In other words, I am motivated personally by my own feelings in the situation, and the particular dogma that you might read in a book does not interest me too much.
Would you care to speculate on what may have motivated the man?
You are lying, because you know what motivated me.
I assume that that was motivated probably in one of the letters from the Texas immigration office to the Department of Justice or the Immigration Service here.
Anyone motivated by greed for mere money (as opposed to the greed for power, knowledge and status) is swiftly written-off as a narrow-minded breadhead whose interests can only be corrupt and contemptible.
Nevertheless most of the lizards' movements were motivated by thermoregulation.
Cannibalism by adults on newborn young in times of drought may be motivated by the acute need for moisture and nutritious food.
That need for food or moisture as well as psychological stress often motivated such cannibalism was suggested by the fact that surviving litter mates might be accepted and cared for by a female that had already eaten one or more of her young.
The newly freed former colonies were wary of the nations that had formerly owned them and often for good reasons, always remembering that governments are not motivated by humanitarian reasons.
However, in spite of speeches of politicians to the contrary, governments are not motivated by humanitarian purposes.
Even when actions have been properly motivated up to the last act or scene, this is handled in such a way as rather to please the audience than to grow inevitably out of what has preceded.
It must be so motivated as to be a probable exception in conduct, or the whole situation must be changed.
Contrast with these plays the thoroughly motivated change in the Sergeant of The Rising of the Moon or of Nora in A Doll's House.
Their search for these hapless victims was not motivated by any sentimental reasons, but simply by their business interest as local dealers in helmets, buttons and other German mementos.
Shifts to new areas are perhaps most often motivated by a search for mates.
Sexual urge probably motivated most of his wandering, since numbers of females were low.
We will stop a moment at this most loosely motivated journey and take a closer look at the personality, as well as the activities of our hero.
Fasting on water much longer than fifteen consecutive days may be dangerous for the very sick, (unless under experienced supervision) or too intense for those who are not motivated by severe illness to withstand the discomfort and boredom.
To most it seems that no one in their right mind would recommend such a treatment, and that I must certainly be motivated by greed or some kind of a psychological quirk.
However, fasters rarely are motivated enough to overcome boredom for more than two weeks or so, unless they started the fast to solve a very serious or life-threatening condition.
And you didn't think that he was motivated to do a thing like that, or capable of it, either one?
After reviewing the report, do you have any other remarks that you think would be helpful to us in trying to understand what motivated this boy, assuming that he was the assassin of the President?
Are you suggesting that this is one of the factors that motivated Oswald?
Do you have any idea what motivated that, or whether it was just a rebellious kind of thing?
This first attempt of Oswald's to contact your wife did he tell you what motivated him; was it purely a social matter?
Have you had any discussions with any of your friends or have you given any thought since, yourself, since the assassination as to what might have motivated Oswald to do this, assuming he is the one who killed the President?
From this point of view we may, paraphrasing Matthew Arnold, define religion as motivated ethics.
Now he was aware of the full potentialities of a mind like Demarzule's, armed with Sirenian super-science, loose among Earthmen, and he was motivated by an urge to destroy that was as great as his former desire to save and restore.
What motivated this interest in the peculiarities of the alien culture?
Every symptom which they manifest can be traced to some definite cause and can be clearly explained as being of the nature of a reaction, of a motivated expression to a definite experience.
But that which was at one time a spontaneous, unconsciously motivated mental reaction may later become a conscious volitional act, an only available means of escape--malingering of mental symptoms.
Manto, who falsely accuses Habrocomes of having wished to violate her and who has him cruelly tortured, is motivated by an overwhelming passion.
Personal revenge then as well as horror at religious fraud motivated this biography.
His other romance, of which we have only an epitome, Lucius or Ass, is, I believe, a parody of the romance motivated mainly by religion.
We cannot love each human being for himself, but our feeling towards humanity should be motivatedby our love for the Father who created all men.
He is motivated by a clear inequity between the choices that he faces.
Additionally, his wrong instructions - motivated by greed and the pursuit of celebrity - were a crucial contributing factor.
Play becomes regulated by rules and customs, becomes motivated by the desire for superiority, or the desire for gain, and may even leave the physical field entirely and become purely mental.
In each case the stealing was apparently motivated to give a good time to himself and also to certain chums he made here and there in the city.
As clearly motivated is the lying of the braggart, the one who invents stories that emphasize his exceptional qualities.
The chastest woman who is unconscious of sex desire is motivated by romance and the sex feelings and customs of others in her ideas of happiness and right behavior.
The idea is Pagan, but this story is motivated in a Christian manner, by alleging that the stone derived its miraculous power from St. Patrick's having knelt on it in prayer.
His going under the tombstone is properly motivated by saying that he meant to die there and would then be buried and have a tombstone.
Most Mohave myths, however, begin with the growth or birth of the hero; and if fighting later occurs, it is motivated in the way just explained.
This travel is motivatedby Mohave song-myth custom rather than by anything in the boy hero's situation.
He was behind his mental level in handwork and was not motivated to do his best work; he fitted poorly into social activities.
She had been wisely guided, motivated to make friends rather than to be in constant leadership, and she was well liked and accepted by her classmates.
That he can work with his hands and with materials when motivated is suggested by an incident connected with the Liberty Bond drive.
I should have liked to see the appearance of the Marquis in the family motivated by something more than his mere dilettanteism in art.
The enemy is terrorism--premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.
Motivated by extreme, even apocalyptic ideologies, some terrorists' ambitions to inflict mayhem seem unlimited.