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Example sentences for "dandruff"

Lexicographically close words:
dandified; dandle; dandled; dandling; dando; dandy; dandyism; danegeld; dang; danged
  1. Under no circumstances use hair tonics, dandruff or eczema cures, or hair dyes.

  2. Dandruff is a form of elimination and should not be suppressed.

  3. Dandruff and falling hair are caused by the elimination of systemic poisons through the scalp.

  4. The disease may be mistaken for dandruff, but dandruff covers a large area of the scalp, while ringworm is limited and sharply defined.

  5. Dandruff may cause a loss of hair; if it does, the hairs come out clean, while in ringworm they break off near the scalp.

  6. He examined my scalp, and told me that I had dandruff in my hair, and that he would give me a prescription which would remove this dandruff and cause my hair to stop falling out.

  7. The dandruff which detaches from the skin within the escutcheon of the first order is yellowish or copperish color.

  8. The dandruff disappears in a few days, and the hair in a short time becomes vigorous and supple.

  9. Where the dandruff is very troublesome, this treatment may be given once or twice a week; but in mild cases once a month is sufficient.

  10. A method of removing dandruff which is highly recommended is that of rubbing olive oil into the scalp and later of removing this with a cleansing shampoo.

  11. Dandruff is the scaling off of dead cuticle.

  12. An old-fashioned recipe for dandruff calls for five ounces of bay rum, one ounce of olive oil, one ounce tincture of cantharides.

  13. His skin had started to flake off, leaving a kind of scale or dandruff on the flat industrial upholstery inside the trunk.

  14. Link picked at the label of his beer bottle and added to the dandruff of shredded paper in the ashtray before him.

  15. Hair oils and dandruff cures should not be used unless advised by a physician.

  16. It will also in many persons stop the hair from falling out and prevent dandruff and itching.

  17. With bottles of that dandruff dope she followed at his heels, An' sprinkled an' massaged him even when he ate his meals.

  18. Dandruff is nearly always the result of neglect.

  19. It irritates the scalp, bringing forth a prosperity year crop of dandruff and attendant unhappiness.

  20. When shampooing, rub the lather through the strands gently, and with the finger tips remove all the little particles of dust and dandruff which may be clinging to the scalp.

  21. If the scalp is washed as frequently as it should be, dandruff is not so likely to accumulate, although it is a perfectly natural formation.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dandruff" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.