This horse was a relic of former generations, and showed by his protruding ribs the general leanness of the land.
Nothing would be so easily traced and cared for, from century to century, as a relicthat half mankind revered as holy.
It is now in the Smithsonian Institution, being regarded too valuable a relic to hide away in the monument.
Yes, I may well describe that solitary being's feelings: I feel myself as the last relic of a beloved race, my companions extinct before me.
This precious relic he refused to give up to her who was its rightful owner, saying that, to induce him to part with it, her claim must be maintained by "strong and conclusive arguments.
A curious relic on the Chapel Royal altar is the Battle Virgin, a small ivory image which King Ferdinand the Sainted always carried in war firmly fixed on his saddle-bow.
The others fell victims to the Vandalism of memento or relic hunters.
It is both singular and disappointing that no ceramic relic of this period has been found.
The one is a relic of barbarism, the other a work of civilization, and both are the fruits of a combination to which all nations have been irresistibly led, viz.
The traditional privilege accorded to men of kissing any woman found under mistletoe is probably another relic of the same sort.
This last custom, which is now doubtless obsolete, may have been a relic of an annual period of license like the Saturnalia.
This priceless relic is one of the treasures in the keeping of the British Museum.
The fish-form of Oannes, the god of wisdom, is certainly a relic of totemism.
Itself a precious relic of antiquity, it had once dignified the shoulders of a contemporary of Manetho's remotest ancestors.
A relic of the Buddha is deposited on the platform, and a sacred thread is fastened round the Hall, one extremity of it being brought close to the relic and to the Reciters.
Thence it was transported to Pegu, and finally the precious tooth-relic (da[t.
It is said that this outgrowth of the Buddha's skull has been preserved as a sacred relic in a town of Afghanistan near Jalalabad.
When he carried off a tooth-relic of the Buddha from Kashmir, his procession back to his capital was attended by a large number of tributary kings.
Then his body was divided into two, so that each got one half as a sacred relic (Legge, pp.
Valentin had learned by his inquiries that morning that a Father Brown from Essex was bringing up a silver cross with sapphires, a relic of considerable value, to show some of the foreign priests at the congress.
But the guarder of the relic only seemed to turn his head by the smallest section of the compass.
The third kind of unorganized group is an abnormality in the midst of civilization, a relic of the primitive days when impulse rather than reason swayed the mind of a group.
One is therelic of an earlier time, with few changes in equipment, organization, or function; it has not shared in the process of evolution enjoyed by certain other institutions of society.
Even in the heart of the city Boston Common remains as a relic of the old custom.
He looked at it with a wild triumph, yet with a malignancy little in keeping with the object he held--the holy relic he had stolen from the door of the parish church.
She had locked the relic away in a cupboard in her bedroom, and she carried the key of it always in her pocket.
Suppose that the person who took the relic thought to do a pious act--for your Church, Monsieur?
To him the bygone days of his country's history were dear, made more familiar by many an antique relic which hung around his own room in his father's house.
After this party, the success which crowned his anecdote and its attendant relic made him fonder of showing it off; and many a day did Dick the Devil enjoy the astonishment of visitors as his father exhibited the enormous tooth as his own.
No, I 'll begretch it's anything more 'n some livery wear and relic o' fashion.
She was gazing at him with no relic of that indifference which had lately distressed his heart, and smiled at him as she colored deeply, and disappeared.
There's gold in them ridges yet--if a man can only git at it,' says the toothless old relic of the Roaring Days.
Lager-beer, and something vinegary of the claret order afford an indifferent choice, and if the house still possesses a pewter tankard, it probably is cherished on some shelf as a curious relic of savage times.
A curious relic is to be seen to this day, chained securely to the doorway of the "Red Lion" inn at Chiswick.
A relic of old, unsettled times is seen in the great oaken bar that serves to strengthen the front door against possible attack and forcible entry.
This theory, a hoary relic of German economics even now, has obviously not the least grasp of the interrelations obtaining in an international capitalist economy.
A picture that had hung within my room For years and years; a relic of my youth.
Falling into the conceit that she was an anticipation of the twentieth-century woman instead of my being an excavated relic of the nineteenth-century man, we speculated what we should do for the summer.
The altar piece is a relic of the loom,--a faded pictorial representation on tapestry, of which the colours and forms are now obscured by the touch of time.
The crowd was so eager to obtain a relic of the house of this atrocious criminal, that the police were obliged to employ force to prevent the tables and chairs, and even the doors, from being carried away.
In more modern days, a similar avidity was shewn to obtain a relic of the luckless Masaniello, the fisherman of Naples.
It is curious to remark the avidity manifested in all ages, and in all countries, to obtain possession of some relic of any persons who have been much spoken of, even for their crimes.
A far less probable supposition is, that it is a relic of some unrecorded visit of the Spaniards; but the pattern of the piece would have been antiquated even in the time of De Soto.
An interesting relic of the early explorers of this region was found a few years ago at Ottawa, six miles above Starved Rock, in the shape of a small iron gun, buried several feet deep in the drift of the river.
Between the same chantry and the wall lies the tomb of Bishop de Rupibus, while in the space between the chantries of Beaufort and Waynflete lies the only ancient military effigy in the cathedral, a genuinerelic of the fourteenth century.
The chief relic of Wykeham is a gold ring with a large sapphire in it.
This word is a relic of the belief in planetary influence.
This esage is a relic of the ancient use of a lectern folding like a camp stool.
This use is a relic of the patriot hatred of the Hessian mercenaries who served with the British troops in the Revolutionary War.