Our general was satisfied with the results of the campaign thus far; the army was buoyant and confident, and the people were more reliant than they had been since Grant had crossed the Rapidan.
She seemed to have put away the self-reliant manner of the trail, and in its stead presented the lambent gaze, the tremulous lips of the bride.
Her neck rose from her shoulders like that of an acrobat, and she walked with the sense of security which comes from self-reliant strength.
These hardy, reliant men knew how to cut roads, to bridge streams, and to exist on scanty rations.
The story of the building of the Essex is that of an aroused and reliant people.
Self-reliant and indomitable, like Oliver Hazard Perry, he had wrestled with obstacles and was ready to meet the enemy in spite of them.
So many of these would-be independent and self-reliant young women prejudice others almost from the first by their airy disregard of every one else's convenience.
My sister is very self-reliant and--and--dauntless.
His father's letters reveal how much he was coming to lean upon the self-reliant young man, and to feel the need of his support and affection.
And He has indeed guided us in our ways; and certainly we would bear with patience your persecution of us; and on Allah should the reliant rely.
Say: Allah is sufficient for me; on Him do the reliant rely.
I cannot avail you aught against Allah; judgment is only Allah's; on Him do I rely, and on Him let those who are reliant rely.
For an instant, self-reliant and cool as he was, Dick was confused by the directness of his greeting.
He was younger than his partner, whose hair was grizzled to a badger gray, but no less determined and self-reliant in appearance.
The hero is a manly, self-reliant boy, whose adventures will be followed with interest.
My pearl could never outweigh all difficulties like the self-reliant Jennie.
Mr. Montgomery is not the sort of man one would naturally associate with his energetic and self-reliant helpmate.
He has few confidants, and lives as it were in a world of his own, being reticent to a marked degree, but confident and self-reliant as to his course in life.
Nor are Americans toadies or snobs; they are independent, self-reliant and self-respecting people.
The self-reliant young man, cold outwardly, had a warm and generous heart.
The pope saw that kindness alone would win back the self-reliant and independent artist, and finally prevailed upon him to return to Rome.
Days of sadness drag down the self-reliant adventuress.
For her the duty always underlies the right, and the development of the self-reliant individual is a preparation for the life of fellowship.
The European policy of the Whigs was in the hands of the brisk and self-reliant Lord Palmerston, who directed the foreign relations of England for nearly thirty years, with a few intervals of retirement from office.
A woman who is to be a helpmeet to her husband, such as I am to Binks, will be self-reliant and decide things for herself.
Binks; wherefore, like a self-reliant woman who did not believe in making her husband unhappy to no purpose, she left without word or sign as to her knowledge of the watch's disappearance.
The long war probably masked a basic flaw in the Virginia economy which Virginians believed they had solved--they were too reliant on tobacco.
Accordingly, the development of a self-reliant infantry by thorough drill in the use of the rifle and in the tactics of open warfare was always uppermost.
They know their own business, are quick and resourceful at every readjustment, definite in purpose and self-reliant in action.
Manly, self-reliant resistance of wrong, and practice of right?
He was a hardy, strong-willed, self-reliant young fellow.
Such men, who are self-reliant and conscious of power at ordinary times, grow diffident and doubtful of themselves when under the influence of a strong passion.