitions the most solemn papal sanction.
Condemnations and punishments of women in batches were not uncommon.
These, of course, have wholly disappeared, and we are left to gather their doctrines from the condemnations passed upon them.
The tendency of the practice among Catholics at large is to reduce these condemnations to the proportions of the moral law.
They accused this childish police of terrorising Paris, and represented the members of the Council, who refused to endorse the condemnations of the court-martial, as assassins.
The audience retired much disappointed at having got only two condemnations to death.
The sentences passed were distributed thus:-- Condemnationsto death 270 of whom 8 women.
Posterity still holds Tiberius to account for these tragedies; his cruel and suspicious tyranny is made responsible for these accusations, for the suits which followed, and for the cruel condemnations in which they ended.
Other condemnations were directed against the claims of inspiration and revelation, against the suspension of the faculties in mental prayer, against the Union with God which had been the aim of all the mystics.
Mr. Chambers's theory is that the ass was a descendant of the cervulus or hobby-buck who figures so largely in ecclesiastical condemnations of Kalends customs.
In Greece, where ecclesiastical condemnations of such things can be traced with remarkable clearness from early times to the twelfth century, it takes sundry forms.
The Middle Ages did not know it; one need only read the many condemnations from Nicholas I.
In condemnations of absentees and of the dead, confiscation is occasionally declared, as though in these the State might need some guidance, but even here the practice is not uniform.
This question of episcopal concurrence in condemnations evidently excited strong feeling and was long contested with varying success.
The Master's fiercest condemnations were for those who put any institution before the fulfillment of the human ideals.
It is certainly food for reflection that the fiercest condemnations in his parables are for those who miss the human duties in their regard for the possessions of this world.
On appeal, in April, these condemnations were revised or annulled.
Some rather injudicious condemnationsof leaders in the October riots merely aggravated the dissatisfaction.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "condemnations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.