On no account may the whole of the thyreoid gland be removed, as this is followed by the development of symptoms closely resembling those of myxœdema--operative myxœdema or cachexia strumipriva.
On the other hand, a malignant tumor in its primary growth may so implicate a vital organ as to destroy life before metastasis can occur or even before cachexia can develop.
Removal of the thyroid glands would then lead to the accumulation of these second toxic substances as evidenced by the phenomena of cachexia strumipriva and myxedema.
It produces anaemia and cachexia in animals when given in small repeated doses.
This caution is directed against the frequent and repeated employment of the article in chronic cases, on account of the vasomotor paralysis and general cachexia thus induced.
The most successful treatment of this variety of insomnia is that form of medication which is addressed to the particular cause of the cachexia or dyscrasia.
The symptoms of constitutional disease are not prominent in these cases, but the history and the evident cachexia make their nature apparent.
Fits of ague often occur very shortly after exposure in infected localities, and the persons thus suddenly attacked may present little or no evidence of cachexia before or after the paroxysm.
A cachexia is dependent upon a complex series of processes, many of which tend to check oxidation, and in this respect is to be grouped with the conditions previously mentioned.
Chronic alcoholism among male subjects and the cachexia induced by all chronic visceral and systemic disorders are sources of weakness which largely increase the death-list by adding to the heavy strain upon the vital energies.
At the present day this cachexia is regarded rather as the result than the cause of the tumor, whereas formerly the reverse was the case.
Attacks of pernicious fever may be greatly diminished in number by properly directed treatment of chronic malarial toxæmia, and especially also by the removal of persons suffering under this cachexia to non-malarious localities.
Dirt eating, or Cachexia Africana, is another disease, like Dysesthæsia Ethiopica, growing out of ethnical elements peculiar to the prognathous race.
There are other elements peculiar to the Nigritian, on which the disease, called negro consumption, or Cachexia Africana, depends.
The Cachexia Africana, like other spanœmic states of the system, may run into Phthisis, or become complicated with it.
It is known that removal of the thyroid is followed by cachexia only in young subjects, MM.
Bourneville and Bricon[24] having shown that the tendency to cachexia after extirpation of the thyroid ceases almost abruptly at the age of thirty.
Cachexia is of more importance, but it is to be remembered that ulcer, and even chronic gastritis in rare instances, may be attended by a cachexia indistinguishable from that of cancer.
It is impossible to separate the effects of these two sets of causes, and distinguish, as some have done, a cachexia of cancer {553} and a cachexia of inanition.
In extreme cases of gastrectasia, even without organic obstruction, the patient may be reduced to a degree of emaciation and of cachexia indistinguishable from that of cancer.
It is the combination of these causes which renders the cachexia of cancer of the stomach so common, so rapid in its development, and so profound as compared with that of cancer in other situations.
The chronic forms may almost be enrolled among the opprobria medicorum when once they have made deep inroads upon nutrition and the vital powers, and produced that condition named by Todd the pituitous cachexia (cachexia pituitosa).
The disease known as the rot in sheep, and a peculiar cachexia entitled by Davaine la cachexie aqueuse, are caused by the presence of distoma.
A gradual alteration of the nutritive processes first occurs, until what might be called a scorbutic cachexia is established in a period varying from a few weeks to several months.
With what cause soever the cachexia may be associated, the symptomatology of amyloid liver is secondary to, or ingrafted on, the conditions produced by the cachexia.
Cabins of slavesCachexia Africana Caligula Can't believe Capital Crimes Captain in the U.
The Western Medical Reformer, in an article on the Cachexia Africana by a Kentucky physician, thus speaks of the huts of the slaves.
Acute diseases only temporarily disturb us, chronic diseases or cachexia repel us, because they are transmitted to the child.