His work is a vast repertory of facts relating to the commerce, manufactures, general policy, and public prosperity, not only of Barcelona, but of Catalonia.
People cherish them as they do the melodies to which some of them are fortunately set, or as they do certain bits from Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Schubert, which belong to the repertory of every pianola or talking machine.
The account of this, and the subsequent comparison, is given at length in the Táin, and is a valuable repertory of archæological information.
Transactions, and is a repertory of learning of immense value to the student of Irish history.
Jouslin de Lasalle, I withdrew Antony forcibly from the repertory of the Porte-Saint-Martin, where it was bringing in large sums.
Yet it holds its place in the repertory of Russian opera, and deservedly, since it contains some of Tchaikovsky's finest inspirations.
The work, which does not appear to have become a repertory opera, is worth the study of those who are interested in folk-music.
The opera was produced in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but did not long hold a place in the repertory of either theatre.
Glinka's repertory at nineteen contained nothing more profound than the virtuoso music of Steibelt, Herz, Hummel and Kalkbrenner.
The actors played in German, but a certain number of clerks in the Chancellery of the Embassies were sent to Kunst to be taught the repertory in Russian.
These and other pieces from the repertory of the day were culled from various European sources, but almost invariably passed into the Russian through the intermediary of the German language.
The entire Russian repertory rested on her, and she bore the burden courageously and triumphantly.
The Oprichnik is not exactly popular, but it has never dropped out of the repertory of Russian opera.
Of this number, none can be said to have been really a failure, and only one has dropped completely out of the repertory of the two capitals and the provinces, although some are undoubtedly more popular than others.
It is the duty of every young woman to keep track of these additions to her repertory of activities.
This play represents the most successful work of the Glasgow Repertory Theatre in 1914.
The Little Theatre movement in this country, our Drama League, and the various dramatic societies in our colleges and cities are our nearest parallel to theserepertory theatres.
Mr. Brighouse represents in this volume the work of the English Repertory theatres, which parallel the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, the Glasgow Repertory Theatre, and various European stage-societies.
In 1911 he produced Mr. Harold Brighouse's Lonesome-Like and several of his own short plays at the Glasgow Repertory Theatre.
It is remarkable, that although the above story explains the common representation of the Saint, with three children in a tub, it is not to be found in that grand repertory of Monkish lies, The Golden Legend.
It is an immenserepertory of matter for the use of the clergy, every page containing stories and examples in all possible variety.
As a comic opera it is quite one of the best in the world, and fully deserves its place in the repertory of opera for all time.
Without being in the least pedantic, it has a smack of the period; and as a sheer, joyous bit of comedy it ranks very high in the repertory of Shakespearian music.
I suppose his work is performed very occasionally; whereas Gounod's is in every operatic repertory in the world.
His Taming of the Shrew is still in the repertory of the German opera-houses.
The pupil in history needs a repertory of historical facts as the Latin pupil needs a repertory of Latin words; he needs collections of facts, and the school text-books are mostly collections of words.
The most important original work which has appeared in France since the publication of the analytical repertory of R.
In a repertory a number of verified facts belonging to a given class are collected and arranged in an order which makes it easy to refer to them.
A glance at the repertory of any of the municipal theatres which have been named is enough to convince one that an elevated aim is steadily kept in view.
They have got their repertory of efficient answers to the ordinary questions of everyday life, and why should they experiment?
The repertoryof possible colours in the common chameleon is greater than in any other animal except the Æsop prawn.
Is it possible to persuade ourselves that they would not have known if a piece in their repertory did or did not really belong to Shakspeare?
Human life is confined to a dramatic repertory which has already become somewhat classical and worn, but music has no end of new situations, shaded in infinite ways; it moves in all sorts of bodies to all sorts of adventures.
Le Sage, detailed in the 5th volume of "The Repertory of Arts," charred ordinary turf seems to be capable of producing a far more intense heat than common charcoal.
Didot then sent over to Paris the Repertory of Arts, for Sept.
It should be a convenient repertory to which the mind may revert in order to see broadly the general opinion of an epoch--and what connected it with those that followed or preceded it.
Their plays never found real favour with the public, never became part of the permanent repertory of any theatre.
At the present time the only opera of Weber which can truthfully be said to belong to the current repertory is 'Der Freischütz,' and even this is rarely performed out of Germany.
Donizetti, as we have seen, enriched the repertory of opera buffa with several masterpieces of gay and brilliant vivacity, but few of the lighter works of his contemporaries deserve permanent record.
Without renouncing its classic traditions, or its delightful repertory of the old opéra-comiques, it has had understanding enough, under the judicious management of M.
His orchestra has kept, moreover, the superiority that it had already acquired in its repertory of Wagner's works.
So I played softly and voluptuously, till my scanty repertory was exhausted, and then drifted into a tender capriccio.
For the easy profanity, unconscious obscenity, and august slang of the back country scented the air like myall; whilst the aggregate repertory of bonâ fide anecdote and reminiscence was something worth while.
In the following year, accordingly, we find him starting, in conjunction with his friends Abel and Petersen, the Wirtemberg Repertory of Literature.
As a good repertorywas of prime importance, much of his time went to the making of translations and adaptations.