These momentary fascinations are not necessarily false: they may for an instant be quite absorbing and irresistible; they may genuinely suffuse the whole mind.
Such an experience may suffuse the best equipped mind, if its primordial energies, its will and emotions, much outrun its intelligence.
They are not separately heard by the ear; they blend with the fundamental note and suffuse it, and alter it.
Ishmael felt an exquisite glow suffuse his tired heart that had been so dry for months.
Something I cannot see puts upward libidinous prongs, Seas of bright juice suffuse heaven.
His heat was not always to suffuse her, suffuse her, through her mind and her individuality, till she was of one heat with him, till she had not her own self apart.
What more could be needed to suffuse the world with the deepest meaning and beauty?
But lonely shepherd souls Who bask amid these knolls May catch a faery sound On sleepy noontides from the ground: "O not again Till Earth outwears Shall love like theirs Suffuse this glen!
NOW when Morning, clad in her robe of saffron, had begun to suffuse light over the earth, Jove called the gods in council on the topmost crest of serrated Olympus.
At length as the Morning Star was beginning to herald the light which saffron-mantled Dawn was soon to suffuse over the sea, the flames fell and the fire began to die.
At the recital of a noble action or a beautiful thought they would suffuse with tears, and his mouth trembled.