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Example sentences for "stepsister"

Lexicographically close words:
steppes; steppeth; stepping; steppit; steps; stepsisters; stepson; stepsons; stept; ster
  1. By-and-by the girl arrived at the farm, and she was engaged to look after the cows and sift the corn as her stepsister had been.

  2. Every inch of the way she trod the path which her stepsister had trodden, and saw the things which she had seen; but there the likeness ended.

  3. After some weeks her third trial came, and the yarn was given her to spin, as it had been given to her stepsister before her.

  4. There were the caskets, blue and red, green and yellow, silver and gold; and there in the corner stood a little black casket, just like the one her stepsister had brought home.

  5. One day therefore she said to her own daughter: "It is hard that your stepsister should have become Ranee of all the land instead of being eaten up by the great fish, while we gained no more than a lac of gold mohurs.

  6. But while she was doing so her stepsister gave her a push, and she fell backward into the water.

  7. His stepsister got into trouble and died, leaving little David.

  8. He is a bachelor, but years ago he took little David from the dead arms of an unhappy, wild young stepsister and has brought him up as his own.

  9. Wondering at this, her stepmother sent her two-eyed stepsister to watch her.

  10. The next night her stepsister is sent to the ovin, and the stranger appears as before, and asks her to marry him.

  11. And I think Harriet herself was hardly happier in her new bliss than her gentle stepsister in witnessing it.

  12. Whatever your stepsister may be, Nathalie at least is his lawful wife!

  13. Nellie still remained with Mrs. Kelsey, and though she had so far forgiven her stepsister as to write to her occasionally, she still cherished toward her a feeling of animosity for having stolen away her lover.

  14. She is a stepsister of Miss Kennedy, whom you probably know.

  15. When the girl saw that her father had disappeared she walked on slowly through the woods, till she came to the gates of the same house in which her stepsister had found happiness.

  16. Before 1609, Fletcher's stepsister Cicely, named after her aunt, the Countess, had become the Lady Cicely Blunt.

  17. One day, therefore, she said to her own daughter, "It is hard that your stepsister should have become Ranee of all the land instead of being eaten up by the great fish, while we gained no more than a lac of gold mohurs.

  18. Helen kept the flowers for herself and her mother; she did not even thank her stepsister for the trouble she had taken.

  19. Her stepsister whispered to her mother when she saw her: 'This girl is very much like our Conkiajgharuna!

  20. So Conkiajgharuna stayed at home while her stepsister drove out the cow.

  21. When the brother came home to fetch his sister, the step-mother and stepsister said they must go too.

  22. But of course she took good care that her own daughter's flax was fine and strong, while the stepsister had only some coarse stuff, which no one would have thought of using.

  23. There were the caskets, blue and red, green and yellow, silver and gold; and there in the corner stood a little black casket just like the one her stepsister had brought home.

  24. I could see that, even to Phil, the thought of a cruise taken in the company of our new friend and that ideal chaperon, his aunt, Lady MacNairne, had attractions which the idea of a cruise alone with her stepsister had lacked.

  25. I'm Miss Rivers; my stepsister is Miss Van Buren.

  26. But rather than be thus trapped, she stepped over Tibe and pushed past her stepsister with an "I beg your pardon, dear.

  27. I'm sure that if a palmist had contrived to capture Phil's virtuous little hand, and foretold any such events, my stepsister would have considered them as impossible as monstrous.

  28. Yet I think she would have stayed if her stepsister had not urged.

  29. I could not allow my English stepsister to be better informed than I concerning a country which I already began to regard as a sort of confiscated family estate that ought to have been mine.

  30. Even my stepsister feels so now, though she was against it at first, and neither of us would give it up for anything.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stepsister" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.