The smaller prismatic and transversal canal, intercepted by these two orders of plates, are filled with gelatinous matter.
Each individual presents an oblong diaphanous or prismatic body, more or less symmetrical, and often furnished in front, rarely behind, with tentaculiform appendages.
Commonly as crystals in the trigonal system in both long and short prismatic forms, as shown by Figure 75m, with opposite ends not unlike.
All are characterized by one exceedingly good cleavage at right angles to the prismatic faces, yielding very thin elastic cleavage sheets.
Most common by far are those which crystallize in the monoclinic system with prismatic faces and two good prismatic cleavages meeting at about 24 degrees.
This illustrates so-called "joints" or natural cracks, commonly separating most hard rock masses into more or less prismatic blocks.
In the beautiful experiment of the prismatic decomposition of light, for example, the refracting power of the prism is not any thing separate or separable from it, more than its weight or transparency of colour.
This substance is commonly found in six-sided prismatic crystals, and frequently terminated at each end by six-sided pyramids.
The shores are strewn with shells of all shapes and sizes, which display every delicate shade of prismatic colour, every marvel of dainty tracery, every beauty of curve and spiral that the mind of man can conceive.
By the same people writing tablets of rectangular, cylindrical, or prismaticshapes were very commonly made of terra-cotta (Fig.
In Arita, the wheel consists of a fly-wheel and revolving disk, the latter placed about a foot above the former, and connected with it by a hollow wooden prismatic axle.
Sisley and Pissarro, Vignon, Seurat, and Robinson were thinking out a way to legitimize the new fantastic craze for prismatic violence, and they found it in the direct consideration for the fact.
The halberdiers, ranging themselves in line, made a prismatic grouping beneath the low eaves of the picturesque old inn.
Sometimes all the line was in full light, a long perspective of color and of prismatic radiance.
A grayish or whitish mineral occurring in orthorhombic, prismatic crystals, also in columnar masses.
They were proudly led by a drake, whose restless neck, with its brilliant prismatic hues, shone like a cluster of oriental gems in the glow of the morning sun.
The sky was blue above; but in the south horizon, in the direction of Tunis, were the prismatic colors.
Through this veil darted adventurous birds, flashing their wings in the prismatic colors, and circling about as if fascinated by the awful rush and thunder.
One might account thus for the prismatic colors I have often seen on the horizon at noon, when the sun was pouring down floods of clear golden light.
The same remarks might be made respecting the harmony of shades of colour with colours of prismatic intensity.
Hiddenite occurs in small slender monoclinic crystals of prismatic habit, often pitted on the surface.
A well-marked prismatic cleavage renders the mineral rather difficult to cut.
The problem is this:--A cylindrical or prismatic bar is held twisted by terminal couples; it is required to determine the state of stress and strain in the interior.
It crystallises from pyridine in prismatic needles melting above 360° C.
Ellagic acid thus prepared crystallises with 2 molecules of water as yellow micro-crystalline rhombic prisms or prismatic needles.
One night, some hours after sunset, and long after the last trace of it had disappeared, the moon was sailing through light white clouds, which only partly concealed her, and was surrounded by the ordinary prismatic halo.
On the wings of the dragon-fly as he hovers an instant before he darts there is a prismatic gleam.
Halos about the sun happen continually; the prismatic band or cloud about the moon is common; so is the detached rainbow; as for the two currents of air, the clouds often travel in three directions, occasionally in four.
The elements here are composed of prismatic porcelain vessels containing, as before, the solution and porous vessel.
The prismatic colours were laid on a circular pasteboard wheel, about four inches in diameter, in the proportions described in Dr.
As time went on profiles deteriorated, sharp prismatic molds succeeding to the virile torus, or molds fluid and vague.
When we reached them, they were glistening with prismatic dewdrops, and enlivened by the song and flutterings of a hundred birds.
A bright streak of clear red sky appeared above the western verge of the prairie, the horizontal rays of the sinking sun streamed through it and glittered in a thousand prismatic colors upon the dripping groves and the prostrate grass.
Prismatic blocks, one foot wide and twelve long, stand out from the ground obliquely, and appear on the edges of the precipice like enormous beams suspended over the abyss.