There are flowers of the fields and woods and hedgerows, of the seashore and the lake's margin, of the mountain-side up to the very edge of the eternal snow.
Two years in succession I have been at the seashore during the autumnal migration of sandpipers and plovers.
Therefore, it forms but a very small part of the general theory of the origin of the earth and other bodies, "as the sand by the seashore innumerable," that fill the infinite spaces.
And when they had seen that there was plenty of hay in the loft to last the horse through the Winter, they carried all their luggage down to the seashore and got on to the boat.
When I come back it will be summer, and I'll take you to the seashore or mountains or somewhere, and help you get well.
He only spent time enough on the seashore to build and provision a balsa, or boat with sails, and then he said "good bye" to the fisherfolk, and sailed away toward the east with a few of the wise men for companions.
It was a long time before they came to a place near the seashore where a number of women were picking the ripe pods from vanilla vines which overran the trees and shrubs completely.
For Eugenia there was nothing in prospect but lonely days at the Waldorf, until her father could find time to take her down to the seashore for a few weeks.
A white, two-story house, with brilliant orange awnings, that Terry's father had bought when Oceanedge had promised to become a thriving seashore resort.
Another important idea is that littoral haunts, both on the seashore and in the freshwaters, afforded the necessary apprenticeship and transitional experience for the more strenuous life on dry land.
Shifts for a Living We get another glimpse of the intensity of the seashore struggle for existence in the frequency of "shifts for a living," adaptations of structure or of behaviour which meet frequently recurrent vicissitudes.
It may have been colonised by gradual migration up estuaries and rivers, or by more direct passage from the seashore into the brackish swamp.
It is not an easy haunt of life, but none the worse for that, and it is tenanted to-day by representatives of practically every class of animals from infusorians to seashore birds and mammals.
Their remains are often associated with the "Fifty-foot Beach" which, though now high and dry, was the seashore in early Neolithic days.
And he spoke of the times--as child and youth, home from the seashore or college, he had driven over the same road.
In the summer, that season of desolation for Honora, when George Hanbury and Algernon Cartwright and other young gentlemen were at the seashore learning to sail boats and to play tennis, Peter Erwin came to his own.
Some of them expected to go away from Centerville for a few weeks at the seashore with parents, or other relatives; but the prospect had little charm for them at that hour.
If you should stay at Cockburnspath all night you will not forget to visit the seashore and the caves.
But country children on a visit to the seashore find fun and joy and something to laugh at in every breaker or tumbling wave.
Then we can go on and be at the seashorein the morning.
Get someone to drop your best knife in the sand next time you go to the seashore and then take your baby brother with you when you go to look for it, and you will see that I am right.
People used to send their little boys down to the seashore in the morning before breakfast to get the day's wishes, and very often the eldest boy in the family would be told to wish for a Megatherium, ready jointed for cooking.
I mean all the seashore in all the world," he said, at last.
Question: Is the number of sands on the seashore odd or even?
Mr. Van Winkle is building a gray stone mansion of forty rooms on Seashore Drive.
So the three went down to the beach, and Marjorie, who hadn't been to the seashore since she was a small child, plumped herself down on the sand, and just gazed out at the tumbling waves.
Mrs. Vane looked round; the seashorewas perfectly quiet except for one or two old fishermen mending their nets at some distance.
Indeed, I can hardly believe that it is eleven years ago since I saw you playing about on the seashore as a child.
He had been on the seashore for the greater part of the afternoon, and it was now sunset.
I'd much rather Twitt dug a hole in the seashoreand put my body into it himself, without any prayers at all, than have a prayer croaked over me by that clerical raven!
So, calling her maidens, she went down to the seashore and first saw Hiku on the highest crest of the rolling surf.
When he withdrew from his residence among men he left a son on the uplands of the district of North Kona, and a daughter on the seashore of the same district.
This was a hole near theseashore in the valley of Waipio on the eastern coast of the island.
Down to the seashore Hiku went with his retainers, down to the tabu place of the beautiful Kewalu.
He now learned that it came from the distant seashore far below his home on the mountain-side.