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Example sentences for "greatly diminished"

  • In one case he made a daily estimation of the amount of uric acid, and found it greatly diminished on the second and third days, normal on the fourth, and much increased on the fifth.

  • Lime-water may be used in the nose and throat as an injection, spray, or gargle, but its solvent effect is greatly diminished by the action of the carbonic acid of the breath on the lime.

  • Attacks of pernicious fever may be greatly diminished in number by properly directed treatment of chronic malarial toxæmia, and especially also by the removal of persons suffering under this cachexia to non-malarious localities.

  • During the latter part of the first week the amount of water is greatly diminished, occasionally falling to one-fourth or one-sixth of the usual quantity.

  • Should the adoption of any of the above suggestions fail all kinds of mental labour and excitement during the day must be greatly diminished, and physical exercise must replace them.

  • Another obstacle, which hitherto has not been overcome, is the circumstance that the current when subdivided yields proportionately a greatly diminished amount of light.

  • When adulterated with oil of turpentine, its solubility in rectified spirit is greatly diminished, and the solution is turbid.

  • It is, therefore, thrown into a number of corrugations by which the cavity of the vesicle is greatly diminished; it becomes much thicker, and assumes a yellow colour.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatly diminished" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dealt with; false teeth; father will; free and; general convention; greatly admired; greatly diminished; greatly distinguished; greatly enhanced; greatly improved; greatly increased; greatly magnified; greatly mistaken; greatly obliged; greatly reduced; greatly superior; greatly surprised; like ourselves; out the; play cards; remote from; said something; takes away; this position; world politics; yards from