The bondage under which they lay to the sheriff[416] and tax-gatherer could only be broken when they were given full powers to assess and collect all their own taxes.
Such persons assess non-violence as a tactic, rather than accepting it as a value in itself.
They must assess properly the attitude of the third party and carry on educational work with this group until it is certain that it will not go over to the other side at the moment of action.
It is the new assemblies which assess the taxes and superintend their collection; which determine upon and direct all public works; and which form the court of final appeal in regard to matters in dispute.
So much the worse for the officers if the money-chest does not suffice for them; let them assess each other, or borrow on their note of hand from the municipality, or from the rich men of the town.
The corporate authorities were authorized to assess the inhabitants and all property within the actual bounds of the town for all the charges of repairing the streets, and other matters of municipal expense.
Willingness to under-assess property often becomes thus the chief virtue of an assessor in the eyes of his political constituents.
Further, that the justices of peace assess no fine upon any that shall be convict before them of things done against any Statute of Labourers or Artificers or by that cause shall put him in the King's grace, beneath 3s.
To provide for this increase authority was given the towns to assess traders from abroad for a fair proportion of the outlays of the town.
To assess the population at this period it is necessary to bring to bear information from all sources, American and Spanish, and to utilize all indirect methods of computation which may be appropriate.
Some check on the reliability of the estimates supplied by the various commissioners and agents may be obtained from two sources, neither of which constituted a direct attempt to assess population.
In order to assess the population in greater detail as well as to introduce new sources of information it will be advantageous to break up the entire region into smaller units and consider these units one by one.
From others he demands a certain sum, but leaves it to the states of each province to assess and levy that sum as they think proper.
To foretell the seat of empire Here will be, nor for a day, Where Balboa's sea doth mingle With the waters of thy bay!
Brad strode to the console he and Drummer had used to assess the fleet's status a short while before.
Our immediate task is to assessthe forces we will have available and operational to do the job.
Captain Yargoul had barely assumed command of the combined fleet and needed to assess the situation.
Whereas, when we come to estimate human beings, we ordinarily regard it as a kind of indignity to assess primarily their extrinsic goodness, i.
I accordingly assess the many desirable but competing ideals and see which of them will on the whole most harmoniously supplement my imperfections.
At a meeting at the Bishop's Palace on the 19th, steps were taken for the relief of the sufferers, a public subscription organized, and surveyors appointed to assess the damage.
At the Norfolk Sheriff's Court at Norwich, a jury was empanelled to assess damages in a case of crim.
The Justices of Assize were to assess the effectiveness of the Justices of the Peace as well as enforce the treason statute on circuit.
The committee sympathised with him, but found that they must assess him according to his rent.
In this way assess the value of each character to the story as a whole.
Army Corps of Engineers has also undertaken studies to assess the feasibility of expanding the Bonneville Locks.
Second, the time has come to assess and reform all of our institutions of government at the Federal, State, and local level.
If the entire trade risk is placed upon the employer he will promptly and properly add it to the legitimate cost of production and assess it proportionately upon the consumers of his commodity.
Another method of meeting the difficulty of taxing the grease pound is to assess a specific duty on grease wool in terms of its scoured content.
It is too soon to assess them; and we who stand in the midst of them and are part of them are less qualified than men of another generation will be to say what they mean, or even what they have been.
In critical subjects, at the fourth, eighth, and 12th grades, we must assess our students' performance.
Who shall justly and perfectly assess the beautiful claims of Great and Little Eversden?
I thought, I remember, at his death, how hopeless it was to assess a man's virtue and usefulness in the terms of his career.
Many of them, in fact, are officially appointed to assess this obligatory use of salt and, like the collectors of the taille, these are "jointly responsible for the price of the salt.
The question was whether a lord of a mannor may assess two years and a half value of copyhold land according to racked rent for a fine upon surrender and admittance, and for non-payment enter for forfeiture.
It made no attempt to assess the amount of this damage.