It may be long ere either of us again sees this grand display of rock and water, of brown mountain and shining glacier; we will not prove ourselves ungrateful for the happiness we have, by repining for that which is impossible.
Not so with Christine; she has always warmly returned the affection of our parents, as a daughter should love the authors of her being, while I fear I have been repining when I should have loved.
After this, the Britains bearing a malicious hatred towards the Romane souldiers, and repining to be kept vnder the bond of seruitude, eftsoones went about to recouer libertie againe.
I went over all the past history of the child, recalling all her sweet looks and words, and my own secret repining at the delicate health that cut her off from so many of the pleasures that belong to her age.
For she does not pretend not to grieve, but always says, "It is repining that dishonors God, not grief.
Rachel Gray; and though it had not been her lot to win that love, the thought was to her so sweet and so lovely, that she bore without repining her expected scolding.
Meek and patient she bore suffering and disease without repining or complaint, and granted herself but one indulgence: the sight and presence of Mary.
Mrs. Gray was a good and an upright woman; she reared her husband's child like her own, and worked for both, without ever repining at the double burden.
His repining often took the form of reproaches to Bianca for her childlessness.
And it was as much a matter of repining to him that Bianca was childless, as that his wife should not have given him an heir.
But yet, though repining at this hard necessity, she hesitated not a moment in complying with Mrs Delvile's request, and immediately sent an answer that she would meet her the next morning at Mrs Charlton's.
Still, I thought you deficient in kindly feeling towards them, and inclined to give way to repining and discontent, and I think you allowed I was not far wrong.
Life is a fairy scene: almost all that deserves the name of enjoyment or pleasure is only a charming delusion; and in comes repining age in all the gravity of hoary wisdom, and wretchedly chases away the bewitching phantom.
All else might be dumb; but that living stream, rushing through its rocky bed, stilled not its repining music.
The war had taken her only son, and she was a widow; but from that day to this, no human being has ever heard a word of repining from her lips.
He had no longer any repining or any questioning; but he knelt, full of a mysterious peace, resigning himself utterly into the mighty hands of the Father.
Tears might have alleviated the misery within him, but Buddy's grievous repining and loneliness was of a tearless brand.
The tumultuous cry of the cascade, wont to rant in the ragged throat of Hellsfork, was now hushed to a repining monotone.
Life is a fairy scene: almost all that deserves the name of enjoyment or pleasure is only a charming delusion; and in comes repining age, in all the gravity of hoary wisdom, and wretchedly chases away the bewitching phantom.
We submit without repining to the chastisements of Providence, aware that we are creatures, that opposition is vain and remonstrance impossible.
It is gratifying to mention that instead of murmuring and repining at this change of fortune they offered their services to Mrs. Fletcher, the husband as an out-door labourer and the wife as a domestic servant.
Let me draw satisfaction from this source, and, instead of murmuring and repining at my lot, consider it in a more pleasing view.
I amrepining at my hard lot in being torn from you much oftener than I ought.
He had been intended by his father for trade, but his spirit, soaring above the occupation for which he was designed, from repining led him to resist, and from resisting, to rebel.
Poverty, repining and hopeless poverty, a canker of the mind unknown in savage life, corrodes their spirits and blights every free and noble quality of their natures.
The young ladies had long been repining in secret at the parsimony of a prudent father, which kept down all their elegant aspirings.
At this question, the lady of beauty calling to mind her wedding night, which had been succeeded by a long widowhood, began to shed tears, repining bitterly at the loss of so handsome a husband as Buddir ad Deen.
Sir, your majesty may easily imagine, that the repining Hindbad was not a little surprised at this compliment.
And weeping woe, and disappointment keen, Repining penury, and sorrow sour, And self-consuming spleen.
Yet was the muse not always seen In poverty's dejected mien, Not always did repining rue, And misery her steps pursue.
There should she dwell as the handmaid of God, And if He bid her 'pass under the rod,' Let her each murmur repining suppress, Knowing He chasteneth that He may bless.
Who, when such eyes are shining, Can quell his heart's sensations; Or turn without repining To Square Root and Equations?
It is impossible to convey an idea of the extraordinary vehemence, the wild accents, the frantic looks, with which Nathan ended the horrid story, into which he had been betrayed by his repining companion.