I will recur in treating of the events of 1814 to this disgraceful affair, and will give some particulars, which I think are not generally known, in regard to the principal authors and participants in this daring act of brigandage.
Once, towards evening (I feel the same sort of emotion whenever I recur to it), it happened that the sentinels were less on the alert; and I heard in a low but clear voice some one singing in a prison adjoining my own.
She added, "I could wish that every time you happen to recur to this passage you should call to mind that I have kissed and kissed it again.
Ideas laid up in this manner, will recur in the same order, and will be ready for further use.
Momentilla and the watch, Zephyretta and the fan, Crispissa and the lock of hair, Brillante and the diamond drops, are so intimately associated, that they necessarily recur together in the memory.
When we have observed, in several instances, that one event constantly precedes another, we believe, and expect, that these events will in future recur together.
As some further apology for offering them to the public, werecur to a passage in Dr.
A recollective memory of books appears early in children who are not overwhelmed with them; if the impressions made upon their minds be distinct, they will recur with pleasure to the memory when similar ideas are presented.
Things that happen at the same time; things that are said, thoughts that have occurred, at the same time, will recur to the mind together.
They are selected, they pass from his mind, and, when they recur to it again, the selection is reaffirmed.
Other stelae at Copan display the interesting set of 6+1=7 signs which recur on so many Central American monuments and strikingly coincide in number with the all-pervading division into six parts plus the middle and synopsis of all.
These balls, which also recur in the Palenque symbol, forcibly recall a passage of the Zuni creation myth recounted by Mr. Cushing.
I recur to an interesting feature, which I have already pointed out, namely, that the left arm of the personage terminates in a tiger's or puma's head.
These recur on the fine Sendschirli stela of Esarhaddon about which a few words remain to be said.
As it is, I shallrecur to it on mentioning other monuments with figures yielding the same number and disposed, in one case, as 6x4.
They likewise recur on two of several sacrificial papers on p.
I shall again recur in treating of the territorial divisions of the state, which corresponded to the three divisions of the universe, the Above, Middle and Below.
It is the Indian banker who supplies perhaps the larger part of the capital yet available for business and enterprise, and to whom the white settlers have not hesitated to recur for financial aid.
But the traveller, who is passing through on a journey of only a few months, may recurwith safety and with high advantage to that admirable prophylactic.
It is painful to me to recur to these recollections even for the purpose of self-defence, and even to that end, sir, I will not extol the intelligence, the character and the virtue of the people of New England.
The "Epitaphium Damonis" is in a higher strain, and we shall have torecur to it.
They recur when he moralizes; and his morality is too interwoven with the texture of his piece to be other than obtrusive.
At times I have fits of melancholy, but the best way to get rid of them is by writing or receiving letters, which always cheers me; but, believe me, these sad feelings never recur without too good cause.
You must forgive my silence on the subject, but my thoughts recur to it constantly.
It will repeatedly recur in the course of our inquiry in relation to various classes of memorials of the past.
They are frequently only distorted images of important truths, and we shall find more than one occasion torecur to them for aid in reuniting the broken skein of primitive history.
These same tropes recur in American languages in the same connection.
As, however, juries in several cases refused to convict men who were prosecuted for these offences, it was determined to recur to measures still more decisive.
If, therefore, we recur to the facts just cited, we may say that, omitting several circumstances altogether subordinate, there were three leading causes of the corruption of the history of Europe in the Middle Ages.
I do not recur to my worship of him (for such it was) I shall never console myself for its having caused the death of that eminent man David Hume, who, to gratify me, undertook to entertain that filthy animal in England.
The meeting here was one of great interest, and one to which we recur with unfeigned pleasure.
The meeting was one to which I recur with sincere satisfaction.
Probably the same state of affairs will recur in the classes for the abnormal--at any rate until the time when provision for epileptics is more extensive than it is at present.
The threads are covered with an overcast stitch, and alternate squares of those that recur over the space are decorated with a cross.
XVIIth century embroidered curtain; similar bunches, but composed of different flowers, recurat intervals over this hanging.
Just so, the impressions of outer objects fashion for themselves in the nervous system more and more appropriate paths, and these vital phenomena recur under similar excitements from without, when they have been interrupted for a certain time.
Things we did, topics we discussed, trips we took, games we played, now recur at the renewal of our acquaintance.
Individual opportunities of so high a character, and a reception so genial and even eager towards the intellectual activity of women did not again recur in England.
It is played by reciting some story, which Echo is supposed to interrupt whenever the narrator pronounces certain words which recur frequently in his narrative.
Finding that her father did not recur to the subject, Marian concluded that he had found himself to be misinformed.
It was not an agreeable interview to recur to mentally in after time, but in the end Tom gained his point, and a portion of his future patrimony was handed over to him.