To say nothing of their exceptional size, they have little in common with any other type of polychrome bead, whether Egyptian, classical, or from Teutonic graves.
On these lamps the polychromedecoration is already fully developed: along with them must be placed those bearing the name of several of this sultan's emirs.
Henri Cros, in the modelling of polychrome reliefs and friezes.
It cannot be said that more than about one-quarter of the total find of 400 vases have any merit; they are chiefly small, with red figures, and of the later fine period; some are polychrome and ornamented with gilding.
Mention has already been made of a figure of the Parthenos on a vase of this period, and another instance, though not on a painted vase, may be noted in the polychrome bust of the goddess in terracotta from Athens, now in the British Museum.
Footnote 1259: These artists represent the Dorian and Continental school, as opposed to the polychrome Ionian (see Pottier, Louvre Cat.
At Athens this polychrome decoration was not indeed limited to the lekythi, but was extended to the kylix, the pyxis, and other forms, of which some beautiful examples exist in the British Museum and at Athens.
Footnote 130: A beautifulpolychrome lekythos in the B.
For the surfaces of drapery and other details, polychrome washes were employed, the colour being spread uniformly by means of a large brush.
Among the finer specimens of the later period is the polychrome pelike with Peleus wooing Thetis.
Persian king attacked by a lion; some have polychrome designs, in one case combined with reliefs (B.
But there is another class of white-ground vases to which we must devote more special attention, namely, those on which the figures are painted either in outline or with polychrome washes on the same white slip.
They include hydriae of a dark red clay, covered with a white slip on which are polychrome designs (Gorgoneia, armour, etc.
The middle deposits of the third millennium, found above the floors of the first palace, are, like the preceding, both polychromeand monochrome in their decoration.
Only the choir bay has retained the polychrome decoration which once covered the interior.
The local Gallo-Romans had used the polychrome lava as decoration.
The two most striking features of her churches were the octagonal central tower set on a barlong base, and the apse whose exterior walls were decorated by the volcanic polychrome stones of the district.
The flanks and vaults of this porch, indeed, deserve our almost unqualified admiration for their beautiful polychrome masonry.
The two statues of St. Anastasia and St. Catherine are so roughly joined to the lateral capitals as to induce a suspicion that even these latter and the beautiful polychrome vault are of later work, not, however, later than 1300.
He broadened the scope of the chiaroscuro print and launched the color woodcut as a distinct art form that rivaled the polychromeeffects of painting while retaining a character of its own.
With a cry of gladness Polychrome sprang upon a point of rock and held out her arms.
Won't you let Polychromeand the Rose Princess come here, too?
Then, a little distance away, but unseen by the others in the inky darkness, slid Betsy and Hank, while behind them were Shaggy and Polychrome and finally Files and the Princess.
Even Polychrome was so startled that her gauze draperies fluttered like a banner in a breeze.
Polychrome was in a merry mood and danced down the arch of the bow to the ground, daring her sisters to follow her.
Betsy laughed joyously at the comical rout of the "noble army," and Polychrome danced with glee.
After them came Betsy Bobbin and Hank, Polychrome and Shaggy, and last of all the Rose Princess with Files.
No one can harm a Daughter of the Rainbow," said Polychrome proudly.
At this moment the Rainbow's Daughter and the Rose Princess approached them, and Polychrome said: "What have you found, Shaggy One?
But Private Files looked at pretty Betsy and fascinating Polychrome and the beautiful Rose Princess and shook his head.
So Polychrome jerked again--and again--till slowly the great lids raised and the dragon looked at her steadily.
Betsy laughed merrily at the strange sight and Polychrome echoed her laughter.
Even asPolychrome was speaking she tripped lightly to the side of the Ugly One and quickly touched his cheek with her lips.
For other examples of the analysis of the main documents into earlier works, see Gunkel's Genesis, the Polychrome Genesis, Joshua, and Prof.
The polychrome bosses in the roof and the rich capitals are full of detail, and skilfully wrought.
A similar method was employed to enrich votive stone figures of animals, and to give a varied and polychrome effect to vases carved in stone.
They proceeded on their journey in a friendly group, for Polychrome had discovered that the copper man was harmless and was no longer afraid of him.
The Road to Oz In which is related how Dorothy Gale of Kansas, The Shaggy Man, Button Bright, and Polychromethe Rainbow's Daughter met on an Enchanted Road and followed it all the way to the Marvelous Land of Oz.
Polychrome was dancing ahead in her usual sprightly manner, whirling gaily along the smooth, level road, until she passed from sight around the curve of one of the mounds.
Wonder if this works with strings," said Dorothy; but Polychrome cried "Look!
Then came Polychrome and Button-Bright, and the people loved the Rainbow's pretty Daughter and the beautiful blue-eyed boy as soon as they saw them.
