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Example sentences for "camellias"

Lexicographically close words:
camel; cameleer; cameleon; camelias; camellia; camelopard; camelott; camels; cameo; cameos
  1. With camellias there is much difference in hardiness.

  2. The scent of camellias and magnolias floated on the heavy air of the night from the court-yards, reminding me of her.

  3. Her hair was frizzed out round her head like some of Van Dyck's early pictures, and the striped camellias put in just behind the ear--she seemed determined to look her best this last evening.

  4. These striped camellias are for you, Harriet.

  5. The pure white camellias are succeeded by a coronet!

  6. The soil for camellias should be fibrous and fertile, compounded of rotted sod, leafmold, old cow manure, and sufficient sand for good drainage.

  7. Years ago camellias were very popular, but they have been crowded out by the informal flowers of recent times.

  8. Camellias are propagated by cuttings in winter, which should give blooming plants in two years.

  9. Othmar, as he broke off the blossoms of his camellias with no sparing hand.

  10. If they would only let me give her a million----' But they would not even have let him give her orchids and camellias had they known it.

  11. She doubted that she was guilty of some grave offence in standing under a palm-tree beside a group of camellias with a person whom she had scarcely seen before.

  12. In rooms the buds of Camellias will be well swelled, and on the Double White and Double Variegated sorts, perhaps they will be full blown.

  13. Some of them have got above eight kinds of Camellias in their collections, which afford a continual beauty through the winter, with many other desirable and equally valuable plants.

  14. Camellias appear to grow in almost any aspect, but are naturally sun lovers; and though preferring peat, they will do in most other soils, provided that there is no lime present.

  15. One February I wrote from Chungking: "Camellias of infinite variety are to be seen already.

  16. Our plum-trees done flowering; orchids coming on victoriously; tree-tulips and magnolias like big bouquets; and camellias only slowly waning.

  17. Parma violets, lilacs, white camellias and moss rolled out in slightly faded bunches, spreading a sweet smell in which there breathed already a vague scent of death and corruption.

  18. Others choose their camellias and their hyacinths; Jeanne must have something more refined.

  19. With the pots or border well drained it is hardly possible to overwater the roots of camellias during their period of wood-making.

  20. Most growers prefer the mixture, and as good camellias are grown in each of its constituents, it follows without saying that they may also be well grown in various proportions of both.

  21. In all cases it is well to place camellias under glass shelter early in October, less for fear of cold than of saturating rains causing a sodden state of the soil in the pots.

  22. Mealy-bugs also occasionally make a hurried visit to camellias when making their growth, as well as aphides.

  23. As a rule healthy camellias produce sufficient or even a redundancy of shoots without cutting back; but should they need pruning, after flowering is the best time to perform the operation.

  24. The best place for camellias from the time of setting their flower-buds to their blooming season is a vexed question, which can hardly be said to have been settled as yet.

  25. No sooner do the buds begin to show then a natural impatience seizes the possessor's of well-budded camellias to have the flowers opened.

  26. Some of the finest camellias ever seen have been placed in the open air from June to October.

  27. In all cases where camellias are placed in the open air in summer, care will be taken to place the pots on worm proof bases, and to shield the tops from direct sunshine from 10 to 4 o'clock.

  28. Hence, during the late summer and early autumn it is hardly possible to keep camellias too cool either out of doors or in.

  29. As the flower-buds form, and become more conspicuous, the tropical treatment may become less and less tropical, until the camellias are subjected to the common treatment of greenhouse or conservatory plants in summer.

  30. All I can do is to fling two camellias in his face.

  31. I am dressed in white--white camellias in my hair, and another in my hand.

  32. My dear, as I read these last words, he seemed to rise before me, pale as the night when the camellias told their story and he knew his offering was accepted.

  33. I contend that Camellias can be as easily and as successfully grown in the window-garden as the Rose or Geranium.

  34. Camellias bloom in the winter, and at no other season of the year.

  35. You are beheading those beautiful camellias in the most cruel manner," exclaimed Sir Edmund.

  36. The collection of camellias was remarkable both for the size to which they grew and for the abundance of the blossoms.

  37. Boy had permission to fill his cap with scarlet and white camellias which had fallen from the trees growing in the ground and open air at mid-winter.

  38. Spring bulbs begin to open in this lovely spot by the middle of February, Camellias often come in January, German Iris appears the middle of March, Delphiniums in April.

  39. White Camellias sometimes begin to blossom at Christmas time.

  40. A few minutes afterward I saw Marguerite from the street at a window of one of the large rooms of the restaurant, pulling the camellias of her bouquet to pieces, one by one.

  41. Well, I'm quite in love with the poor thing; I look after her well, and I let her have her camellias at an honest price.

  42. And in the more favoured nooks of England greenhouse shrubs, such as camellias and cytisus, may be seen to flourish and flower abundantly in the open air.

  43. Camellias are of many hues, and some are beautifully striped.

  44. Mr. John Dick, Philadelphia, has the largest stock of Camellias and Azaleas, it is stated, in the United States.

  45. The flowers in the tall gold epergne in the centre of the table, and the wreath of scarlet camellias that swung down to meet them from the green bronze chandelier, began to dance a saraband.

  46. It was at once seized by a woman who had been standing close at his shoulder, and, as she pushed eagerly past him into his seat, the bunch of camellias in her corsage brushed his face.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camellias" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.