That which thou shouldst give me would not come to the worth of thy turband or thy waistcloth or what not else of thy habit, to say nothing of the gold and the silver which were about thy person.
The Eastern Arabs wear a large circle of brown wool, almost a turband in itself.
FN#37] The larger the turband the greater are the individual's pretensions to religious knowledge and respectability of demeanour.
FN#20] Sharifs and other great men sometimes bind a white turband or a Cashmere shawl round the kerchief, to keep it in its place.
He then prepared for the Apostle a standard by attaching his turbandto a spear, and anxiously inquired what house was to be honoured by the presence of Allah's chosen servant.
Accordingly, they cast the turband from his head and were about to fillet his eyes, when the Prince looked at him and seeing him cropped of an ear, said to him, "But for thy villainies thine ear had not been cut off.
So saying, he threw down what he had in his hand, and behold, it was the damsel's turband and what was left of her bones.
Then the old woman led my brother into a great sitting room spread with wondrous fine carpets and hung with curtains, where he sat down with his gold before him, and his turband on his knee.
Then he took off his turband and set it upon the settle [FN#426] atop of his other clothes, remaining in his skull-cap and fine shirt of blue silk laced with gold.
Now when this became longsome to him, one day he doffed his shirt and set it upon a cane and shook out the sleeves; then placing his turband on the top and girding its middle with a shawl, he stuck it up in the place where he used to pray.
When the Captain heard the look out's words he dashed his turband on the deck and plucked out his beard and beat his face saying, "Good news indeed!
By Allah, O my brother, this be no dream, and if it were a dream, where is the bag of gold I bore with me and where are my turband and my robe, and my trousers?
Sa'd and Sa'di wondered with all wonderment at the sight and the marvel grew the greater when I, after considering it closely, recognised it for the very turband whereon the kite had swooped and which had been borne off by the bird.
Then quoth I to my two friends "Examine well this turband and certify yourselves that it is the selfsame one worn upon my head when first ye honoured me with your presence.
Then it had fain pounced upon the flesh on the left side but again I scared it away and thus, whilst exerting myself with frantic efforts to ward off the bird, by ill luck my turband fell to the ground.
Hereat the Prince of True Believers redoubled in rage and cried, "Bring me that Emir with his turband in tatters, and drag him along on his face and plunder his home.
Then he took off his turband and set it upon the settle[426] atop of his other clothes, remaining in his skull-cap and fine shirt of blue silk laced with gold.
Then the old woman led my brother into a great sitting-room spread with wondrous fine carpets and hung with curtains, where he sat down with his gold before him, and his turband on his knee.
When the Captain heard the look-out's words he dashed his turband on the deck and plucked out his beard and beat his face saying, "Good news indeed!
Then he looked round and seeing me with my turband rent in rags round my neck, howling and weeping with exceeding weeping and throwing dust upon my head, he cried out at me.
Then he rent his raiment and plucked out his beard and, casting his turband from off his head, buffetted his face till the blood ran down and he cried aloud, "Alas, my children!
He gave the letter to Nur al-Din, who took it and kissed it, then put it in his turband and set out at once on his journey.
So he put off a gaberdine of coarse woollen stuff patched in an hundred places whereon the lice were rampant, and a turband which had never been untwisted for three years but to which he had sewn every rag he came upon.
FN#208] A small compact white turband and distinctive sign of the True Believers: see vol.
Now when he was at the height of his joy he wagged his head and shook off his turband and the paper fell therefrom into Al-Mihrjan's lap.
Accordingly, they gave her the Sultanate together with the signet-ring of governance and the turband of commandment and they seated her upon the throne of the reign.
Then with my unrolled turband and lying on my back, I set the bit on my breast so that I was hidden by the meat, which was thus raised above the ground.
So saying, she took his clothes and turband and clad him in the cassock and the kerchief; but hardly had she done this, when lo!
And Fortune and the voyage smiled upon us, till one day, as we went along, behold, the captain suddenly cried with a great cry and cast his turband on the deck.
Then she seated him on the divan and said to him, "O my lord, doff thy heavy dress and turband and don these lighter vestments.
So he tore off gown andturband and plunged in after it, saying, "There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!
By Allah, none took my gown and turband but thou, and except thou give them back to me at once, I will throw thee off the back of that she-ass thou ridest and come down on thy pate with this quarterstaff, till thou canst not stir!
Then he marched off to his lodgings in the magazine, clad in the gown and the honey-coloured turband and with the nine golden dinars in his mouth, rejoicing in what he had never in his life seen.
Now one saw him from afar diving and plunging and his gown and turband lying in the sun at a distance from him, with no one by them; so he watched him, till he dived again when he dashed at the clothes and made off with them.
Then he betook himself to the city and prowled about, till he happened on the Christian's house and did with Ali Shar's turband and Zumurrud and her saddle-bags as we have said.
Turbante and the old French Tolliban from the (now obsolete) Persian term Dolband=a turband or a sash.
Imámah) the common word for turband which I prefer to write in the old unclipt fashion.
So she rose and donned some of her husband's clothes and riding- boots, and a turband like his, drawing one corner of it across her face for a mouth-veil.
With this idea Vikram placed his bundle upon the ground, well tied up with turband and waistband; then he seated himself cross-legged before it, and bade his son do the same.
So he put off a gaberdine of coarse woollen stuff patched in an hundred places whereon the lice were rampant, and a turband which had never been untwisted for three years but to which he had sown every rag he came upon.
Then he rent his raiment and plucked out his beard and, casting his turband from off his head, buffeted his face till the blood ran down and he cried aloud, "Alas, my children!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "turband" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.