There is such silence up here on the tableland at mid-day--only a light soughing of the soft, hot wind, otherwise not even the cheep of a lizard.
The stillness in the bungalow is only broken by the occasional cheep, cheep, cheep of the house lizard, a tiny little fellow that lives behind picture frames and in unused jugs and corners.
With daunger oute we al our chaffare; Greet prees at market maketh dere ware, And to greet cheep is holde at litel prys; This knoweth every womman that is wys.
By seynt Iame in Galys · that many man hath sought, Yet it is to good cheep · that thou hast y-bought.
Not a cheep to your aunties about Charles, darling Lennox," she added, anxiously.
Pardner," I says, "don't youcheep that to another soul.
At the end of the term Fretman sued me for eighteen dollars, and hired a cheep lawyer to kollekt it.
Neo, certingly not, at your price: I don't sell my notions so dirt cheep as thet comes to.
However, the moment the cheep of our flying-jib hanks on the stay was heard as the sail was hoisted, a sharp hail came along the water.
Hardly had it alighted on one of these, when it recognized the faint voice of a bird of its own kind, and returned the single cheep by another like it.
Here, sir," squealed Timothy, his usual gruff voice spindling into a small cheep through his great perplexity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheep" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.