Altogether it was a merry meal, althoughPolychrome ate little and the host nothing at all.
All right," said Button-Bright; but Polychrome didn't know whether it was all right or not.
Polychrome exclaimed in rapture at the wondrous beauty that met her eyes on every side as they rode through this stately and imposing City, the equal of which has never been discovered, even in Fairyland.
Polychrome leaped out lightly after them, and they were greeted by a crowd of gorgeously dressed servants who bowed low as the visitors mounted the marble steps.
The shaggy man, Button-Bright, and Polychrome stared hard at this celebrated person, who was acknowledged to be the most popular and most beloved man in all the Land of Oz.
Dorothy and Polychrome and Button-Bright are all to ride in the chariot," said the Lion.
It must have been deep, too, for when Polychrome bent over it she gave a little sigh of pleasure.
Button-Bright's little feet stumbled more than once, and Polychrome ceased her dancing because the walking was now so difficult that she had no trouble to keep warm.
The copy preserved also the coloring of the model; but the tinting of the Roman colorist was probably less delicate than that of the Greek limner who added the polychrome decoration to the marble original.
Columns and architraves are white, with only slight suggestion of the earlier Greek polychrome decoration.
Notwithstanding its free adaption of Greek forms, the Tufa Period availed itself very sparingly of polychrome decoration for architectural members.
The coloured fish of Jamaica were neutral-tinted pigmies compared to the polychrome monsters on a Bermudian reef, and one could actually see them swallowing one's bait.
The earlier remains both at Mycenae and Tiryns, still imperfectly investigated, show that this Cretan influence goes back to the Middle Minoan age, with its characteristic style of polychrome vase decoration.
Battaggio; it is in the form of a Greek cross, with a central dome, and the exterior is a fine specimen of polychrome Lombard work (E.
That which almost destroys the effect of the church's fine lines and would be intolerable in a stronger light, is the mass of gilt and polychrome with which the interior is covered.
The polychrome statues which fill the niches are life-size and among the best in Spain; together they are intended to give a graphic description of the life of the Virgin and of her Son.
One of the bisons on the ceiling of Altamira, representing the final stage of polychrome art in which four shades of color are used.
Plan showing the grouping of bison, horses, red deer, and wild boar, in the polychrome paintings on the ceiling of Altamira.
This superposition of drawing upon drawing ends with the latest superposition in finely incised lines of a great procession of mammoths upon that of the polychrome bisons.
This beginning of polychrome art at Marsoulas is a step toward coloring the entire surface with red ochre and black, as in the finished paintings of a later period.
Of more recent style are the rather crude polychrome bisons, numerous hands outlined in red, and a vast number of tectiform signs and symbols which represent inferior work of the middle Magdalenian period.
Polychrome wall-painting of a wolf from the cavern of Font-de-Gaume.
Outline of one of the bison in the Galerie des Fresques at Font-de-Gaume, showing the preliminary etching or engraving preparatory to the polychrome fresco painting.
The most imposing series is that of the bison, done in the finest polychrome style, mostly headed in one direction.
Let me try," suggested Woot, getting up; but when he tried to go forward, he discovered the same barrier that Polychromehad encountered.
We are too big now," agreed the Scarecrow, "but you must remember that Polychrome is a fairy, and fairies have many magic powers.
Then Polychrome related her story, and when all had been told, and Dorothy had several times reproved Toto for growling at the Tin Owl, Ozma remained thoughtful for a while, pondering upon what she had heard.
At first he was tempted to leave Polychrome and escape with his other friends, but remembering his promise to the Rainbow's Daughter Woot tried to think how to save her.
Polychrome the Canary, fluttering above the strange creature, who had probably been asleep on the path.
Polychrome the Canary, perching upon the Green Monkey's shoulder to observe Tommy Kwikstep more attentively.
I'd not allow you to eat the dear little things," declared Polychrome the Canary.
Unless Polychrome can make us big again, there is little use in our visiting Nimmie Amee at all, for I'm sure she wouldn't care for a husband she might carelessly step on and ruin.
Polychrome began to laugh, and the Scarecrow said: "What's the matter?
But nowPolychrome joined her sisters on the Rainbow and the huge arch lifted and slowly melted away as the sun burst from the clouds and sent its own white beams dancing over the meadows.
Here, therefore, is a source of fresh confusion; and probably a great proportion of the polychrome ware which goes by the name of Talaveran is really of Sevillian origin.
The devices on these polychrome azulejos (16th century; Plate liv.
Polychrome porcelain is found in lesser amounts, although in almost as much variety.
Polychrome delft is represented by only three sherds, all apparently from bowls, and none well enough defined to permit identification.