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Example sentences for "morbidity"

Lexicographically close words:
morasses; moratorium; morays; morbi; morbid; morbidly; morbidness; morbific; morbis; morbo
  1. Our morbidity statistics of twenty years ago, for instance, seemed to show that we had only half as much diabetes to the population as they had in Europe.

  2. Given a clean atmosphere, an absence of suspicion on the part of masters and of morbidity on that of boys, and we believe that very rarely would physical acts result from schoolboy love.

  3. The last chapter has been concerned only with a fact of observation: that what peril of morbidity there is for man comes rather from his reason than his imagination.

  4. And in dealing with those whose morbidity has a touch of mania, modern science cares far less for pure logic than a dancing Dervish.

  5. The morbidity figures are taken from the United States census prior to 1901, and from the Pittsburgh Bureau of Health records following that year.

  6. Illustration] Previous to 1883 very little attempt was made to compel physicians to report typhoid cases to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Health; hence no reliable morbidity records are available up to that time.

  7. The saving power of organized play, in the prevention and cure of that morbidity which especially besets youth, can hardly be overestimated.

  8. Suicidal thoughts are easily evoked; and at such times the luxury of being odd and hopelessly misunderstood constitutes a chameleon-like morbidity that, with a slight change of light and color, becomes an obsession of conceit.

  9. Symphyseotomy has been replaced by hebosteotomy because the maternal mortality and morbidity are somewhat lessened by the latter method.

  10. A woman may not be sterilized by having the uterus removed, by fallectomy, or otherwise, solely to obviate danger or morbidity from subsequent pregnancies and cesarean deliveries.

  11. He was ready to excuse her astounding morbidity as a consequence of extreme spiritual tribulation.

  12. She read with morbidity reports of Assizes, and picked up from papers and books and from Mrs. Cannon pieces of information about prisons.

  13. He had an aversion for morbidity almost as strong as his aversion for sentimentality.

  14. It is worth while to mention that one name especially, because the modern world in its morbidity has done it a grave injustice.

  15. He is a man of sensibility tinged with morbidity and of such sensitive organization of body that the plant is not more alive to touch than he.

  16. Sidenote: Dust] As to dust, the morbidity and mortality rates in certain occupations, particularly those known as the dusty trades, are appreciably and even materially greater than in dustless trades.

  17. The effect on her of loving women is distinctly good, she asserts, both spiritually and physically, while repression leads to morbidity and hysteria.

  18. It is true, however, that the descendants of a victim of morbidity or abnormality do not always exhibit the morbidity or abnormality of the ancestor.

  19. In some cases all apparent morbidity or abnormality is wanting.

  20. He has none of the morbidity that often passes for refinement.

  21. In this case, the source of whose morbidity was investigated by means of hypnotism, not less than three distinct personalities in addition to that of the original and real Miss Beauchamp were evolved.

  22. Some of the earlier results of the effect of chlorination on typhoid morbidity and mortality rates were compiled by Jennings[6] and others have been published by Longley.

  23. A certain morbidity which more and more darkened the end of mediƦvalism showed itself in new and more careful cruelties against the last crop of heresies.

  24. Leigh Hunt, indeed, who ought to have known, asserts in his review of the volume that they are aimed against 'the morbidity which taints some of the productions of the poets of the Lake School.

  25. Racial differences can account for differences in mortality and morbidity rates in specific populations.

  26. The Farm: After several months of starvation, some hungry captives suggested to the Japanese that a farm could supply extra food for the captives and might reduce the high morbidity and mortality rates.

  27. We were fortunate that most Filipinos seemed to have considerable immunity against tropical diseases; our morbidity rates were low.

  28. Indifference indeed would be criminal, but morbidity is nearly as bad.

  29. And yet this was all morbidity and Peter, square, broad-shouldered, had no scrap of morbidity in his clean body.

  30. Although Bulgarians have had a reputation for longevity, which has been attributed to their diet, a high infant mortality rate and a high incidence of morbidity had combined until the mid-1950s to keep the life expectancy relatively low.

  31. Morbidity has declined noticeably, and declines in the overall death rate and in the infant mortality rate have resulted in increased life expectancy.

  32. If it were not for the presence of genius in it, that ineffable all-redeeming quality, it would be one of the most outrageous inventions of flagrant sensationalism ever indulged in by the morbidity of man.

  33. For what is morbidity but a mood of emotion or a mode of thought that one cannot express?

  34. To call an artist morbid because he deals with morbidity as his subject-matter is as silly as if one called Shakespeare mad because he wrote 'King Lear.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "morbidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnormality; affection; affliction; ailment; allergy; atrophy; blight; complaint; complication; condition; debility; defect; deformity; delicacy; disability; disorder; distemper; endemic; exhaustion; fragility; frailty; handicap; hypochondria; illness; indisposition; infirmity; languishing; malady; malaise; morbidity; pathology; sickness; sign; symptom; syndrome; vapor; wasting