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Example sentences for "aggressiveness"

Lexicographically close words:
aggressing; aggression; aggressions; aggressive; aggressively; aggressor; aggressors; aggrieved; aghast; aght
  1. The peril of the Japanese aggressiveness was traced, during the past two decades, to the present snapping point.

  2. It was a period of grave apprehension on the part of older men and women, of intense aggressiveness with the younger, who were eager for action.

  3. Its wonderfully quick recovery soon changed that, however, and resulted in very definite efforts on the part of French statesmen to form a defensive alliance which would insure France from any aggressiveness on the part of the Triple Alliance.

  4. In 1893 relations between France and England became temporarily strained on account of English aggressiveness in Egypt, where France had been considerably interested previous to England's purchase of the Suez Canal.

  5. Sidenote: French Aggressiveness in India: Dupleix] In India, likewise, the French were too enterprising to be good neighbors.

  6. This is especially observable, for example, in Britain, the overthrow of which as a Protestant Power is undoubtedly the object of the persistent aggressiveness of Romanism.

  7. This aggressiveness is manifest in all the dominions of the British Empire, as well as in other lands.

  8. Kenly was developing a stiff line this year, as proved by the last two games she had played, and more weight and aggressiveness in the backfield was sorely needed at Alton.

  9. In those assaults Willard played his part well, making up in speed and aggressiveness what he lacked in weight.

  10. She stared at Jaime with the fiery aggressiveness of the woman who, secure in the respect produced by sex, is more audacious and impetuous than a man.

  11. He was repentant, ashamed of his aggressiveness of the night before and of his recent excursion to the mountain.

  12. At noon when Febrer was left alone he felt himself possessed of a warlike ferocity, of an aggressiveness which caused him to look long at the wall on which hung his gun.

  13. Many attribute pure aggressiveness of a pronounced type or an exaggerated predatory instinct to the Germans.

  14. He writes of the truculent aggressiveness of the Teutonic race, of the hatred and love of destruction displayed by the robber knights of the Middle Ages, and regards quarrelsome aggressiveness as innate in German character.

  15. Others see love of conflict, aggressiveness and cruelty in the German disposition.

  16. Now he turned to behold a huge cock ostrich bearing down upon him with hostility and aggressiveness writ large all over its truculent personality.

  17. All the swagger and aggressiveness had disappeared.

  18. The spirit of aggressiveness vanishes only when decay sets in, which is still far from being the case of Russia, or when a nation is gradually converted to Occidental mentality, which, I hope, will some day be her happy lot.

  19. Let Japan organize the dormant forces of China, as it seems bent upon doing, and the same law of eastern aggressiveness which is at the bottom of the present war will push the yellow mass toward Europe.

  20. England would be welcome to join it, on condition of renouncing those pretensions to monopolizing the seas which are as constant a menace to peace as Russian aggressiveness is.

  21. Already the spirit of the former aggressiveness is defiantly bestirring itself.

  22. In the mood in which she found herself his self-confidence, his aggressiveness continued to inspire and even to agitate her, to compel her to accept his point of view.

  23. He glowed with health and vigour, with an aggressiveness from which she shrank, yet found delicious.

  24. To the aggressiveness of his character was now added the indignation of a proprietor who finds himself assaulted within his home.

  25. His moody aggressiveness was considering her as the next victim.

  26. This was an offense against Ulysses who expressed his annoyance with all the aggressiveness that was seething beneath his bad humor.

  27. In spite of this conviction, he was not able to refrain at times from a certain ironical aggressiveness which expressed itself by inventing classic nicknames.

  28. After a victory for the people in October, 1905, the bourgeoisie grew frightened over the aggressiveness of the wage-earning class and sought safety in an understanding with the autocracy.

  29. As in the preceding period, the aggressiveness of the trade societies eventually gave rise to combative masters' associations.

  30. Farther, there was aggressiveness even in the knock and ring which had heralded his arrival.

  31. In a state of domesticity, however, his aggressiveness and pugnacity know no bounds.

  32. There was aggressiveness in his whole aspect, especially in the short, stiff bow with which he greeted Claverton.

  33. Then, too, foreigners have noticed in Bohemians a degree of aggressiveness that they claim is singularly lacking in the make-up of the other Slavs.

  34. Only a long future can tell whether there are actually inherent psychological differences which can account for aggressiveness in the one and passivity in the other.

  35. Though they had none of the noisy aggressiveness of the Secessionists, the leaders of the Unionists, during those bitterly intense Winter days, were no less able, courageous, and earnest.

  36. Clearly Price had in him none of the startling aggressiveness which distinguished Lyon and Stonewall Jackson.

  37. It destroyed the captivating aggressiveness of the "Disunionists," and threw their leaders upon the defensive.

  38. Instead, the same admirable self-control which prevented him from outwardly evidencing his pleasure prompted him to square back in his chair with a touch of patronising aggressiveness in his manner.

  39. Bushy, yellow hair straggled down about his ears and partially framed a clean-shaven, wizened face in which were combined the paradoxical qualities of extreme aggressiveness and childish petulance.

  40. Perhaps American commercial aggressiveness is equal to the military aggressiveness of the Romans, the early Germans, and the followers of Attila.

  41. A characteristic example of their aggressiveness was given when President James J.

  42. There were a number of grass-houses, and a native church with a spire, and another up the valley testified to the energy and aggressiveness of Rome.

  43. So far, the former have left the undoubted results of missionary effort here to speak for themselves; and I am almost disposed, from the pertinacious aggressiveness of the latter party, to think that it must be weak.

  44. Madame de Staƫl showed an aptitude for this ignoble aggressiveness towards Napoleon after she had exhausted every form of strategy to allure him into a flirtation with her.

  45. Is that largely because of the aggressiveness of Mr. Bouhe?

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aggressiveness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggression; antagonism; attack; bang; belligerence; bickering; chauvinism; curtness; dash; dissension; dissent; dissidence; drive; dynamism; enterprise; faction; ferocity; fight; fire; flak; force; ginger; gumption; harshness; hostility; hustle; infighting; initiative; irascibility; jingoism; kick; militancy; militarism; pepper; punch; push; roughness; severity; sharpness; snap; spirit; spunk; starch; surliness; thrust; truculence; unfriendliness; verve; vim; warpath; zing