Many of the internal remedies employed for seasickness are directed to the stomach and intestines.
The limpness and discomfort of seasickness is as nothing compared to the state that, as a rule, develops after such treatment.
I have known many people who, after suffering severely not in one but in many voyages, have, by means as simple as this, been saved from days of seasickness even in rough weather.
Most of the cures for seasickness that have been suggested have depended principally on the suggestive element.
Seasickness illustrates the place of unfavorable suggestion in digestion.
A simple remedy that has helped many through seasickness is the wearing of a sheet of glazed paper, usually some heavy writing-paper, immediately over the skin of the abdominal region.
A little seasicknessmust be a sort of tonic calculated to build up poor appetites.
As a rule boys seem to recover from seasickness much sooner than older people.
Seasickness is almost sure to be felt on the first voyage one takes.
In fact it was less than one hour later that big Bob, after heroically postponing the dreaded seasickness as long as he possibly could, turned and went to his berth to join his stricken comrade.
Our party having served out their time at seasickness on the "Oceana," were not called to suffer any more from that malady on this voyage.
Another day gone, and we congratulate one another that seasickness lasted only one day with us.
Nobody expectedseasickness as soon as it seized us.
To those who suffered from anything besides seasickness he sent medicine and special food later on.
Then as if by magic the decks filled with a merry company, even those who had suffered most from seasickness the gayest of all.
My sister, though, never suffers from seasickness and is a charming traveling companion as you'll find.
His father, it seems, a pilot before him, had suffered from seasickness for thirty-seven years, and then for thirty years more had been quite free from it.
This young man asked a great many questions about seasickness before we left, and wanted to know what its characteristics were and how he was to tell when he had it.
Even seasickness did not separate them and when the sun shone they were on deck, solemnly smiling back to heaven.
Even moderately rough weather makes the unsheltered deck impossible; the nether decks of the ship become full of sickening odours and seasickness claims nearly all the passengers as victims.
I meet many unamiable persons "whene'er I take my walks abroad," who only need two days of seasickness to convert them into positive ornaments to society.
A thorough novitiate of seasickness is as indispensable, in my opinion, to the formation of true manly character, as the measles to a well-regulated childhood.
Mentally as well as corporeally, seasickness is a wonderful renovator.
For an explorer to be ever in rough weather subject to seasickness is a horrid affliction.
Resist in vain, then at last become ill, and this passes into a long spell of about the worst seasickness I have ever endured.
It was almost too much, the seasicknessand added to it the very painful hurt.
I was too utterly done up to reply, for two days' violent seasickness rather takes the mental ginger out of one's make-up.
We have come up the English Channel from Dinard to Ostend, but before we had been out an hour we struck a gale, to which veterans on seasickness will refer for many a long day as "that fearful time on the Channel.
The recovery from seasickness is usually as rapid as the coming of the trouble; given a firm foundation to stand upon, and the sufferer soon forgets his agony, so that he can even remember that food tastes good.
Anyhow, the cargo will be lighter after all this," Giraffe spoke up, after a while, showing that even seasickness could not quite extinguish his love of joking.
But then that was nothing singular, for it was certainly getting pretty rough out there on that great expanse of water, and some of the scouts were sure to display signs of seasickness sooner or later, he knew.
On my way to the cabin, I passed the dining table already arranged for supper; and as I had eaten very sparingly since my seasickness on the way to Hull, I was fully prepared for a square meal.
Well, I had my own periods of indisposition going over; and if it had been seasickness I should not hesitate a moment about coming right out and saying so.
And sure enough, when we had passed out of the Gulf Stream and the sea had smoothed itself out, I made a speedy and satisfactory recovery; but if it had been seasickness I should have confessed it in a minute.
Such are the brutalizing influences ofseasickness that I immediately reminded her that hers was above.
The wind died away during the night, and they awoke in the morning with their seasickness gone and appetites ravenous.
Seasickness prevented any assertion of curiosity at first, and later the febrile symptoms which the examining surgeon had noted developed in him until he could think of nothing else.
Women are more affected than men, and the man who will discover a remedy for seasickness will find his name immortalized.
Seasickness is largely responsible for this perplexing phase of water travel.
Seasickness is akin, you know, to that dizzy feeling some people have when at a height.
It is hardly necessary to say that the patient should remain in the open air continuously, until all symptoms of seasickness have paused.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seasickness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: nausea; qualm; vomiting