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Example sentences for "most important"

  • The legislation is imperfect, in my opinion, in certain particulars, but it is a most important step in the right direction, and I earnestly hope that it will be carefully studied and perfected by Congress.

  • Mr. Geikie justly regards this as a most important discovery.

  • When we reflect how much of our present enlightenment is due to the use of metals, we can readily see that their discovery marks a most important epoch in the history of man.

  • Ocean currents, then, are a most important element in determining the climate of a country.

  • In the dissemination of this knowledge, commerce, of course, played a most important part.

  • So, in any case, if we can determine the date of the Glacial Age, we shall have made a most important step in advance in solving the problem of the antiquity of man himself.

  • The capture of Fort Fisher has a most important bearing on my campaign, and I rejoice in it for many reasons, because of its intrinsic importance, and because it gives me another point of security on the seaboard.

  • Keep everybody busy, and let Stoneman push toward Greensboro' or Charlotte from Knoxville; even a feint in that quarter will be most important.

  • This was a most important railroad, and I proposed to destroy it completely for fifty miles, partly to prevent a possibility of its restoration and partly to utilize the time necessary for General Slocum to get up.

  • Needless to say, mastery of its literature is regarded by him as a most important preliminary in taking up any line of investigation.

  • I look back to these days, especially to the Saturday afternoons spent in the workshops of this admirably conducted iron foundry, as a most important part of my education as a mechanical engineer.

  • I must also add a most important person, my old and much esteemed friend John Anderson, then general director of the Machinery of the arsenal.

  • My connection with the Great Western Company shortly led to a most important event in connection with my own personal history.

  • There are frequent references to certain of the gods of the Ancients being represented in priapic attitudes, the phallus being the prominent and most important attribute.

  • But Socrates did not grow like a mushroom out of the earth, for he extends in continuity with his time, and this is not only a most important figure in the history of philosophy--but perhaps also a world famed personage.

  • The principle is a most important contribution to the study of meaning in dreams.

  • A most important point to consider in the cooking of vegetables is the saving of the minerals.

  • It also plays a most important part in the preparation of foods, since it serves as a medium for the cooking of foods, as in the processes of steaming and boiling.

  • For the boy who would "make the team" and excel in athletics the matter of a proper food selection is most important.

  • It is most important to combine foods that "taste well.

  • The consistency of griddle cake batter is most important.

  • Moreover, and this is most important, Belisarius raised the native population against the Goths.

  • It was, and always will be, a most important point.

  • The Federal laws undoubtedly constitute the most important part of the legislation of the United States.

  • Footnote i: The Federal judges decide upon their own authority almost all the questions most important to the country.

  • But the more recent Constitution of the United States contains certain principles which exercise a most important influence, although they do not at once strike the observer.

  • Most important of all was the organization, by groups of individuals (R.

  • The reestablishment of the throne was a most important step in favour of the Bourbons, for that was the thing most difficult to be done.

  • During the evening he had resolved upon throwing himself into the long boat; he had already fixed on the persons who were to share his fate, and had already named to me the papers which he thought it most important to save.

  • Most important of all, a letter was despatched to Archbishop Anselm, making excuses for the coronation of the king in his absence, and requesting his immediate return to England.

  • Besides these, most important of the primary authorities, there are a number of others of hardly less value.

  • During this year, 1138, Stephen adopted a method of strengthening himself which was imitated by his rival and by later kings, and which had a most important influence on the social and constitutional history of England.

  • The king had learned many things in the experience of the years since his eldest son was crowned, but the conclusions which seem to us most important, he appears not to have drawn.

  • The distinction thus beginning was destined to lead to most important results, plainly to be seen in the constitution of to-day, but it was wholly unnoticed at the time.

  • In orchids and aroids, in grasses and sedges, reduction plays a most important part, leaving its traces on the flowers as well as on the embryo of the seed.

  • No occurrence of possible varietal characteristics obscures the result, and in this respect this hybrid stands out much more clearly than all those between garden-plants, where varietal marks nearly always play a most important part.

  • Inside the impregnated ovum we now see a rapid series of most important changes.

  • Thus the very feature which was advanced by our critics as a disproof became a most important piece of evidence in favour of our pithecoid origin.

  • It is quite certain that this use or disuse of organs is a most important factor in organic development, but it is not sufficient to explain the origin of species.

  • In the circumstances it is most important that we should get in touch with this man.

  • I was in the midst of a most important passage, and I should probably have taken no steps in the matter but that Ah Tsong knocked upon the study door, to inform me that my wife had been awakened by the sound of the shot.

  • Then I can get her testimony, which is most important to my case?

  • What is most important in cultural education?

  • Most important of all, perhaps, is the work that must be done to save the babies.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "most important" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abstract conceptions; another hour; battle against the children; bill passed; five were; general agent; gentle breeze; great artists; hereby declared; little south; long drive; most beautiful; most cases; most excellent; most happy; most important; most interesting; most likely; most men; most people; most probably; popular vote; pray take; rich cream; todas las; went and