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Example sentences for "reclaim"

Lexicographically close words:
reckoneth; reckoning; reckonings; reckons; recks; reclaimable; reclaimed; reclaiming; reclaims; reclamation
  1. Reclaim my truant heart from its wanderings.

  2. Pity the careless; reclaim the backsliding; comfort the sorrowful; sustain the dying.

  3. Arrest the careless; reclaim the wandering; strengthen the feeble.

  4. Though watchful, 'twas but to reclaim me, Nor, silent, to sanction a lie.

  5. It appears from this system that God permitted the first man to sin that he might have the pleasure of showing his goodness in sacrificing his "only begotten Son" to reclaim men from the thraldom of Satan.

  6. The person who has an equitable right cannot reclaim the stock from one who is, or succeeds to the rights of, a bona fide purchaser for value without notice.

  7. In the case supposed the seller has been fraudulently induced to part with his title and may reclaim it.

  8. Even though the buyer has paid a large part of the price of the goods, the seller may, nevertheless, reclaim the goods.

  9. They are his goods and therefore he may reclaim them.

  10. If a large part has been paid, the seller will very likely prefer to reclaim the goods unless they are household furniture.

  11. In addition to this, the hereditary judges had the power of repledging; that is to say, they could reclaim any accused person from courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction, and try him by their feudal authority.

  12. The joy of his friends, and the less agreeable surprise of his successor, may be more easily imagined than described, when the judge appeared in court to reclaim his office and honours.

  13. Yes, given as you say, but on condition that whenever I sought to reclaim it, I was at liberty to do so on the payment of thirty thousand livres; and have you never heard what was the result of this donation?

  14. The town of Abdera, notwithstanding Democritus lived there, trying all the powers of irony and laughter to reclaim it, was the vilest and most profligate town in all Thrace.

  15. I could reclaim her, and call the force of the State to recover her.

  16. To reclaim from a savage or barbarous state; to educate; to refine.

  17. They were a little in awe of him, but the awe only served to make them more industrious and orderly,--to stimulate the idle man, to reclaim the drunkard.

  18. Bring brands speedily, and reclaim the treaty in fire.

  19. It means, primarily, to reclaim from a savage or semibarbarous state.

  20. Now if He tasted death for every man, can we believe that He will not somehow and somewhere reclaim every man?

  21. If our children are evil, it is our glory to reclaim them.

  22. On maintaining the bridge against him depend our lives, as well as our hope to reclaim our laws and liberties.

  23. Why seeks he with unwearied toil Through death's dim walks to urge his way, Reclaim his long-asserted spoil, And lead oblivion into day?

  24. These reclaim the inverted motions without increasing the heat of the body above its natural state, if given in their proper doses, as in the globus hystericus, and palpitation of the heart.

  25. For eighteen hundred years, whenever it has been exhibited to the sons of men, it has been potent to reclaim and save them.

  26. A man who will do what he has done will be very likely to conceal from you the true cause of his disaster, and if you know the cause you may perhaps be able to reclaim him.

  27. But nothing in her looks betrayed recognition or curiosity as she bestirred herself to reclaim the articles for which the check was a voucher of ownership, and to help him into them.

  28. The pioneer settlers on the arid public domain chose their homes along streams from which they could themselves divert the water to reclaim their holdings.

  29. But in three days justice will reclaim her, and she will be hanged on the Grève.

  30. This delusion was the stronger in that he believed he was testing the girl, challenging her right to reclaim him by a last obstinate rebellion.

  31. And there rose before her clearly that the only way to reclaim him was to put a purpose into his aimless life.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reclaim" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abet; aid; amend; assist; avail; befriend; benefit; comfort; doctor; ease; favor; help; protect; rally; ransom; recapture; reclaim; recondite; reconstruct; recoup; recover; recuperate; redeem; reform; regain; regenerate; rehabilitate; rejuvenate; relieve; remedy; remodel; renew; renovate; replevin; repossess; rescue; reshape; restore; resume; resuscitate; retake; retrieve; revive; salvage; save; succor