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Example sentences for "alcoholic solution"

  • This is an alcoholic solution of acetate of amyloxide, and acetate of ethyloxide.

  • Apple-oil is an alcoholic solution of valerianate of amyloxide.

  • In order to ensure clearness of the high lights, the collodion should be rendered of a dark sherry color by the addition of a few drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine.

  • A specimen of Papine was examined and found to be nothing more than a simple aqueous-alcoholic solution of morphin, containing glycerin.

  • Iosaline, therefore, appears to be a solidified, watery-alcoholic solution of soap containing potassium iodid, menthol and methyl salicylate.

  • Burnham’s Soluble Iodine was examined in the Chemical Laboratory of the American Medical Association some six years ago and was found to be an alcoholic solution of free iodin (approximately 3 gm.

  • The eugenol separated thereby gives in alcoholic solution, when compounded with a trace of ferric chloride, a beautiful blue color.

  • On further heating, a fluid of a very agreeable odor distils over, which is an alcoholic solution of the ethers of the volatile acids found in butter.

  • It is recommended to keep it in stock in alcoholic solution so that the myristic acid contained in it may to a certain degree be etherized, and cannot injuriously affect the odoriferous principle.

  • It may, however, be dissolved in an alcoholic solution of potassic carbonate, in solutions of the caustic alkalies, and in boiling acetic and hydrochloric acids.

  • Boettger recommends the linen stuffs to be dipped into an alcoholic solution of rosolic acid, then into a concentration solution of sodium carbonate, and finally washed with water.

  • Or the calcium kinate may be decomposed by an aqueous or alcoholic solution of sulphuric acid.

  • Add an alcoholic solution of acetate of lead to a similar solution of jalap resin, collect the precipitate (jalapate of lead), and throw down the lead by means of sulphuretted hydrogen.

  • These spirits have exactly the smell of an alcoholic solution of cyanogene; they intoxicate more powerfully than pure alcohol of equal strength, and produce even temporary frenzy, with subsequent sickness and disordered functions.

  • Dr Lungé found the following process more satisfactory in the case of the more highly nitrated products:--The reagent is an alcoholic solution of sodium-ethylate prepared by dissolving 2 to 3 grms.

  • A few drops of alcoholic solution of basic fuchsin (sufficient to give a definite pink colour), or a few drops of waterproof Chinese ink added to the medium at this stage facilitates the subsequent "fishing" of colonies.

  • Measure out and mix thoroughly with agar: Fuchsin, alcoholic solution 5 c.

  • Two or three drops of alcoholic solution of these dyes to, say, 4 c.

  • NH2, which may be prepared by reducing benzonitrile in alcoholic solution by means of zinc and acetic acid (O.

  • Nencki has shown that alloxan combines with thiourea in alcoholic solution, in the presence of sulphur dioxide to form pseudothiouric acid, C5H6N4SO3.

  • They give the isonitrile reaction (see above) when warmed with chloroform and a caustic alkali, and form alkyl thioureas when heated with an alcoholic solution of carbon bisulphide.

  • Apply a saturated aqueous or alcoholic solution of Bismarck brown one-half to one minute, or a weak solution of fuchsin until the film become pink.

  • The alcoholic solution is acidulated with dilute sulphuric acid, a drop of an alcoholic solution of iodin (tincture of iodin diluted about ten times) is added, and the mixture is warmed.

  • The starch might be sweetened by previously triturating it with an alcoholic solution of saccharin and permitting the alcohol to evaporate; though this sweetening is not essential.

  • Mix the powdered digitalis with the alcoholic solution of saccharin (in a warm mortar if in a hurry) and permit the alcohol to evaporate.

  • Mix the heroine hydrochloride with the alcoholic solution of saccharin (in a hot mortar if in a hurry) and permit the alcohol to evaporate; then add the vanilla cacao sugar.

  • Mix the acetylsalicylic acid with the alcoholic solution of saccharin (in a hot mortar if in a hurry), and permit the alcohol to evaporate.

  • Other Methods of Preparation Methyl red was first prepared[1] by diazotization of anthranilic acid in alcoholic solution, the product being allowed to react with dimethylaniline in the same solvent.

  • An alcoholic solution of the substance gave a black color with ammonia which became red on addition of more ammonia.

  • An alcoholic solution of the resin gave the same color reactions with iron salts as did the potassium salt.

  • An alcoholic solution of the resin was just neutralized with potassium hydroxide.

  • In precipitating an alcoholic solution of the crude material with a solution of lead acetate, it was noticed that at least two kinds of precipitates were formed.

  • This formula differs from the previous one in being an alcoholic solution.

  • To mount sections in Canada balsam they must be transferred first to a watch glass containing absolute alcohol or an alcoholic solution of some staining reagent, e.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alcoholic solution" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alcoholic beverages; alcoholic drinks; alcoholic fermentation; alcoholic liquors; alcoholic solution; alcoholic stimulants; baking sheet; being covered; court life; double action; female taken; fresh fish; good actor; independent power; kept perfectly; living fire; party dress; play again; quite willing; room window; still shown; summer camp; then remember; undoubted right; white stockings; would certainly