In addition to that he had caused his name to be inscribed on the rosterof a battalion of National Guards as soon as he was settled in his new quarters, and his pay, thirty sous a day, would be enough to keep him alive.
Great confusion prevailed in the column, and an officer, whose knowledge of the French language was imperfect, had been unable to complete the roster of the prisoners.
Reeve is named as dean, supported by a faculty of four lecturers and a roster of twelve students.
In 1876 for example, the roster of the department shows thirty-five students and four graduates.
At about this time there were some changes made in the roster of the regiment: First Lieutenant Nathan D.
A committee of ten, consisting of one member of each company, was chosen to prepare a perfect roster of the regiment.
Joe Menard's folks had to move," said Silvey, as he thought over the roster of last year's organization.
He was the son of our stalwart General Elijah Clarke and his wife, Hannah, and was the youngest soldier whose name appears upon the roster of Kettle Creek, being 13 years of age.
Landais, therefore, found great difficulty in getting a crew to man his frigate; and when Lafayette reached Boston, ready to embark for France, the roster of the ship in which he was to sail was still painfully incomplete.
Is that a true and accurate roster of the people who were employed in the department on the day that Ruby shot Oswald?
I would take these men and take them in there and get them mustered in on the roster so we would know they were there and have a record.
When I came into the city hall, I went to the assembly room, and that is where any initial assignments are made, in the assembly room, making up the muster and the roster of the reserve officers that arrived.
Mariquina Church on this occasion, and the death rosterof the insurgents for that day was very great.
When the official contingent was safely housed in spacious staterooms it was learned that quite a change had taken place in the roster of that worthy body.
The roster of officers in the second regiment included the names of the following persons who then resided in what is now the town of Montgomery: Jacob Newkirk, Captain; Cadwallader C.
The keeper of the roster was not of course to be detailed.
To perfect his plan, then, the first sergeant had the senior plebe in the company call at his "house," and take from the roster an alphabetical list of all the plebes in the company.
While Rownie had been speaking Lloyd had crossed the hall to where the roster of the nurses' names, in little movable slides, hung against the wall.
As often as a nurse was called out she removed her name from the top of this list and slid it into place at the bottom, so that whoever found her name at the top of the roster knew that she was "next on call" and prepared herself accordingly.
Her name was off the rosterof the house, and till the end of the month her time was her own.
In the regular service the roster covers guard duty and other duties, notably kitchen, police and other fatigue work.
For any roster the key word should be "equality of all duties.
This man,” continued zu Pfeiffer tapping the roster with his long nail, “his son is here?
Each boat took in herroster of passengers, who were in high spirits at this unusual excitement.
In spite of having three complete sets of crayons, a full roster of colours could rarely be found at drawing time.
That was the roster of the guests and it could almost be called the roster of Timmy's total acquaintances.
A glance at a roster of the Presidents of the United States will show how firmly it has taken root.
Well, examine the roster of the national House of Representatives, which surely represents the whole country.
Cashier, when authorized by law and employed under that roster title.
Assistant cashier, when authorized by law and employed under that roster title.
When a single organization furnishes the guard, a roster of organizations will be kept by the sergeant major under the supervision of the adjutant.
When so detailed a roster will be kept by the adjutant showing the duty performed by them.
After the camp has been put in order the first sergeant makes the details from roster for kitchen police and noncommissioned officer in charge of quarters for the next day and for such guard as may be ordered for that day.
This is what I call my Roster of the Faithful," he said, and looked searchingly into the face of the patriarch, whose glum reticence puzzled him.