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Example sentences for "dermatitis"

Lexicographically close words:
derk; derke; derknesse; derma; dermal; dermis; dermoid; dern; derne; derned
  1. Dermatitis Factitia--note the unusually uniform and regular character and arrangement of the lesions.

  2. In the idiopathic class, if the cause is continued, dermatitis may result.

  3. What do you understand by dermatitis medicamentosa?

  4. It bears resemblance at times to keratosis pilaris, ichthyosis, dermatitis exfoliativa; it is considered identical with the lichen ruber acuminatus of Kaposi, and by many also with the lichen ruber of Hebra.

  5. What is the character of the eruption in dermatitis medicamentosa?

  6. It is a rare spreading dermatitis starting from an injury, extending by a serous undermining of the epidermis, and usually occurring upon the upper extremities.

  7. Does the secondary dermatitis which is always present in severe cases require treatment?

  8. X-ray warts are a late manifestation of chronic dermatitis and may become malignant.

  9. It is not a dermatitis, as a dermatitis usually causes deposition of pigment.

  10. Under the name of dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum, Ritter has described an eruption which he observed in the foundling asylum at Prague, where nearly 300 cases occurred in ten years.

  11. An undue amount of dermatitis is best treated with some mildly astringent and anodyne application.

  12. Second, those in which a chronic eczema or dermatitis produces a circumscribed patch of infiltration {635} in a skin having a lurid reddish hue, which is also the seat of marked subjective sensations, chiefly itching.

  13. The amount of desquamation corresponds with the intensity and duration of the efflorescence, or rather of the dermatitis which produces the efflorescence.

  14. When abscess or gangrene complicates the erysipelatous inflammation the changes are not different from those recognized in dermatitis calorica.

  15. Nothing specially different from the phenomena observed in a simple dermatitis can be recognized by the microscope alone.

  16. In the first place, it is only the peculiar short barbed hairs which will produce the dermatitis when rubbed on the skin, although most of the other hairs are sharply barbed.

  17. As far back as 1850 it was noted as causing serious outbreaks of peculiar dermatitis among men handling infested grain.

  18. Very soon after the introduction of the species there occurred in the region where it had gained a foothold, a mysterious dermatitis of man.

  19. In carrying out this work abundant opportunities for testing its value as a remedy for the dermatitis caused by poison ivy were afforded by many cases of accidental and intentional poisoning.

  20. It is quite conceivable that the water transpired by the leaves of the plant may carry with it a quantity of the poison sufficient to produce the dermatitis on a person very susceptible to its action.

  21. Pfaff thought that the volatile acid obtained by Maisch might have contained some of the poisonous principle as an impurity, but that it would not produce the dermatitis if prepared in a pure state.

  22. By using a photographic plate the danger of dermatitis can be avoided, since it is not necessary to expose the hands at all; and at the same time greater accuracy is ensured and a permanent record is obtained.

  23. In operations about the anus and scrotum, iodin is contraindicated because of its irritating properties; it is painful in these parts and dermatitis is frequently the result of its use.

  24. In none of the more common ulcerative skin lesions would the conditions for the development of cancer seem to be more favorable than in chronic dermatitis with ulceration; the despised and neglected varicose ulcers of the leg.

  25. Either the X-ray or radium had caused her dermatitis and nervousness.

  26. Certainly they were not numerous enough or frequent enough to have caused a dermatitis such as she has.

  27. If she had stayed under them several nights no doubt the beginning of a dermatitis would have affected her, if not more serious trouble.

  28. She really has dermatitis and nervous prostration, exactly as she alleges in her complaint.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dermatitis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acne; anemia; beriberi; dermatitis; eczema; goiter; herpes; hives; impetigo; itch; leprosy; lichen; malnutrition; pellagra; rash; rickets; ringworm; scabies; scurvy; shingles; skin